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Why do women listen to their friends?

Um.... Why?

Dude, read the whole thread, haha.

Actually, I already have a date for this weekend. Girl from my class heard through my friend and called me up...

House hit it straight on the head, i just needed an ego boost, and i got it the same day... so.. basically this thread can/should be closed....


her dankness
Good for you.
As for the thread being closed, why? Because it started turning against you? YOU got your needed ego boost and WE deserve some entertainment in return. lol. Women having sex because you tell them too... homie, PLEASE. Nice ethics. That's the kind of thing that would make my little brother (in his last year at an Ivy league law school) groan and roll his eyes and comment on the irony of how much he dislikes attorneys despite wanting to join their ranks. And the backpedaling about trying to get womens' self esteem up is funny. Showering women with material things is not a self-esteem booster. Giving some basic respect is. You are starting to sound at best misguided and at worst very overdependent on material signs of success (was this a factor in your career choice? Would you be equally happy as a public defender?) and although you haven't come out and said it, I usually see that in tandem with a man who wants a trophy to hang on his elbow at cocktail parties all Gucci'd up and not talk much, lol.

Anyway, get back to the books. This is not a time for distractions. The job market is not what it once was for highly-paid law positions, and if you want to be able to shower a future wife with gifts, you gotta get a job first. Or you could concentrate on being a really really nice guy who girls who aren't gold diggers would still like to be around...


stoned agin ...
Trying-to-blend said:
Haha, shit, i don't know what my problem was.... I'm already meeting another girl :p

The guy who siad the ugly things was kinda right... except i just THINK i'm ugly :p

Maybe nice guys DON'T finish last... The wonderful stranger that led me through my shroom trip called today and asked me out, WOOT! haha

I wish Yummy would read this thread, maybe he could learn to lose fear. I really feel sorry for the poor guy. Let's all get together and find him some pussy!
and that's the moral of the story. the end :rasta:

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
Trying-to-blend said:
I'm actually crying right now man...

ME the guy that has had a gun in his mouth(put there by himself cause i told the fucker if you gonna shoot me, do it right)

the guy that has told women to fuck off, i don't want a blowjob from you.

the guy that is supposedly the perfect poker face, the spin doctor, the king of the assholes.


i let myself fall in love, i gave her my all. li NEVER EVER mistreated her, i loved her every day, and let her know it. I was open about everything, kept no secrets from her. NEVER forgot a single anniversary(well, we technically just had two, but i also kinda did something special for first kiss and other lil things like that women supposedly like).

boo fucking hoo,,, life is a rollercoaster and majority of realationships is love//hate. bite the fucking bullet,, get over it or tell her how you feel. personally sounds like you let her walk all over you and now she feeling like some paris fucking hilton with her confidence level. realationships is two way street.

but i dont know why i give advice....this thread got the stank of yummys pathetic ass all over it
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breakups suck.. for me it was always like, well i can CHANGE! and i would blame myself...

and wonder if... only if...only if....would we still be together...

and that part sucks. when u start mentally planning a future, even until old age with a person...

and then when you break up, its like that person who you had planned and thought about in your future died or something... because suddenly your future looks totally bleak and they don't exist in it!!!!!

fuck i've been there. twice. sucks BALLZ...

but i am a different man now. less dependent and needy. i think i had emotional/stress issues in the past for whatever reasons and i ended up depending on the strength of the woman in my relationships instead of staying strong within myself. hopefully this time will be better.

anyways, i always thought that as painful as it is.... its better you broke up if she really didn't want you, cuz now you'll eventually be with someone that actually wants you for you...well...hopefully.

Good LUCK :))


og dmc said:
This guy is gonna be jacking off so much his hand is gonna freeze into a permanent Kunfu grip.

well hehe that i wont mind then i dont have to fold my hand every time i need to spank my monkey and i will be appel to safe some power for the final run because i just haft to stick it in the hand and then work the lower body :muahaha: or else another trick is to sit on the hand until it sleeps and then jerk off then its feels like having sex whit a stranger :jump:
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stinky nah man, i think i mentioned that i wanted her to finish her studies and shit. i'm a very lvoing person when i fall for a girl.

as for the lawyer thing... i actually AM going to be a public defender... i was inspired by "the street lawyer". While i won't pretend i won't charge the assholes out their namesake for my services, i do plan to do a LOT of pro bono work. and considering as off now my law studies will be sponsored by an organization of lawyers that do work with underprivileged kids(i was a product of those same programs... i've had a stormy past) i do believe i will be happy with whatever i earn.

For me it's not abotu the money. it's not about the suit. it's not even about the title or the studies or any prestige whatsoever. It's about being able to stand up to some prick that wants to incarcerate me or my fellow human and being able to, in other words of course, tell them to go fuck themselves.

plus, i don't really plan to practice, i want to be a professor.

kallenavndk said:
well hehe that i wont mind then i dont have to fold my hand every time i need to spank my monkey and i will be appel to safe some power for the final run because i just haft to stick it in the hand and then work the lower body :muahaha: or else another trick is to sit on the hand until it sleeps and then jerk off then its feels like having sex whit a stranger :jump:

i don't know if i'm too stoned or if you were too stoned when you wrote that, but for the life of me i can't follow the sentence. :-S
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did you read the post? i'm going to be sponsored man.... as in, free ride.

kinda like an indentured servant, i'll get free studies and they'll get pro bono work...
Here's what you do....

Take the original **** around to the new ****S house. All look in the mirror.

There you will see not one - not two ....but THREE ****S.

Good day.

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