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Whole Bud Hash Making Questions


Well-known member
Howzit folks..
I enjoy smoking my medicine through a chillum and rolled in joints so hash is a favourite of mine being a tobacco fiend too. I grow for my own use as well as make or refine most other medicines that I use and have for a long time. Next season I intend on planting big bushes just for my own hash stash for the next year, buds and all, and I have from this season a pound or four of seed crop where I need the seeds and can't wait till I've smoked it all so hash is the answer.. I have maybe 8 years hash experience, making dry sift and bubble as well as all sorts of oils but all on a small scale.
So to my questions..
How would one best process a whole lotta plants for just hash, moroccan style, dry sift, tumber, dry-ice tumble or washing machine bubble? I have lots of silkscreen material of all sizes so no bags needed and my payload bags have lasted me for years and extracted everything including hash but have eventually died so have to go homemade. I'd like to get a maximum yeild out but max quality too, separate 2 grades so I get my zero zero for chillums and 2nd grade for spliffs. I have hexane, lots of, and others so can make oil to make fortified 2nd grade.
How would one best process whole plants, and like a few kilos of plants? Trim fan leaves then? Dry, freeze and sieve? Dry, freeze, chop up? Dry, freeze, whole nugs off the stick? Wet, freeze, whole ? Wet, freeze, chopped up? How would one chop up kilos of frozen or dried buds easily? Should I dry, freeze, then bash in a bag moroccan style? So many options, I been trying to get my head around it for days..

Settled on building a drum tumbler in the future to test and getting a washing machine to try auto-bubble now to start playing with the seeded bud but would appreciate some input..How is best to remove seed before making hash as I assume will be a mission to get them out afterwards, dry them and still have the same viability?
If one had a whole field of dope just for ones personal hash, how would one best tackle it?
Is there that much of a terpene loss in bubble if one uses distilled water and works quick and cold? Would I be better off drying it all and tumbling quick for a zero zero grade and longer for a seconds and mixing 1/4 or so oil with the seconds to beef it up and pressing.?
Just curious on yer opinions..

Would I use a different method if I had 1 or 10 or 100's kgs of buds fresh and ready for hash? What ya reckon?

So simply, what is the best way to process entire large plants of premium buds and all into hash of the highest quality while not being wasteful at all? 2 grades would be wanted...How scalable is any method proposed? Dealing with 20 pounds of trim is one thing, but how would you tackle like 20 big plants or so just for hash? How would you break up the buds so trichomes inside can be removed or would you just let the ice do it for you? Would be better to dry first or work it fresh and frozen? Is there really that much terpene loss with bubble when done correctly?


Well-known member
Thanks for yer posts.. No seriously, so much to read here on other threads that I've been doing that since..
And I got an second hand LG 8.5 kg top-loader to have some fun with ($110) .
Let me add some results to my experiments.
Not sure how much bud got thrown in to the tub, but it was a whole bunch and some was wet and some was dry. The strain was chocolope x shishkaberry (Cannalope Haze Pheno) and maybe equivalent to 300g or more of heavily seeded bud was used. I have no bubble bags anymore so just got some silkscreen material, 220um, 177um, 160um, 115um, 90 um, 73um, 43um and 26um. I found the local supplier and raided the offcut bin and got the whole lot for equivalent to $30, most sheets at least 2m square.
I then tried to clean the machine and after 5 bleach washes and with black crap still coming out I had to take it apart and scrub each bit of everything and pipe and pump till new again and all and high pressure hose it all and it was a hellava mission nevermind having to get the drum off!!! Fucking killed me haha. So if you want to try this at home, bottom line is get a new machine and you will be much happier! So once my machine was like new I put a sticker ($Free) on it like they do in the movies to make it official.

I chopped the buds off the stick with fan leaves removed and lightly chopped them across the bud cross-sectioning them. At first I tried to make a sack outa 220um material but gave up and just dumped it all in the machine hoping the seeds would just get spat out for me. First I loaded about 6kg of ice into the drum and filled with water. Set to wash for a minute and left to get cold. I loaded bud in and closed the top to keep cold and kept a thermometer in to keep and eye on temperature, it stayed at about 1 degree c the whole time. After getting tired of chopping bud I mixed it up with a big wooden spoon to submerge the bud and left the thermometer on top submerged. After an hour left to get icy I took out the therm reading just above 0 and started the first wash. This was run on a 'fuzzy' cycle, wash only for 15 mins and pumped out my modified 20mm clear hosing with tap. I had tried to build a bucket buchner siphon-vacuum filter setup but the additional buckets added with screens created airlocks which negated the vacuum from the siphon and created a bottleneck in straining and I stopped quickly to make a new plan. So U just used a 5l bucket in a 5l bucket in a bucket with the bottoms cut out and silkscreen in between to act as a 'workbag' filter with a 220 and 177 material between buckets. The outlet pipe went into here and this went into a large clean HDPE drum to collect hash water. I played around with seeing where the plant material stops and there was none whatsoever past the 177. There was a tiny amount of huge glands trapped that would not pass through the 177 but this layer was mainly broken red hairs and tiny plant bits so got discarded. The 26 took too long to filter through and was not used. The 90, 73 and 160 were not used either.
I used a 6mm siphon hose to drain the tank of resin water into a very large sieve with screen over and clothe-pegged securely, which was standing over a bucket. The hose end was aimed so a whirlpool swirl of water was formed keeping the crystals from settling and blocking the filter. Periodically it would almost run over and id have to stop the siphon and take the sieve and pan the water round and round to drain quickly to continue siphon. I first filtered with 115um after 220 and 177 work filter and then I re filtered the water through the 43 um. To be honest this was a bitch and I have to refine this step completely. I did a second run for 3 x 15 min heavy duty jean cycles and then later a third for the same. I added fresh ice each time. Once done the machine was cleaned and rinsed thoroughly, dried and put away. So the results of my test.
All in all I was completely blown away at the apparent efficiency. I have yet to fully separate the dried material I used from the seed so as to get a 'dried weight' equivalent but looking at the buds afterwards with a loupe, all the gland heads are removed uniformly and also inside buds too. The washing machine has the perfect action it seems. At no point did the water pick up a hint of green, even 12 hours later when finishing the 3rd run the water was golden. With 2 grades per run, 3 runs in total, all 6 grades are better hands down in quality to any hash I have ever made. I am over the moon! All 6 balls are marbled, brown and cream to grey/white, full melt ridiculousness. Like the pics here I see from you ICmaggers. I'm so stoked to have been shown the ways :)
I got 36 gm back in total. 10 % on the first run, 70% on the second and 20% on the third. Looking with a loupe at finished material I cannot see any gland heads left and it seems all gland stalks have been left intact on the bud. So about half of one seed crop plant went in and I had the seed and hash back a day later. The hash took 2 days to dry on a piece of cardboard above my warm PC. It is almost unworkably sticky and smells like perfume, I have had a chillum of it against a chillum of the best Moroccan 00 2day and it was in another league completely. I am so happy. Om Namah Shivaya Om!
Hope this helps someone, this beats beating a drum and whisking a bucket for sure, yields were good it seems and quality was supreme. The plant material was A grade seeded bud, sticky and greasy as they get and fully mature.


I would not want to get my seeds wet, once they have dried from harvest. I use silkscreen sewn in the shape of a flat-bottom sock for my washing machine. This drains better than my 5 gal ice bag set. The end of the discharge hose fits right in.There is a washing machine thread in this secton.


Well-known member
I got some filter socks 2day actually and new buckets to chop up to try and see how and what works, I'll do another run this weekend to see how it goes.. I couldn't get a 43um filter sock (will make a plan) though but have gotten a range from 220 downwards to try, they were cheap and are made for filtering oil and the likes under pressure, made from Polyethylene I think. Yeah I tried to first sieve out the seeds but what a bitch, the dry bud was soooo sticky, so i gave up and thought f-it lets see what happens. I dried out the seeds immediately after on newspaper and they seem to be fine, one or 2 outa a few thousand germinated.

What size socks do you use? Can it keep up with the outflow from the washing machine pump? Do you just do the 5gal bucket in a large bin thing or do you have another trick that you use?


Well-known member
OK, I've weighed up the dried material to see how much I started with. I've sieved out the seeds for keeping, they look good to go.

Seeds: 243g
Bud dried and sieved after bubbling: 252g
Total off 115um and 45 um screens of bubble : 36g Full melt

Approx: 12.5% Yield on bud and resin weight and 14000 seeds :) Not bad for maybe if half a plant.


Well-known member
Sorry, was ice water... With a mixture of fresh and dry plant material hence me drying out the plant post washing machining to get an approximation on starting weight..
In the beginning I was asking questions.. Both about dry-sift/tumbling and bubble.
So I decided to check out a washing machine for now and build a tumbler later.. Looking at the quality and simplicity from the washing machine test run, I think the tumbler can wait a while longer...haha I think I am onto the right track with the washing machine. I'm sold. Just need to refine.
its for sure easier to obtain a cleaner product using water...since the trich heads sink and the plant matter floats....dry sifting for quality is a lot harder and takes more art and skill and can be very tedious....by far imho the best way to process large amounts is use a washing machine and 20 gal bags....


Well-known member
Yeah, i'm with you there. I'm sold on the top-loader idea. Just did a second run with a whole tree, wet , off the tree, fan leaves off, off the stick and into the washer, no bags! Worked well. The water did get considerably green than last time with mostly dry material to start and almost all wet plant this time. With sufficient washing of resin in filter bags with ice cold spring water no green stain was observed in any hash pile and prefiltering, no plant material either. I don't see the reason for a work bag in a washing machine if prefiltering.

I cut out a lid of a 25L bucket to make a large hole, leaving maybe a cm of rim and then I smoothed out the sharp edges. I then cut the side off the bucket, leaving the top and rim and about 2 inches. I made a big bag shape with a piece of 43um cloth and clamped the lid closed. Voila! I had bag made entirely of screen. This bucket was chosen to fit nicely inside another container which was handy for this and large enough. I had gotten a 100um filter bag and a 25um filter bag for bio-diesel filtering so tried to use these too. Ended up taking a look at what came out of the 25um after 43um filter and it was just scum after a rather large chunk had just come out the 43um. So I did not filter with 25 again . I did a 220/177 prefilter into a large 30cm HDPE funnel and into the long 100um filter bag, tucked into the container, which filtered like a dream.
I was concerned about the seam but that did not let anything through as it seemed to be professionally made :)
The container once filtered was hoisted up on the counter and the 43um filter and container setup next to and below. A siphon was started with some 8mm clear hose and positioned so it formed a run down the side of the bag/bucket-lid-thing and would not bottleneck. Occasionally, but only just I'd have to use the siphon to wash the side of cloth of resin under the water level as I pulled it up a bit and then did the same to the other side and repeated a few times to get it ahead of the incoming water. This worked well and pretty quickly, much better than last attempt. The last bit of water was just poured into the bag.

All in all, it went smooth and stash is golden and caramel, going to go rest..Washing machining is the way forward.


Well-known member
I don't have a camera, hence the ADHD posts with all the details haha..Maybe get a friend to help with a run in the future and take some pics once the method is down. The strains I made hash with was, first test run, a chocolope/ shishkaberry that is very much leaning to cannalope haze line with sour blueberries in the background. The other latest run was a bastard monster of a plant, a blueberry/amnesia x extrema x (swazi x afgan x top44) that smells like orange liquer. One of a mates crossings with a swazi hydrid of mine. I'm looking at the second run's hash drying and it is a lot.. Looks quite a bit more than the first run. All grades are creamy resin and no green.


Looks like that filterbags..


Well-known member
Just some updates..

This works, beautifully! I am so happy with the results of 'Harry the Hashmaker' as the top-loader is now affectionately known.. To say it works well is an understatement, it is outstanding. The quality produced is unsurpassed as far I am concerned and experienced. I am not Mr Skunkman and I cannot make dry sift as well as 'harry' bubbles. The efficiency is in my experience unsurpassed. I was hoping for at least a 30- 50% of total hash of '00' grade back, but the numbers are much better with some variance. I have done 2 more testruns to get some smoke to put away, a run with prime dry frozen exodus cheese sugar trim from a mate and run with 1 1/2 dried and fan-leaf removed chocolope/shiskeberry 'seedcrop' bushes. All material was dank and fully mature, I am using a 220/177 prefilter, I was collecting in 100um and 43um filter socks and filtering now goes pretty damn quick. I ran all water used in the 4th test after 5 runs through a 25 um sock and there was more scum than resin, less than .2 g and so I just washed the bag out, it was too little to collect. I assume this method is so gentle and thorough that resin glands are not broken up to that size? With the trim I did 4 runs, 3 washes a run, 4th through the material to see what was left behind..I gently chopped the buds in 2cm wide cross sections with scissors and did an additional 5th run to work out my point of diminishing returns and I still got a whole bunch out... Right so here are the numbers:

Run#2: Mainly fresh/off-the-bush Blueberry x amnesia x extrema x (swazi/afgan/top44)
Bud dry weight post bubble : 234 g
Seed: 290 g
Bubble: 42g of which 28.4 was full melt. 3 runs performed.
Yield (Total/Full Melt toffee): 15.4% / 10.2%

Run#3: 1012g Prime dried/frozen exodus cheese trim
Bubble: 134 g total of which 121g is silly putty full melt stinky madness! 4 runs performed in total and the only grade that was not FM was the 100-43um pull off the 4th run and it is still amazing!
Yield: 13.2% total / 11.9% toffee

Run#4: Dried and fan leaves removed Chocolope x Shishkeberry seed crop bushes (1 complete bush and half a bush left from run#1.
Bud dry weight post bubble: 348g
Seed: 200g (approx. 10000 seeds.)
Bubble is still drying but looks like a fair amount, all grades are caramel colored and plant was bright green so clean and yields look very good.. I've tested some and its mindblowing :) 5 runs through the material were performed and I still got a whole lot of less than full melt out of the fifth run so I reckon there was more to come out of the first 2 tests. Update..74g total of which 64g is melty lovelyness! I reckon I could have done a 6th run through with the material looking at what came out of the fifth. What came out of the 100-45um filter, fifth run is still sticky madness. Only 177-100 um fifth run was not full melt, but still was sticky and no green, but only bubbles a bit when heated.

Yield: 17.5% total/ 15.1 % melt

In conclusion. Sold. Sold. Sold. I am sold on the washing machine 'ash. Almost every grade that has come out of 4 test runs has been better that any hash I've made myself with any method in the last 7 years. The return has been exceptional and the proportion of first grade to second grade return has been much better than expected. My mates are complaining when I give em a piece to smoke, they say that it is just too sticky and impossible to make a section hahaha it is so pure !!! In fact I am yet to get out a grade from any run that is green at all. I have since run butane through waste material from 1st test and got 6% oil back, clean and golden, so more washes are in order for future reference as I was leaving a fair amount behind.

I love my washing machine!!!

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
Beats stirring with a wooden spoon, doesn't it?


Well-known member
Yeah completely, I think I did that twice in '05..Was like F-that and have never looked back..hahaha paint mixer and bags are done with..

My chillum over-floweth... and I'll still do a hexane soak when I get a chance on run-through seed plants to see what is left and get some cancer oil to donate to those in need. Got 6% BHO off waste of first run..not bad, but will do minimum of 5 runs in future to get more bubble out, maybe more..
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