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Why Do I Have Rust Looking Spots On My Leaves ? Pics


Active member
Your ppm is still too low.

How many watts per square foot of CFL lighting do you have for your vegging area currently?
How far away from what wattage lamps are your plants?

You're at less than 50% strength on a .5 conversion tds pen.... If you have any level of quality light on that plant you're going to continue to see the spotting... the lower leaves are getting harvested for the nutes you're not supplying to the roots. :D

(Do I really have to dig this up in the Ask Lucas thread and re-post it here? I've watched this happen personally and to at least a dozen or so other growers online.)

Stay Safe! :D


Idk what the square wattage is , but their under 45wat cfls

I can add a couple more 45 watters with my ( y ) splitters if i need to

also i can easily up the ppm if i need to , i was just going by a post i read that said 350 - 400 ppm for veg

but i will up it

also im doing micro grows , i have an hps i use for flowering that they will go under in a couple of weeks , their not in their now because i already have some flowering plants in their but their almost done

here is a pic of them under the 45wt cfls


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  • DCFC0002.jpg
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Active member
Yes... That looks about right. Nice little cubby. :D

If you have problems with 8-16... try 7-14. I'd be surprised it you had to go lower than that.

Stay Safe! :D

p.s. Be aware (if you haven't read it already) that you need to turn those lights off when working in the cab. Your head in close to CFL's will do permanent damage to your eyes over time. Welder's shades don't work that well with CFL's. Heh


After i filled my res back up yesterday the ppm was 410 and the ph was 5.8

Now today i just checked and the ppm is 526 and the ph is 6.4 ugh

According to what i have read so far if the ppm went up that means they only drank water and did not get any nutes

What causes this ?

Also i think i might have some type of salt build up but i dont really know

Underneath my lid and around the holes where my net pot sits their is some type of white residue , is that normal or do i have something else wrong also ?

Thanks for your help everyone


Active member
How often do you fill your res?

Set your pH at 5.4 if you top off only once a day or so. Around 5.2 is good if you have a float valve, auto-top off.

Let it rise to around 5.8... Then add more nutes to bring it back down and your ppm up. When you get close to maximum ppm again... use pH down if it's still too far away from 5.4.

This "swing" allows your plant to freely uptake each type of element as the pH changes which element is freed up.

Stay Safe!


I change it every 2 days since its so small

and i will do like you just said and bring the ph down lower and see what happens

But when i bring my ph down with my nutes or using ph down it will make the ppm go up even higher right ?

So at max what im i looking for my ppm to be ( veg ) ?


Ok i just lowered my ph to 5.1 ( sorry i missed 5.2 )

But it made my ppm go up to 668


Active member
What's the conversion rate on your pen?

.5 is around 900-1000 target ppm
.7 is around 1300 target ppm

I'd say you'd need between 700-800 so you're probably pretty close. As long as you have a .5 conversion pen.

Yes... your ppm goes up when you use nutes to bring down your pH. Use nutes until you get close and then pH down from there.

Yet another reason I prefer R/O since you'd actually be using a lot more pH up... at least initially.

Stay Safe! :D


pH Down. Nutes will lower pH so we use them first. Further adjustment is made with pH Down. Vinegar works in an emergency but should be avoided. Advanced Nutrients makes an excellent pH Down, GH is no better than vinegar.

Hey man I agree with you on GH ph down.Had to start using it a few weeks ago on some 4 week vegged plants and they ain,t been right since.GH was the only brand I could get at the time.
I don,t use AN nutes but I,ve heard they have good up and down pH solution.Like you said man the GH ph down is like using vinegar....for emergencies only.
I also have some Bog sour bubble with maybe for sets of leaves and since using GH down I noticed my lower leaves yellowed,shrivelled up and basically fell off the plants.thats all I have for my two cents contribution..

good luck


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