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Why does noone sell pollen?



Why is it that there are hundreds of seed companies out there all selling multiple seed varieties but noone selling pollen of their prized males? It never made sense to me!!

I would love to so some pollen chucking but dont feel like setting up a separate grow area for a male. Also, you never know what traits the male will pass along. Pollen seems like it would be easier to ship than seeds also. I know the shelf life isnt great but that isnt a big deal, just use it quicker!!!

I feel someone could make VERY good money in this untapped market!!! PLEASE someone come up with a way to do this!! I think people would pay $$BIG BUCKS$$ for pollen to a proven male

Please fill me in as to why this is a bad idea because if it wasnt a bad idea, then someone would have surely done this by now!


Pollen doesn't stay viable for even a fraction of the time a seed does. Unless you sell pollen to your next door neighbor, it probably isn't worth the trouble.


When is IC gonna get a YELLOW DUST DISTRICT set up at the Boo or Bay?


Pollen doesn't stay viable for even a fraction of the time a seed does. Unless you sell pollen to your next door neighbor, it probably isn't worth the trouble.
I've seen pollen ruined through regular mail during the hot months. I've sent pollen and it was viable for a few months easy...ask Subrob :). It does have a shelf life and needs to be handled differently but not impossible and at the least a bit of a pain which includes proper packaging. If not used quickly or stored properly after receipt until use then more problems.

but noone selling pollen of their prized males?
You'll have a hard time finding genuine breeders that will part with some pollen.

If it was feasible it would have happened already.


Active member
I would think that the major issue would be putting a price on the pollen from a (legitimate) prized male...here on the east coast we have people selling clones for thousands of dollars a piece...can only imagine what a vial full of "elite" pollen would go for...lawd've mercy


From what I understand keeper breeder males are much harder to find than a keeper fem...like about 1 in 25 beans popped.


Senior Member
seeds are legal in the netherlands, though pot is not...im guessing pollen is also just as illegal? i dunno it almost seems like that would make it too easy, everybody would be crossing everything and it would all turn into a big mish mosh...

back in the day clones used to be traded and sold from person to person via the mail all the time. when you are dealing with somebody in your country that can tell you exactly when it was sent and you are ready to use it right when you get it it really shouldn't be a problem...i mean if clones wrapped in wet paper towels can be pulled off a vial of pollen shouldn't be much harder, if not a lot easier...

the point is that legitimate companies wont sell it unless it becomes legal, and even in that case it may not happen lol good males seem to be more treasured than good females, since they are much harder to find. its easier with females because you can smoke the bud and tell right away if you like it...i couldn't imagine smoking the males to see how good they are (cannabis pollen gives me wicked allergies, lol), that leaves you with sight and smell, not always easy as most people are much more familiar with female flowers, and even harder still if they are indeed more rare as Mountain states above... but if you find somebody with a prized male in your country and convince them to send you some polen, it should be a doable thing...you just probably wont see it available for sale anytime soon.


Humble Human, Freedom Fighter, Cannabis Lover, Bre
ICMag Donor
In some strains many of the males as just as good as if not better for making crosses than the females in some cases. :good:

Not name dropping here. :biggrin:


ICMag Donor
To add..

1. Sometimes male pollen is sterile .. !

2. Not many people keep male parent plants, and when they do they don't flower clones to order.

3. It would be a whole lot easier to sell male clones.

Hope this helps


Because pollen is powdered gold in the seed breeding industry...

That is the reason i was thinking also! It is so valuable to have a prize winning male that it would be detrimental to sell your "strategic advantage" so to speak.

I dont agree with the shelf life concept, I know pollen doesnt last years. If you knew it had a short shelf life, you would just plan to use it as you get it!

I think the price would be figured pretty damn quickly, someone would throw up a 1/10 gram of pollen on auction and see how high it goes!

Thanks for all the quick responses, thought this at least needed to be discussed to see what the reasons why there werent people already doing it!

Mr. Greengenes

Re-incarnated Senior Member
ICMag Donor
It's not that select males are rarer than select females, it's just that females are faster to test because you just smoke them, while males must be bred and seeds grown from them to test their worth.


Wouldn't be out of the question for pollen to be inactive 50% of time after going through the mail. That would make for a LOT of angry customers...not really feasible it would seem.


It's not that select males are rarer than select females, it's just that females are faster to test because you just smoke them, while males must be bred and seeds grown from them to test their worth.
I've only made beans and never bred. The 1 in 25 thing comes from Crippled Crow pretty sure that's what he basically said. I've dealt with REv a lot and don't really remember talking to him about this subject.


Humble Human, Freedom Fighter, Cannabis Lover, Bre
ICMag Donor
To sell pollen you would need a constant fresh supply of it, which is extremely messy and labor intensive not to mention you likely would have only mega seeded bud on the premises as a result. :tiphat:

But I am all for pollen trust me on that! Seeds are the only way to OVERGROW these fuckers. :canabis:

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