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Who uses Organic nutes with their coco? Please come in!


Autos are for pussies!
Hey friends, :wave:

Sooooo, I currently run the GH 6/9 method, and was looking to switch it up with a couple plants. Im looking to purchase an organic nute line to use with my coco. I wanna see what the hype is all about! I will be running the 6/9 and Organic side by side, and hopefully document it on this wonderful forum.

Im looking to purchase either:

General Organics
Age Old Organics
Technaflora's Pura Vida
Earth Juice Products
Pure Blend Products

If you have any experience with any of these and coco, please chime in.

Will the yield dramatically decrease? Is flavor/smell better?

I'm also looking to use a root innoculant (roots excelurator, bio root,) to compare with my chem/synthetic plants.Do you think the organic plants will have a healthier bigger root system?

:thank you:


I'm using general organics Base nutes and I used rootes excel in early stages. I have grown hydro and soil for years but this is my first run with pure coco hand watered. So far the results are good but I'm only 3 weeks into flower. The nutes smell like stink bait from your fishing store but it mixes well. Can't say how it does sitting in a Rez for multiple days but seems like it would be good


although pure blend pro is not 100% organic (OMRI standards), it does work well in coco grows. IMO, the original pure blend is a bit weak in coco.


For a long time I did the ol' 6/9 with liquid budswel/molasses and for the last week before flush, just Earth Juice bloom.
On top of that I've tried a whole bunch of combos between pure organics and chems with supplemental organics, liquid organic, active teas, scratched in guanos, etc. Its all possible and it all works. Pain in the ass is some organics you need to bubble to correct the ph with out using tons of ph up. Also if using pure coco/no perlite/ hydroton, the heavy organic liquids like EJ seen to kind of "clog up" a bit, so maybe leave a little extra time for flushing, or give plain water once and a while.
The super anal organic crowd hates it when I talk about using 6/9 with supplemental organics but I swear it makes a nice difference and its really easy. I learned those tricks from Crazy Composer, check out some of his old threads.
In the end I just use the Canna line now, built in humic/fulvic and silica.....can't go wrong....those Dutch know there shit. There root supplement, Rhizotonic is awesome, fills those pots right up!
Here is a Larry grown last year with 6/9 +calmag as a base, Liquid Budswel, molasses, and then EJ bloom for the last week!

EDIT: Just looked through your album, stuff looks killer, you'll nail whatever you try!


i've had very good luck with the Technaflora organics. I switched over to the BC series as i was using blumats, but now that i'm hand watering again..hmm.. i might go back!

I think organics leave more behind and are harder to flush overall, may need more dripclean for example. My quality has been good with either line.


In the end I just use the Canna line now, built in humic/fulvic and silica.....can't go wrong....those Dutch know there shit. There root supplement, Rhizotonic is awesome, fills those pots right up!
Dont ignore Canna, BCuzz, GH, they all have great organic coco/hydro specific nutes/additives:joint:H


The Mad Monk
I use organic teas w/coco and works great, the plants love it. If you can maintain the proper amount of waterings/feedings, I don't think your yields should decrease dramatically. I don't buy the smell & taste is better in organics, I've smoked some 6/9 hydro buds that smelled & tasted great. Organics seems to make the smell/taste easier to nail and is more forgiving to those that can't nail it exactly but it's not a guarantee every time to be better. I think you'll do fine whatever line you choose, Ruger. Look forward to the comparison head to head.


Just Say Grow
I use teas along with the full h&g line...seems to be working out real well(this is the first time i have implemented organics into my normal feeding regimine) I have been using high p guano teas(along with a buncha other goodies)once a week in place of the bloom booster I normally use (an big bud)

white fire day 47


I'm using General Organics but first grow. It does indeed smell horrible. I have bio root, bloom and the bio marine so far. 2-4 teaspoons per gallon so seems like it'll last forever for me.


follow your heart
ICMag Donor
^ how does GO work if the material is raw, and needs to be broken down by microbes first coco?


Active member
the best urkle runs i did were fed a combo of floranova, orig pure blend, liquid budswel, molasses. i used more nova in the beginning through stretch, then tapered off gradually to finish the last couple weeks without it. worked great. i haven't been using this method due to the fact that it really funks the rez bad i got tired of dealing with it. i would for sure still use this method if i wasn't using a rez and mixing smaller batches at a time.

tried using earth juice once and didn't like it,... was like mud and seemed to inhibit drainage through the pots after a while. orig pure blend is much cleaner imo.


Active member
Im using Earth Juice and im a recent convert to coco. Im lovin it so far and it seems like the plants are too.


^ how does GO work if the material is raw, and needs to be broken down by microbes first coco?

Don't know. Plants are growing. It is what the hydro shop recommended along with the coco I bought at the same time. You can get subculture m and b in coco from what I've read if you really want to get the medium going.

Wouldn't it be the same with any other organics in coco though?


I use organic teas w/coco and works great, the plants love it. If you can maintain the proper amount of waterings/feedings, I don't think your yields should decrease dramatically. I don't buy the smell & taste is better in organics, I've smoked some 6/9 hydro buds that smelled & tasted great. Organics seems to make the smell/taste easier to nail and is more forgiving to those that can't nail it exactly but it's not a guarantee every time to be better. I think you'll do fine whatever line you choose, Ruger. Look forward to the comparison head to head.

Im running a DrBud perpetual SOG. For those unfamiliar, its basically 18" budcicles in 20oz soda bottles under cfls in a small cab. I've been considering switching to pure coco after running organic soiless mix for the last year. i'm supplementing with guano teas after about the 3rd week of flower as the girls run out of food about then. Since my mix is buffered with dolomite lime i dont ph water and have never had a problem. I will only switch to pure coco if i can continue this way. I hate PH-ing water/teas and refuse to do it. I am curious if i can use dolomite lime mixed into pure coco like one can with soiless mixes for this purpose and to provide some cal/mg. If so, what kinda application rates are we talking? The usual 1 TBSP/gal of media?

I have a few ?'s for ya rasputin:

1. Are you adjusting your teas for PH after brewing them?, If not , how are you contolling ph?
2. Did you notice a difference in how quickly your pots dry between the two types of nute programs? I.E. pure organics vs. chem ferts...
3. Could you provide the recipie for your flowering tea?
4. How often were you watering?

Thanks in advance for your response.

If anyone has experience using dolomite lime or sul-po-mag/k-mag alone or together in pure coco please share your knowledge. i have found a few people playing with these in coco but no one who has used either extensively this way. I ask for experienced people because i cant afford to play around much. These tiny pots turn small issues into major problems very quickly, so I need minimal suprises. One week of failed harvest is a big issue let alone the whole system keeling over and making a 9 week gap in my wife and I's supply of meds.


I have used Pure Blend, Pure Blend Pro, Dr. Hornby's stuff (Green Bottle 4-3-3 I think), and Earth Juice. I have used a lot of other stuff as well, fish emulsions and worm casting tea, etc. And chemical ferts used Canna, GH, and my own blend. With organics cal-mag deficiencies are common, but same with GH and Canna. Nothing a little calmag can't solve. Never worry about pH in organic, never been a problem. In terms of recipes I like variety so I just kind of mix them up one day use pureblend the next earth juice the next worm castings. No difference in watering. In terms of frequency generally right after transplant it takes 3 days next takes 2 then their ready for re-potting the following day. Flower daily.

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