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why do some ppl choose to be outkasts?


Active member
nature vs nurture....??

super stoned off my sour d baby....

...or do we just embrace the role as a result :tiphat:

post sum pics of outcasts...lol :dance013:


Active member


Power Armor rules
That is a very good question. I think there are a lot of variables which can affect how someone would come to the conclusion to walk away from society. I find the way that people treat each other these days is a great argument for it. Reading Walden and Civil Disobedience by Henry David Thoreau really helped me make my decision.



This Guy

This Guy

Millican Dalton

This is the man who brought Shorts to the UK (not Baden Powell as is usually claimed).
In reading a book about him, I stumbled across a few lines that would seem to credit him with inventing Mountain Biking as well.


haha outcast can mean so many different things.

you can be outcast from a particular group, but you'll always fit in somewhere.

even in the extreme cases; outcasts find company in other outcasts, and I'm guessing that's where they fit and that's where they're happy. So are they any different? They just had to find their niche, just like the rest of us.

man I'm stoned :rasta:


Freedom Fighter
...or do we just embrace the role as a result :tiphat:

I was thinking about this earlier...how could somebody who grows weed for a living, excepting of course those who grow large, and have established distribution...but otherwise, if you grow, and need to sell your product, does that not mean you must interact, and meet ppl...in order to be self contained??:)


follow your heart
ICMag Donor
-Thoreau takes things far to far.. for someone wanting to be simple he sure uses big boy words. second he had alot of ego..

-outcasts, well that's simple

A. you have "social" problems and can't make friends.
B. your smart and see how dumb people are so you stay away from them.

best thing to do is: do what you do, be yourself and live your life following your heart, then you can never go wrong


the shit spoon
I'm sick of birthday parties and all kinds of bullshit events people expect you attend. Then its some friends sisters wedding, someones in a play, baseball game, someone is farting out a baby, etc etc etc etc etc. For fucks sake theres only 365 days a year only 52 weekends or so, wtf.

Being an outcast would be awesome, society does all the isolation work for you. But I have to settle for hermit though... gunna take some work.


Great question NOKUY,

This subject and our chosen profession are always closely related.

Here is my 2 cents.

For me personally its chosen. Ive never had problems making friends all through my life but somewhere in my 20s my distaste for society grew very strong. Im now in my very early 30s and have CHOSEN to outcast myself from society. Now this is actually not that simpler task to achieve. In fact its taken me 2 years to get too the point im at now (nearly free from ALL of societies obligations) and i still have one or 2 other issues to take care of before i can "disappear" for good.

Now i must say that disappear does NOT mean from my family, but moreso from so-called friends and society, and most definitely from any form of Government and Law Enforcement. I actually place very little value in having friends anymore which as cynical and lonely as it sounds suits me just fine. I seek solace in keeping a variety of animals and spending time with nature & my girl and with one or 2 other "family" members close to me.. family is where its at everyone else can fuck right off from my life.

Looking back at my life i never would have imagined i would have come even close to this point, but here we are. If i had to blame something for this chosen exile, i would blame all the countless piece of shit humans out there that ruin the world with their selfishness. I just don't want to be a part of "it" ya know? Its kinda always been the way ive felt at my core but now as an adult i have the power to action my beliefs which makes me happy. Although il never be 100% free from human contact 98.7% works for me lol.

I assure everyone out there picturing some weirdo hermit i am not this person lol (well not yet anyway) but rather a person who see's the world with very dim hopes for the human race

This is why i choose exile


P.S And as for the problem of having to get rid of the harvests i personally know 1 person who takes it all with no problems everytime. If something happens to him i have other backup buyers i can release to at a moments notice if needs be. I guess we always need at least one person for this role but if you can limit it to ONE person then all the better imo.. I used to know alot of nickel and dimers needless to say these people ALL got cut.


Active member
It's that they themselves see everyone as an idiot - just playing their archetypal role in society, while being basically completely ignorant to the state of things and their true selves.


Registered User
Oh, when I say things like, "the world would be a much better place w/o people"...

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