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wholesale and retail prices


99% of people out there have no idea what it takes to run a buisness there is over head, Electricity, Pay roll, Insurance, Taxes, You have to pay to keep inventory, There is alot of competition, If you think a buisness pays $50.00 for product and sells it for $100 and it is all profit you are clueless...This is the exact reason alot of manufaturing is being sent to China there employees make $1 a day so the same MAGNUM HOOD made in USA would cost $150 Whole sale.. If it was made in China it would cost the Whole sale $65.00...Sure the Hydro stores make money but its not what most think. So posting all the wholesale prices is pointless...JACK


Active member
I'm no friend of corporations and the breaks they get from governments. But I have been in business, and let me tell you that overhead is real. Most local hydro stores are one or 2 guys that went into business to make money, and have stuck their necks out financially and emotionally. They usually put in long hours.

When a business goes under, the owners are usually left broke and in debt, and may have the IRS all over their asses. The IRS makes a business out of striving to be your worst nightmare.

Always ask for a discount, and go where you get the best deal. I'll take a brick and mortar store any day. -granger

Grass Lands

99% of people out there have no idea what it takes to run a buisness there is over head, Electricity, Pay roll, Insurance, Taxes, You have to pay to keep inventory, There is alot of competition, If you think a buisness pays $50.00 for product and sells it for $100 and it is all profit you are clueless...This is the exact reason alot of manufaturing is being sent to China there employees make $1 a day so the same MAGNUM HOOD made in USA would cost $150 Whole sale.. If it was made in China it would cost the Whole sale $65.00...Sure the Hydro stores make money but its not what most think. So posting all the wholesale prices is pointless...JACK


The real money is in the cellular indusrty...I used to buy for a cingular agent before the merger...I used to get car chargers for a buck and we retailed them for 19.99-24.99 depending on the town they were sold in...so really 40-50% is good, but it aint great...

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