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Could someone in an area where MJ is not illegal get screwed by a pig who gives a sad story to obtain MJ or beans? We don't know who is who on the net. Any cases for this?


the internet is where i play...i sure dont give any personal information to anyone nor would i send anything to any member...sad story could end up being my own if i did...screw that risk...but i live where they dont look kindly on the mj...peace


did you read anything about marc emery selling seeds to people in the US and now our stupid gov is deporting his ass?

yea, if they want you bad enough you can get in trouble.


This was a cautionary message. those for whom it was intended know who they are.

Harry Gypsna

Dirty hippy Bastard
KharmaGirl said:
If you read the TOU you would see that you can't do that on this site, just FYI :wave:
better ban half the long term members then huh
rules that are unenforcable make repsect for rules diminish-fact.


So if they know who they are and you know who they are and posting it here would be a Violation why not address "them" privately ? Knowing what you claim to know might lead someone to believe You might be the person you described. Posting weird questions that you don't want answers to and that already have logical answers is a waste of bandwidth and kinda sketchy IMHO. I need that bandwidth to hock my knock offs and excess weed to out of state sob story cops.
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My only question is how does it trace back to you? Anyone can anonymously send anything anywhere what's the worry?

The Iceman

Active member
KharmaGirl said:
If you read the TOU you would see that you can't do that on this site, just FYI :wave:

I bet you could recite the "TOU" in your sleep so therefore you can pounce on the slightest of infractions by some unknowing grower who are too busy talking flowering times, flavor, ect then to memorize it like yourself for reasons of tattling. I remember you from overgrow when you were a mod there which always baffled me since I never seen you grow a damn thing. I remember the "tattling" and turning on anything or anyone with a different point of view the yourselves. Luckily at OG I never had to deal with you much since i hung out in the grow forums with the other elite growers plus your butt would of been shredded by all the hardcore growers if you did that in those forums. Funny how things never change and your an offical mod here but I can guarantee there has been atleast 50+ reports to Dutchgrown or whoever tattle tailing someone and probably driving a serious grower away. I've bit my tongue for a long time but let me speak for alot of growers and say GET A LIFE....PLEASE! ..and stop being so PETTY
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