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whos running a CO2 genny?



I was just wondering what your yields on your 5 gallon tanks were? I get about 5 days per tank. Room is roughly 22 by 15, panda lined.Yeah its not 100% air tight, no way.

Badugi got me thinking with his post about his CO2 loss.

I am not too worried about it because even at $100 per month, its well worth it from what I have seen so far.


Sealed room 11x11x8 (obviously small leaks)

I used to get only 7-10 days off a 20lb tank in flower

I switched to a cap gen1e and a propane tank last me about 2 weeks at 1500ppm in 20/4 veg :)

I bbq a lot and feel like now I don't look suspect to neighbors moving propane tanks instead of co2 tanks lol... If I was a real G(rower) I wouldplumb my nat gas so I wouldnt have to worry about that ever again... MY genny doesnt seem to add much heat couple degrees maybe but I need that to get into the 80s anyway :)


Out of the slime, finally.
I gave you my .02 in the beginning. In the past I had a similar sized completely sealed room, 10x8x8 and 4000w. I used 20# tanks with a CAP ppm controller with photosensor. I used a good AC, a mini split so no worries about leaks. My tanks lasted 10-14 days always. IMO, you have a problem somewhere. U could try what I mentioned earlier to. I had my air scrubber on the floor so it would re-circulate the fallen CO2 back up along with the wall mounted fans. Best of luck. You shouldn't be changing tanks out every 4 days unless you are exhausting the room with fans and not running a true sealed room.

Oh, and I ran my ppms at 1500-1700.

I quoted myself above from the other post going regarding CO2. Even though I ran tanks I wanted to give you guys some experience to run off of.

My room was just about 98% sealed. The idea that I wanted to give you guys is getting the CO2 back up into the air. CO2 is much heavier than regular air. Since we all need a carbon scrubber i use to sit mine on the floor. So, i got the benefit of clean air and at the same time it lifted the CO2 back up. Also, make sure your ppm sensor is at plant height. Don't put it to high up. Much luck.

Because CO2 is heavier than air, it doesn't readily rise into the atmosphere and, instead, tends to pool in low areas. From a quick google search.


I recently added that Can 150 filter but I still think I am blowing through the tanks. I will see how long these next tanks last but I dont think it helped. Maybe I will add a box fan on the floor at the opposite end to blow towards the filter.

My sensor is right at plant height

Can you see it right in the middle of the pic?


Out of the slime, finally.
Yeah, you have a large filter. Most of the air is sucked through the filter at the top so its not getting much of the air off the bottom near the floor. I ran a much shorter filter. Fan idea might work some.