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Why dnt my joints burn?


Heres a trick that used to be popular but seems largely forgotten: when you're done rolling that joint (full of ground-up weed, not just broken up with fingers/scissors) run a lighter under it, spinning the joint a few inches above it. Keep going until the joint is pretty warm/hot to the touch. This dries out your sealing spit AND toasts the weed a little, removing more of the moisture.

Not to dispute your method, I'm sure it works. However, properly flushed, dried, and cured weed burns perfectly in a joint. No need to "toast" your weed.


I sometimes like to put a lil heat to my slicks and make the oil soak right in. Find it makes it taste better. Makes the paper super sticky and see through too.


Grew outside for years (off & on). I thought it tasted and burned pretty good.... EXCEPT for one particular year.
That year we had 2 hurricanes back to back.
Tomatoes, squash, and such in the garden were not looking good.
Harvested, dried, cured that year and had issues simular to what you describe.
The hurricanes deposited salt from the rains.
It was harsh beyond belief, burnt like crap, ash was like a black log, and impossible to keep burning. It was so bad I trashed it.
Was the most God awful stuff. I was ashamed to let others try it.

Flush a outdoor grow? :laughing:
Personally,, I like the good chit. :wave:


Well i got to say this is a new one on me? So i just waiting to see the out come of this post???

Take care "it's a jungle out there"
Stay safe


There is a thread, or maybe it was just a really good post in a thread, explaining what different colored ash means, and why joints don't/won't burn around here somewhere. Damned if I can find it now.


Overkill is under-rated.
Not to dispute your method, I'm sure it works. However, properly flushed, dried, and cured weed burns perfectly in a joint. No need to "toast" your weed.

Eh, weed for bowls I tend to keep more moist than weed for joints. Joint weed should be pretty dry to burn, but bowl weed keeps better with a bit more moisture, and since it's always got a lighter on it, it burns pretty well anyway. Just a minor difference, but it makes a difference with joints.


the shit spoon
LM is right anytime I want to smoke a joint I just take the buds out of the jar, break it up and leave it out for an hour.

monkey style

New member
i'd like to see the ashes from people who say "dry first".

'cuz i remember using that trick to make weed stay lit when i bought some harsh, seemingly unflushed commersh sacks off street dealers on 24th street in sf. he always called it "green apple". also had "catpiss" and "purple". thinking back to it i think the "purple" was blackberry. :no:


I hold El Roacho's
I never had any of these problems and I roll some fat ass j's ese try taking a bud and using a hair dryer directly on the bud on low/heat not cool for a minute or 2 and it should be more airy & dried out so you can grind it or break it up to get your j rolled and lite. If this doesn't work throw the fucking plants and stash out and start again.


the shit spoon
I grow organic and I have to say the taste is amazing. Other "organic" bud I have tried all has that chemmy taste, lots of fake organic going around probably building up that bad rep.

Just started using FoxFarm's Big Bloom or whatever, 1-3-7, and man I knew I needed more K in the plant diet! Buds getting even bigger, lovin' it. Better not fuck up the smell/taste though..

I am very self-critical but there are people I know who get what I think is better appearance stuff, and their mouths water over my buds.. its all about the molasses... BigBud is a common strain but noooobody recognizes my BigBud because it smells/tastes absolutely heavenly.. so good people are giving it their own nicknames.

True organic.. its the way to go.

Just threw some Juicy Fruit into flower... I can't wait for christmas

It's funny that some of you think unflushed "organics" are the culprit. Not so. I never flush my plants grown in soil, organically. I do however discontinue ferts after week 7. ALL my buds and trim burn to a nice clean white ash. Now on the other hand, hydro growing with hydro nutes, or chemicals, is a very different story. Flushing for a full two weeks with plain water is essential if you expect it to burn properly, if at all. DWC is much easier to flush. Soilless mediums, for example, perlite/vermiculite require a longer flushing period, say starting at week 6 for 9 week strain. Organic soil mixes are by far the best for producing smooth smoking, tasty buds. I hate smoking a joint and having a big hunk of carbon crud on the end, that refuses to burn. Yuck! IMO, that shit is not worth smoking.


i had (partially) the same problem with a few of my harvests, i didn't flush because of security concerns (lugging that much water indoors was going to raise eyebrows)....and what i experienced was that after a period of 1-2 weeks AFTER drying, the weed got to a point in which it began to burn nicely...

i'm with the guy who said let the weed dry and cure, but i can understand that flushing out unused nutrients could play a key role in how the weed burns...i discontinued nutes about 1 to 2 weeks before i am going to harvest, and the last 1-2 waterings will be 5 gallons of plain water per 5 gallon as a mediocre flush.