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Whos getting ready for 2012 Veggie Season :-D !!!


Strain Collector/Seed Junkie/Landrace Accumulator/
be very patient with asparagus :) plant at least 3x as much as you think you want

will do... :tiphat:

mound up the soil as the plant grows around the stem too. less light hitting the stem = way more tender^^^^^^^^^

thanks for the tip !!! :tiphat:

my peppers haven't germ'd yet... they are old, so we'll see...

i was out of town for the weekend, but was pleasantly surprised to see my early girl tomato's and azoychka tomato's have germ'd and looking healthy... btw, those seeds are also as old as my peppers...


Strain Collector/Seed Junkie/Landrace Accumulator/
yea, they can take a month... temps have to be just right too...
Bullfrog :-D

Funny you mention that about Peppers :-D Today I was going to mention those little buggers and express how long they take.

I have found that most pepper seeds take a SHIT load of time to germ up... but thats
only have the challenge.

Peppers are, in my opinion, the pickiest easily stressed out veggie in the whole garden. BUt once you get them to have at least 2-3 nodes they are much easier.
Its when they are babies when they are a bitch. For the past 2 years I have lost MOST of my peppers from to heavy of rains in the early season, shit hail killed them last yr on my deck..

This is what I like to do with Peppers.
I know they take AT LEAST 3-4 weeks to germ... THEN its going to take
at least another 5-6 weeks to get to any decent size for outdoor planting.
So with peppers, youll wanna to start your seeds about 3 months BEFORE
you plan on transplanting outside.

I do this with my onions as well, since I start my entire garden every year from
most of my own seed stock.

I start onions and peppers together. They both need to be nice and large when placed outside. I like to plant little onions about the size of my pinky finger tip.

Also another tip about peppers. When you first transplant them outside..
make sure you plant them JUST below that first NODE and no deeper.
If you got a large crop near them as a wind break thats good because peppers
also will need to be stalked, I find they will use 2-3 stalks sometimes. I like to
put the stalks in when they plants need them, gotta really watch them though because once they get over 1 foot tall, they will start to grow like crazy.


Active member
3 weeks to germinate peppers??!?! Indoors?!??! It's never taken longer than 2 weeks, but then again I have way too much experience with germinating nightshade seeds. It's like they know I'm knockin' ;)

(tomatoes take me 2-3 days max, usually less than 48 hours. I just germed my own P. peruviana seeds from last season and 99% of them popped in 24 hours!!! too bad i didn't catch them quick enough and now they're all stretched sicne they were by the woodstove to keep warm and not under T5s.. oh well!)

Are you planting by the moon and/or providing bottom heat? You should notice much faster germ rates. Also, are you direct-seeding (I have the best success when I direct seed most things, including cannabis) or doing it in paper towels and the like?

trying to germinate gotu kola seeds is fucking painful. i have yet to get one to pop :(


Active member
I normally get my pepper seeds in about 2 weeks also. I use a germination heat mat with a thermostat, so that helps.
Hum... I should expand a little bit.. it takes 2-4 weeks to get ALL my peppers to become little seedlings.

I mean i got same rates as you guys with the other crops, peppers always just want to give me a hard time lol. Shit even my neighbors have issues with peppers
after I started chatting with them about gardening. SO...i dont know... maybe just
a bad wave of energy on the peppers around me ;-) Sucks... i love peppers, nonetheless though I always get some rolling deep with near soft ball size peps :-D

I have a specific SEED germinating and seedling hardening cabinet that I built
just got my garden.

Can hold roughly 50 varieties of seedlings with the method I use.
Took me 4 years to dial this damn thing lol because as you know some seedlings
go buck-rogers when you give them that first dose of starter fert :-D any melons or squash for instance.

I stopped using those tray flats that can hold 72 plants I believe, only because they
were a pain in the ass to keep watered, would have to water at least once a day, pain in my ass when I gotta take down 35-40 sometimes 50 trays by myself.

I start my seedlings in Aluminum rectangle oven cooking trays. The ones that around about 3-4 inch deep.

i line a thin 1/4inch layer of enriched coco fiber at the base of the tray. Depending on crop seed ill place them in lines throughout the tray then top with another 1/4inch of coco, or if its like lettuce seeds for instance, ill make the depth 1/2inch and place hte seeds on top of the coco.. Give the tray a little tap to jolt the coco a little bit so everything settles nicely. THen I cover the tray with a piece of plastic to retain moisture.

Ill be making up my peppers and onions soon here so ill take pics and edit them into this post once I do that :-D Should be within the week.

Works pretty well for me. I cant wait till my greenhouse because then I can start them outside in that where its nice and humid already for them :-D



Active member
Yep, bout that time! I just built another 27 x 18 double stack railroad tie raised bed. Gonna be mixing dirt this weekend. Still have couliflower, broccoli, lettuce etc.. growing from the fall. Come on Spring!


Strain Collector/Seed Junkie/Landrace Accumulator/
just got my onion sets planted :tiphat:

just got my onion sets planted :tiphat:


fucking hate you... literally ;-) jk jk but im really jealous.

Im looking at a 50 degree day in February in my area, i cant complain though usually its about 14inches of snow at this time :-D

I do know one thing though, these warm fronts we have been getting are GREAT for my compost pile.

Im excited to share pictures of my vegggies this summer for you guys.

Cheers friends.

Love and light.


Strain Collector/Seed Junkie/Landrace Accumulator/
hey il19z8rn4li1 :tiphat:

u would hate the summers where i live :D

winters pretty mild, summers are a bitch...
what you mean? like super hot?

are they dry or humid summers?

I know heeh i cant complain :-D Im just pushing buttons. But
any place can be great with a greenhouse :-D


Until you live in the Desert,you don't know HEAT!This is why I can't grow in the summer.It took me ten years to stop complaining about the heat.I actually look forward to it now.I love the Desert!