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Why do YOU grow organic?

mad librettist

Active member
I'm liking the derailment, cause I've already answered the OP question and I want to make some hash.

I have made QWISO a few times. I don't like it enough to try to do it again, ever. I thought I was pretty good at making it. Not my cup of tea.

I just ordered some bubble bags and hope I like what I can get out of those. If not I'm ordering some silkscreen frames.

that's exactly why there are different methods.

I looooove my qwiso

true grit

Active member
I've grown all sorts of ways, but I grow organics simply because it keeps me most intrigued and absorbed in growing. I also find the terpenoid complex to be more complete in organics, not saying necessarily stronger by any means but different terpene wise.


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
Here is an extraction that recovers the alcohol.....http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-JChdk_5jqs

Thanks Scrappy. That does make a little more sense for ingestion but I don't think I'd hazaard smoking it. One funny thing is that in the liquid stage, it says note the amber color and that the chlorophyll is eliminated but it looks green to me. The end product is amber. I wonder what color it would come out using clear trichomes. It is probably dopey to not use trim in the mix (at least the floral leaflets [what I call bracts: the Mexican natives do/did not trim these] because one can see they are just as coated with trichomes as the calyx capsule.

mad librettist

Active member
the reason for trimming out the leaf is to have a smoother smoke, IMHO.

flower parts seem to burn cooler than leaf.

the only problem I have with hash oil is losing afternoons. it does make me very sleepy and I wind up napping for over an hour, then functioning at a very groggy level.


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
the reason for trimming out the leaf is to have a smoother smoke, IMHO.

flower parts seem to burn cooler than leaf.

the only problem I have with hash oil is losing afternoons. it does make me very sleepy and I wind up napping for over an hour, then functioning at a very groggy level.

Which parts do you define as flower? I found it amusing that a lot of the trimming demanded for sale to dispensaries, involved trimming off mostly the pointy portion of the floral leaflets (as is commonly seen) leaving behind the lower portion of the floral leaflet and the tiny stem which attaches it to the cola stem (or as pot smokers call it, the bud).
This removes the portion of the floral leaflet which has the most glandular trichomes, leaving a leaf portion and little stem with none. Perhaps you could explain how this makes for a smoother smoke? Maybe that is not the way you trim. I suppose if one was to actually tear the individual flowers of into tiny pieces discarding all stem and leaf, this would make sense to me.

Maybe your napping has to do with not partaking of the full components present in hash. I was always invigorated back in my black Afghani days. Could be metabolism too.
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mad librettist

Active member
well It's the hash oil and the heat put together. I go in the room with AC to cool off, and it's a bedroom. i start snuggling with a dog and next thing I know I am waking up.

The last batch, from a more indica dom pheno, seemed to make me more awake, whereas this batch from a more sativa dominant plant makes me nap after about 2 hours of zipping around.

I get lazy sometimes and don't trim. The leaf material gets picked out before a bowl is packed, but maybe left in for a J.

Leaf material to me is the flat formations with lots of chloroplasts that are not reproductive parts. the less spinach there is relative to calyx, the less it burns like a campfire. it's not about keeping the best part of the leaf, it's about removing as much as possible. Hey - don't rock the boat! People like their trimmed weed, and growers love their extracts/edibles.

bud leaf I trim off as much as can be reached. the bigger leaves I cut out as close to the stem as I can get. I often pry the bud open and go right to the stem. Stem is the only thing that burns even hotter than leaf.


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
If you dry it before manicure deft fingers can lever the floral leaflets so that they snap off 95% of the time at the stem. This is how we ended up preparing it for the dispensary. It gave them the product they (think they) wanted and gave us the lion's share of the cannaniboids which was turned into hash.

Note the edit of my previous post with some exemplar photos.


Which parts do you define as flower? I found it amusing that a lot of the trimming demanded for sale to dispensaries, involved trimming off mostly the pointy portion of the floral leaflets (as is commonly seen) leaving behind the lower portion of the floral leaflet and the tiny stem which attaches it to the cola stem (or as pot smokers call it, the bud).
This removes the portion of the floral leaflet which has the most glandular trichomes, leaving a leaf portion and little stem with none. Perhaps you could explain how this makes for a smoother smoke?

Maybe that is not the way you trim. I suppose if one was to actually tear the individual flowers of into tiny pieces discarding all stem and leaf, this would make sense to me.

Maybe your napping has to do with not partaking of the full components present in hash. I was always invigorated back in my black Afghani days. Could be metabolism too.

My Jack H ice extracted trichomes are invigorating after smoking. Same with OG, SourD and whatever other sativa-ish varieties I work with. I agree with naps from solvent extraction removing part of the whole medicine. All solvent extracts makes me sleepy after a while. While I can, and do, smoke ice extract all day and night.
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mad librettist

Active member
wow, there is a new rule: solvent extractions make you sleepy, and ice water extractions make you awake.

only problem is, it isn't true. There are a variety of effects from different plants depending on how people react to them. This does not always parallel the
"usual". For instance that indica dom that makes very "up" extract, and the sativa dom that makes you sleepy (after initial burst).

Your set, and your setting also influence how a drug will also affect how you experience the drug..

bottom line: ice water and solvent extractions both make good products when done right. Some will prefer one over the other, some won't. Hash oil is more concentrated and you smoke less of it. Hash on the other hand offers a more complex flavor profile and a slightly different high.

was the moon comment made for me? again, reading comprehension might be an issue. I don't garden by the moon, but I play someone who does on TV.
Hi All

I've been wondering why other people choose to grow organic, as it seems there are many reasons.

The main justification seems to be "for a cleaner smoke," but then there are other short answers like: it's cheaper, more sustainable, feels more natural, why not?, or just for plain experimentation.

Please share YOUR personal reasons why you grow organic.

hahaha cheaper my ass ...i use supersoil by subcool its about 300$ to make vs a few gallons of distilled water (hydro) i dont see where its cheaper :dance013:


senior member
I think one reason organic ganja is popular is, folks want the best, in anything. And organic pot is seen as the best, and is much cheaper of an ego food than say a new car. Human nature at work, that is why we have leather seats instead of cloth. Air jordans instead of converse and so on.

Plus if you do it right, you are forced to learn a little science. Once you start, the questions start too, so your researching all the time and you find you like learning new things and being on the cutting edge of science. Ganja science is not set in stone, and is dynamic, so someone in po dunk AK can make a discovery in this field. In the last year I have learned several practices i have done were not helpfull, as an example adding guano to microbe tea. This did not come out of a book, it was from direct observation from readers and growers.....

And yes to pick up chicks........scrappy

mad librettist

Active member
Why do YOU grow organic?

hahaha cheaper my ass ...i use supersoil by subcool its about 300$ to make vs a few gallons of distilled water (hydro) i dont see where its cheaper :dance013:

my mixes last for years.

also, show me the system that can use so little water? more like hundreds of gallons per cycle, plus nutes and gear.

it costs me nothing to "recycle" (not throw away) my soil. and my containers eat almost all the trim. that means no trash.


I could come up with a ton of politically correct answers but organic is by far the easiest and cheapest way to grow. And get more bang for your buck.

soil margin

Active member
Profit margins and sustainability.

Growing organically is cheaper and does not deplete the earth faster than it can be replenished. (I'm looking at you hydro guys dumping nutes into your water like Armageddon is coming)


hahaha cheaper my ass ...i use supersoil by subcool its about 300$ to make vs a few gallons of distilled water (hydro) i dont see where its cheaper :dance013:
I think you must be joking, right? Did you forget about electricity for the pumps and nutes? Organic, in the real sense, means no nutes.

Well, looks like my favorite troll is editing my posts again. Are moon jokes now against TOU? Or are jokes not allowed unless they are at my expense? If you ICers think "troll" is inaccurate way to describe what this mod does to me, just follow this link and see that he was banned from the farm for trolling me. http://www.t(remove)hcfarmer.com/forums/f31/question-about-veganics-32609/index19.html#post623703


hahaha cheaper my ass ...i use supersoil by subcool its about 300$ to make vs a few gallons of distilled water (hydro) i dont see where its cheaper :dance013:

For the most part organic growers don't buy all of their ingredients. I keep sufficient soil in my recycle bin for three runs indoors. Add organic waste including stems, leaf and flowers after hash extraction. And I buy Seaweed extract, seabird guano, bat guano and molasses.
That's it. Compare that to Water and PH prep, grow nutes, bloom nutes, micro nutes, boosters and flushing preps, water and air pumps and a chiller. I spend a few dollars a week on tea for 12 5 gallon buckets.