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who wants to see a 420 light medical grow?


the master planwas to start each section seperate, but we also wanted to run the whole thing to iron out any creases so we just started everything all at once....

most of these plants will be taken to other production sites, becuase its always good to have backed up veg plants then not enough. the kcc does cater to over 1500 plants now, with 500 more on the way so in the case more is better. the spacing represents where plants age should be when running as planned, d

so are you basically saying when running as planned, you wouldnt have all that empty space?

Not knocking, like I said it is very clean and I have been checking this thread from the beginning. I just thought its a waste of resources to light up all that empty floor.

Very nice op


Active member
if the plants in the middle were 4 feet tall and 4 feet wide then there would be little wasted space.

i will repeat I AM AN ADVISOR AND CONSULTANT ON THIS PROJECT. anything that happens here is not my call. i make sure the hydro system is running optimally, at the end of the day the clients make their own decisions on what to do, d

Bobby Stainless

"Ill let you try my Wu-Tang style"


Active member
Stellar thread D,
That veg room just looks killer to me very clean build and design. I cant wait to see em when they hit the ebb and flow system,


if the plants in the middle were 4 feet tall and 4 feet wide then there would be little wasted space.

i will repeat I AM AN ADVISOR AND CONSULTANT ON THIS PROJECT. anything that happens here is not my call. i make sure the hydro system is running optimally, at the end of the day the clients make their own decisions on what to do, d

And you have done a great job. Place looks great. I was just curious about the lights

keep up the good work


Active member
getting close to completion

getting close to completion

all the rooms are framed and 3 are painted now, d


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Active member
it turns out that 2 bud rooms wer scratched, so now there are only 4 bigger bloom rooms and 1 big work space with kitchen, concrete drying room, bathroom and trim room. so there will be 4 rooms with 70 lights and the veg with 60. si i guess the title can be 340 kw production site. i personally believe they could have cut the work space down alo, but the did expand 2 rooms with more bulbs so, i guess there is a ying to every yang, d


Active member
at least 100 pounds, hoping for 1.5 per light, 2 per would be what id like to see, but on this scale things change, its not like med mans medical film technique in a 10x10 area, d


Killer show dmt, didnt know people were doing it this big on the mainland..gonna have to step our game up over on the island! Couple questions if you dont mind answering..how often do you flood your buckets and how high does the water level get in the buckets when fully flooded? Also what is the square footage of this barn im assuming it is? lastly how can I get a sign like that from hc? thanks man!


Active member
Killer show dmt, didnt know people were doing it this big on the mainland..gonna have to step our game up over on the island! Couple questions if you dont mind answering..how often do you flood your buckets and how high does the water level get in the buckets when fully flooded? Also what is the square footage of this barn im assuming it is? lastly how can I get a sign like that from hc? thanks man!

cool and thanks. the buckest flood every 3 hours in veg plus once at lights on and once at lights off for 18/6 photoperiod and every 2 hours plus once w lights on and once at lights off for 12/12. i would guess that the warehouse, built from scratch, is 60 -80 x 240. the signnns were made at a sign shop, d


Sorry for going slightly off topic but I just want to know a little more about this Shock Ripen process

Should I add Flushing additive also or just ice water only?

I have a bottle of this I could use (Vitalink Flush)



cool and thanks. the buckest flood every 3 hours in veg plus once at lights on and once at lights off for 18/6 photoperiod and every 2 hours plus once w lights on and once at lights off for 12/12. i would guess that the warehouse, built from scratch, is 60 -80 x 240. the signnns were made at a sign shop, d

That is a rediculous size for a building! Staying on topic of the flood system, can you tell me if its a drain to waste or drain then the runoff back to the rez to be reused? Also how does this system compare to dwc or dwc recirculating systems for rate of grow, ph fluctuations, yeild and root rot problems? Thanks a ton D, just trying to learn about another system to add to the list..lol


Active member
Sorry for going slightly off topic but I just want to know a little more about this Shock Ripen process

Should I add Flushing additive also or just ice water only?

I have a bottle of this I could use (Vitalink Flush)


shock ripening is for everyone, and very subject to the user. we usually flush for 10 days, then give no less then 72 hours dark and ice water.

if it was me, i would use the additive during the flush period, then start with straight , fresh ice water to shock ripen, d


Active member
That is a rediculous size for a building! Staying on topic of the flood system, can you tell me if its a drain to waste or drain then the runoff back to the rez to be reused? Also how does this system compare to dwc or dwc recirculating systems for rate of grow, ph fluctuations, yeild and root rot problems? Thanks a ton D, just trying to learn about another system to add to the list..lol

the flood buckets are like any flood/drain set up. after the buckets flood, they drain back to the tank awaiting their next feed cycle.

flood buckets are honestly like dirt growing, minus the dirt and labor and cost with increased growth, yield and quality. really a no brainer for british columbians and their obsession with dirt lol hahaha jj,

i love flood buckets, no clogged drippers, no moving parts, just plant and grow. even the drains are schedule 40 pvc, so even a 400lb person can walk or trip on them with no prob. never any root rot issues, every flood cycle old oxygen is pushed out and new fresh air sucked in, its hard for salt or bugs to get going in the roots due to total saturation, and flushing is a breeze come harvest time. its realy that easy, d

Madrus Rose

post 69
think i've seen grows here a ways back where peeps simply E&F'd whole tables with 1gal rocks and did very well , it is such a great medium , perfedct oxy to the roots .

This dark/shock ripening saw MM mentioning just the yesterday
on his thread thats one hav never tried ....tx for reminding ;)


Ya I know about the dirt obsesion over here too..everybody uses it for there med shows..and non med shows. probably because its idiot proof..lol. One thing i didnt see in your setup was any chillers? Do you guys use them or just use room temp feed? Also do you run h2o2 or zone or anything like that to prevent rot or other root problems? have you ever used any bigger buckets than the 5 gallons or had any need to use bigger? thanks again d

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