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why does life want to be alive?


Active member
For lots of life (plant & simple microorganisms) it's less a choice than a built in manner of functioning. Imho "why" can be answered sufficiently by "natural selection."

But for a self-aware being the choice of whether to exist or not should be what matters before anything else, I'd think. But why choose life? If for nothing else the ability to continue to make the choice, I guess. I generally get a kick out of life, so it's not really a difficult choice. I do have bouts of serious depression where I think long and hard about not existing, but I'm usually aware that I'm in a funk and that my thinking is skewed & will return to normal happy thoughts eventually. Anyhow, I've told a freind in a hard place that I wouldn't ake serious life advice from anyone who claimed they've never considered or thought about suicide, or at least long and hard about their own natural demise and what it means to be alive.

I like this poem, it's on the subject:

“After Experience Taught Me ...”
by W. D. Snodgrass

After experience taught me that all the ordinary
Surroundings of social life are futile and vain;

I’m going to show you something very
Ugly: someday, it might save your life.

Seeing that none of the things I feared contain
In themselves anything either good or bad

What if you get caught without a knife;
Nothing—even a loop of piano wire;

Excepting only in the effect they had
Upon my mind, I resolved to inquire

Take the first two fingers of this hand;
Fork them out—kind of a “V for Victory”—

Whether there might be something whose discovery
Would grant me supreme, unending happiness.

And jam them into the eyes of your enemy.
You have to do this hard. Very hard. Then press

No virtue can be thought to have priority
Over this endeavor to preserve one’s being.

Both fingers down around the cheekbone
And setting your foot high into the chest

No man can desire to act rightly, to be blessed,
To live rightly, without simultaneously

You must call up every strength you own
And you can rip off the whole facial mask.

Wishing to be, to act, to live. He must ask
First, in other words, to actually exist.

And you, whiner, who wastes your time
Dawdling over the remorseless earth,
What evil, what unspeakable crime
Have you made your life worth?


Active member
life is all about having ballin moments. you work work work then play.

if you are considering suicide you should seriously look into doing some extreme shit first like riding motorcycle or snowmobiling or other crazy fun shit to wake up your soul


Paint Your DreamStrain
It's mindblowing (to me) how you ask this, since I was just pondering this a few days ago. Why do I want to exist? I don't even know why. The continuous stimulation from even being able to breathe is amazing.

Reminds me of a Kurt quote

"And I forget, just why I taste
'n yeah I guess, it makes me smile"


Kind of like what some of the others have said, maybe its just growing / trying to become the perfect organism so that it can live forever. This got me thinking a little bit about families. Why do people want to have children? Maybe they feel they can create an organism better than themselves, and so on.


There is no original will to survive. It's all an chemical process that is self continuing. Simple processes can bring really complex results, and bring non-random continuation of said chemical processes into the equation, and you'll end up with breath taking complexity.

What works works, and all the rest just ain't around to clutter up the picture. Survival of the fittest is a given, as anything that survives per definition is the fittest. But survival in itself builds on what goes before. The egg came before the chicken, proved by the fact that you need an egg to get a chicken, but there is no need for a chicken to make an egg.... Unless you want chicken egg, that is, then you'll have to go shopping :hide:

I need some puffs right about now... Some day I'll organise my thoughts and write it down correctly. Till then, read some and grow some. And if anybody claims to know the will of the Creator of Everything and Beyond, be a little bit sceptical. And if they want your money, well, if you give it up, please remove yourself from the future gene pool :whistling:

Ps. Let's look at fear. Humans can be aware of death, and possibly some other species to. However, most cannot. And they don't need to. Deer are born with a degree of nevrosis. If too little, it'll be dinner for something, if too much it'll be scared of anything and starve as it uses up it's energy. These two factors (and probably many more) together balance the nervousness of the survivors, and their offspring. Since most prey-animals don't get jaw-close with predators (and survive to learn fear), this system of correct nevrosis makes an excellent balancer.

The fact remains, that of all the organisms alive, none of their ancestors has ever died before their offspring was 'made'. Thus no knowledge of death is infused into their genom.

Great thread, nowI'll :smokeit:


Lammen Gorthaur
Life exists based upon mathematical probabilities. Scientists will say that life is a struggle of the fittest and only the strong survive. I'm not inclined to agree with it. If only the strong were to survive then the dinosaurs would still have a good shot at ruling it all as they had the strength to be sure.

Life exists because the mathematical probabilities will always create life as a possible outcome. Everything isn't always one way or another. Chemical compounds create chemical reactions. The by-product of these reactions can serve to create the conditions precedent for life to exist. Sooner or later enough reactions occur so that life wins the "chemical reaction lottery". The process then continues to a new level. Enough life of one form occurs so that mutations change from being a mathematical improbability, to a mathematical probability and finally to a mathematical certainty.

In all of this, the constant are chemical reactions. Elements and atoms placed in close proximity to each other under the pressure of gravity and light create the deviations that allow for it all to happen.

In the end, you have to admit that we all owe our lives to Monsanto and Dow Chemical.

Better life through chemistry...

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
life wants to be alive because sex feels so good....it's nature's way of fooling us into coitus and so ensuring procreation....

.....if every baby cost us an arm instead of a placenta.....it would'nt be long before our species would become 'armless' and die out....


three for playing, three for straying, and three f
i'm going with bacon and lulz...rest of your posts just make no sense at all...;)


Everyone thats given answers are basically explaining HOW life reproduces itself.

The whole point of this question is, nobody knows and it's impossible to ever know! It is the one unfathomable mystery of creation. Don't feel you have to understand it, just marvel in the beauty it creates. While smoking a huge spliff.


Patient Grower
life is all about having ballin moments. you work work work then play.

if you are considering suicide you should seriously look into doing some extreme shit first like riding motorcycle or snowmobiling or other crazy fun shit to wake up your soul

A great example of how the will to survive masks the futility and pointlessness of life. Here we have a poster recommending that we participate in futile and pointless activities in order to 'wake up your soul', whatever that means. In the end, you'll still be dead, and 500 year from now nobody will give a shit or recall how many motorcycles/snowmobiles you've ridden. One can not give meaning to meaninglessness through engaging in meaningless activities.


Lammen Gorthaur
...One can not give meaning to meaninglessness through engaging in meaningless activities.

Are you at risk for being obtuse here?

I'm just saying; not that you shouldn't say, but say you didn't say it that way you were saying it. Would you still say it the same way?


Paint Your DreamStrain
Face it, everything being said in here is quack science, were really just a higher dimension stoner's imagination.


Everyone thats given answers are basically explaining HOW life reproduces itself.

The whole point of this question is, nobody knows and it's impossible to ever know! It is the one unfathomable mystery of creation. Don't feel you have to understand it, just marvel in the beauty it creates. While smoking a huge spliff.

It's attitudes like this that kept humanity in the dark for so long, and increasingly pushing us back into it. I'm not neccesarily arguing with your solution, but to accept flat out that it can't be understood is plain old ignorance...

To believe the question can be answered here might very well be even more ignorant, but it can be argued that answers are not so interesting and enlightening as questions. Nobody sane would dream of growing plants indoor without windows if it weren't for this craving to understand our world. Hell, maybe we wouldn't grow plants,period, if this were the case.

How and why is usually two sides of the same thing, knowing one makes it more plausible to understand the other.

But the spliff-part of your post is really right up my alley, it would be fun to debate matters over one with some of you good peeps of this great forum :smokeit:

If you could understand my creepy foreign accent, that is :biggrin:

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