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Why do women listen to their friends?


Active member
to Yummybud and anyone else on ICMAG with a relationship problem...
you know they got relationship forums out there, right?
or better yet, you could start your own blog...
or, or... tell your friends.
because no one gives a shit.

lol, your studying to be a lawyer... no wonder she dumped you. lawyers are right up there with cops.
and being single is better anyway. who wants to be with some chick who dumps you because her friends want her to. doesn't sound like she does a lot of thinking for herself. it sounds like she just did you a favor. believe me.
the only girl you need is mary jane. :joint:
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I Feel Good
ICMag Donor
Trying-to-blend said:
I just got dumped not 24 hours ago.


Because her friends said i wasn't good enough for her. Not attractive enough, not rich enough. This coming from ho's that have kids sicne thy were 17 and who are NOT married, and the one taht is, is married to a janitor(no offense to any janitors out there, i worked as one once).

-first off, sounds like the "cunt" (stoner4life :laughing: ) is putting her own thoughts into the thoughts of her "friends."


RudolfTheRed said:
to Yummybud and anyone else on ICMAG with a relationship problem...
you know they got relationship forums out there, right?
or better yet, you could start your own blog...
or, or... tell your friends.
because no one gives a shit.

:joint: to that...


i know people come to this forum for insight. we are people helping people here. People contribute their tid bits of knowledge and opinions in an attempt to further heighten the mindset and knowledge of other members.

if you cant handle people like stoner4life giving you acronyms, which are great ways to fit alot of information into single words, then this place is not for you. s4l is a wise person- i think you SHOULD consider stuff he says, along with stuff that the rest of us are saying to you...

all in all,

some people are meant to be, and some are not...
bitches come a dime a dozen...
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She listens to her friends because she trusts them more than she does you. she thinks that you're less important than they are, and chances are, she's probably just using you as her own plaything. the question isnt why she listens to her friends, its why YOU are so infatuated with this chick.

Mr. Tony

Active member
Bro, there is millions of women in the U.S. alone.... don't trip. Especially if your working hard to vastly improve your quality of life...


A) She aint the one

B) Justice would be served by you hooking up with one of those friends she consulted

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
Men>>>>>>>>>>>bros before hos

Women>>>>>>>>Hos before bros

you will find "the right one" eventually. Took me a couple divorces before I did it

Chin up man


Time is the best healer for matters of the heart, you will feel better just give it time. Meanwhile look to see what you can learn from the situation. It sounds like you can be a pushover, catering to everything a girl wants does not earn her respect. Gotta let a girl earn your heart, not give it away.
Lil wayne, stoner knows i take his advice with great respect, in fact, most of my karma on my previous account and on this one were from him, and i always enjoy his funny insights.

The reason for the no slurs policy is that hate means she got to me, and she didn't. What i'm mourning is the loss of a lifestyle and a certain level of emotional comfort.

I did shroom, and it was the best decision i've made in a long time. I didn't get visuals or anything at all, but i did get very good emotional insight. That, along with the help of a wonderful stranger(which i'm afraid the shrooms may have made me fall in love with if even for the moment, and i told her so, haha) led me through my little crisis. I'm much better now.

The girl apologized, i told her we could be friends, and that i'm not ruling anything out(she's fucking hot) but that if she ever wants to even fuck again, she has to prove herself to me. She's moved back with her parents.

I have new resolve in life, thanks to the shrooms, mostly. thanks for the people who gave encouraging words, and to those that simply polluted the thread, whatever :p

edit: oh, and to the lawyer comment: fuck you... i bet you won't be singing that tune when a lawyer gets ya outta jail.

There are many types of lawyers... Maybe i should say all stoners are lazy bastards that have preconceived notions that they spew forth without regard for reality?
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Haha, shit, i don't know what my problem was.... I'm already meeting another girl :p

The guy who siad the ugly things was kinda right... except i just THINK i'm ugly :p

Maybe nice guys DON'T finish last... The wonderful stranger that led me through my shroom trip called today and asked me out, WOOT! haha

I wish Yummy would read this thread, maybe he could learn to lose fear. I really feel sorry for the poor guy. Let's all get together and find him some pussy!

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
Trying-to-blend said:
I wish Yummy would read this thread, maybe he could learn to lose fear. I really feel sorry for the poor guy. Let's all get together and find him some pussy!

Lol, would he know what to do
i know a girl that'd be very much willing to teach him...

Hmm, i just realized... i know women that will have sex with whom i tell them to... I know women wholean on my every word...

Can someone please remind why the fuck i was so grief stricken over the loss of that immature bitch?

RAG ON HER ALL YOU WANT PEOPLE, it's open season...

Officially over the ex :)


Dr Dog said:
Lol, would he know what to do

He can have pussy delivered to his door that's what craigslist is for and they will show him what he is supposed to do with it

If my old lady ever runs off that's my plan fuck love i just want the booty


Ol' Skool
ICMag Donor
Trying-to-blend said:
i know a girl that'd be very much willing to teach him...

Hmm, i just realized... i know women that will have sex with whom i tell them to... I know women wholean on my every word...

Can someone please remind why the fuck i was so grief stricken over the loss of that immature bitch?

RAG ON HER ALL YOU WANT PEOPLE, it's open season...

Officially over the ex :)

You're a "practicing" lawyer that needs a "professional" psychiatrist. Just a few days ago you were begging us not to call her a what...?? Now look at you. You dont know whether to shit or go blind. These women that you speak of who will drop their panties at your behest, and have sex with who you tell them to - that sounds like a "HO" to me. Now the way I see it, you've been - or still is - hanging around "hos". One of them pussy whipped your ass and you fell in love. Now that she's ready to dump you, first you all fucked up in the head about it, want us to join your pity party and have the utmost respect for this woman YOU now call a BITCH. She doesn't want your sorry ass no more and you're pissed off about it. That's why you're ALLOWING us to dog her now. You're no better than she is. Another thing, you have no respect for women if you can direct them to have sex with someone else like that - not to mention that those women have no respect for themselves. I'd have NEVER fucked around and told that in a public forum :spank: :bashhead: Suppose somebody would tell your mother, your sister, your aunt to do that? How would you feel then? As I have said before, I have NO sympathy for you, and any respect that I had for you is gone. By the way, I didn't mean to call you ugly. I was speaking from one of those "hos" perspective when she mentioned your looks, so I apologize if you took it that way.
Meh, whatever man...

Also, like the famous jack osbourne quote, there are women you fuck and women you're friends with. I treat women witht he respect they show themselves. I do run in various circles, ya know? Some of those circles include free love women who see me as someone they look up to, so would believe me if i said some guy was nice enough to fuck. My ex i met elsewhere, i don't run in her same circles.

Actually, that's why her friends said i wasn't good enough... I used to have a reputation for being not being too into commitment. She changed that, but believed more in her friends belief that i couldn't change.

As to the sleeping around... man, seriously... what generation are you from? My mom gave me my first condom when i was 12, just to be prepared, when she found out i was active got me a big assorted box...

My sister has told me about daughters of friends of hers that are into guys like me(as in, sexually and shit, not saying future lawyers).

My other sister encouraged me to date her friend(a much older lady).

I regularly go on the prowl with my aunt(she's lesbian).

Dude, lighten up, like you've never had an emotional breakdown or never rationalized soemthing by making them into the enemy...

And i didn't take the ugly thing personally, i knew what you meant, but you were right in the fact that it is a fear of being alone... but seriously, same way she came, will come others.


edit: i could better explain the sex situation due to cultural stuff, but... it could reveal too muhc. let's just say, culturally, we're very open about casual sex....
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Hey champ my sympaties and friend get back on the horse go find new punani or a

fight for the old one .... U can do it im sure


Trying-to-blend said:
i know a girl that'd be very much willing to teach him...

Hmm, i just realized... i know women that will have sex with whom i tell them to... I know women wholean on my every word...

Can someone please remind why the fuck i was so grief stricken over the loss of that immature bitch?

RAG ON HER ALL YOU WANT PEOPLE, it's open season...

Officially over the ex :)

lol lol lol hell yeah i like you friends hehe total pimp u are :muahaha:


Well-known member
This thread is funny! Three days ago I had total sympathy for the poor guy.:eek::

But now I'm starting to see exactly why she left. :muahaha:

From a woman's perspective, it's a no-brainer. :violin:

You guys! :spank:


I expect there were issues on both sides of the relationship. He was just looking for an ego boost here to help get over it. Still, I believe it's not justifiable to treat a women, or anyone for the matter, worse based on the amount of self respect they have. Real men strive to offer a positive impact on the lives of others and the world around them, make women feel valued and respected, not exploit weak self esteem.
well, i usually do try to get women's self esteem up. I spent the better part of my teens doing that. then i learned taht, just like men, there are women that don't WANT to be helped...

Seriously, i've spent too much energy trying to help and please other people... other times it's jsut nice to serve yourself, ya know?

I bet when you watch a porn you don't wonder why the girl is doing what she's doing, you just watch it, right? same shit man...