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Who uses a vaporizer...



...and notices that going back to the pipe, bong, joint, etc. doesn't taste the same?

i have been using the ssv for about three weeks. love the thing.

but i notice that when i use anything else it just doesn't taste the same!! kinda weird really! have i changed my taste buds for life or what?

worries me.


New member
I've always found better flavor profiles out of my glass pieces (nothing dry). Vapes always gives me a more neutral taste no matter what the strain. Just my .02

Lucky 7

Active member
always brings out the true flavors; well the first few anyway

know when you've had enough? When you can't decide which end to put in yr mouth! Then that's just about right!

h^2 O

i had a vape....would vape the weed, barely getting high, then take out the weed and pack it in my bong
People say vaping weed makes it so just the thc is smoked up...well what about the cannabinoids and the thousands of other things that are released when you burn any vegetal material? Vapes should be used by people who can't smoke due to lung cancer etc, for everyone else it seems like a waste of weed

teemu shalanie

WeeDGamE StannisBaratheoN
who vapes?

who vapes?



we all do ...
TS :ying:


that's another thing - the high is not the same. doesn't seem as giddy or something... sure like it though!

it's got it's advantages, such as not sticking to the clothes, not stinking up the house, super easy to clean, and it is easy to keep the place clean too. very sano operation.

i use a proto pipe when traveling (and have for years) so we'll see how that goes...but for now the old glass doesn't get used cause i like the vape so much...


Active member
I've been mostly vaporizing for a little over 2 years, and for me it has actually made me appreciate the taste if combustion more at first. but now it leaves an ashsmell in my nose for too long.

before I started vaporizing, I never really tasted weed. only with hash I could taste it(depending on wich hash etc), then after tasting the pure taste from a vaporizer, not obscured by ashtaste, I could also distinguish it in the combustiontaste(I also can't smell it when someone is smoking weed, I usually know because there is smoke and it smells less of tobacco as someone smoking cigs)

the last few weeks my switch to vaporizing has become more definitive, didn't hang out with friends for a little while(and alone I very rarely combust), smoked with a friend again and it barely got me high and gave me a kind of headache-like feeling. but vaporizing some and I was high just like my friend.

I don't agree at all that vaporizers are just for people who can't smoke, I started(and stayed) vaporizing for the different, and in my opinion superior, high. and as cherry on top it has a better taste, feels better on my throat, doesn't stink up the house while I have the windows closed, doesn't burn away in between hits so I can take a puff whenever I want, and keep an unfinished bowl for the next session. and even healthier, but that is least important for me.
altough during a few periods where I combusted a lot(daily or almost daily) I have noticed a sore throat and slight smokerscough wich made me quickly switch the balance mostly to vaporizing again.
all in all vaporizing has so much benefits for me that I consider it far superior to combusting, smoking is only for situations where vaporizing is inconvenient(at festivals/concerts, busier parties), and another reason fr ocassional smoking is that all my friends smoke joints, so passing a joint around a group of friends has a certain feeling too, and with the portable vaporizer I have it's always a little effort to explain how to use it, so I don't always feel like teaching people how to use it.


Well-known member
many reasons for vaping, staying healthy not the least
but one thing with the vape is the clean high, a vape high just gently fades away and leaves a clean head(upstairs)


Big thumbs up for my "Da Buddah".

I bought it, and a locally made glass bong, in order to enjoy my upcoming harvest.

I use the bong with the vape because it's easier to see the vapes accumulate in the bong tube than it is in the vape tube alone. This way I can better monitor my intake, and avoid inadvertently getting glued to the ceiling.

Amazing how much more effective less weed is using a vape, compared with combustion.

Good times.


Don't worry bro same thing happened to me. Following my first good vapor experience I tried to smoke a pipe and it was all lighter fluid. That stopped after a while.
I recently brought my vape to the zoo with me it was great! Some lady made a motion to a gorilla like, "What you want, sucka?" The gorilla flipped out and jumped like 3 feet in the air while banging the glass she was standing against it was the funniest shit.. fuck that lady
Vaping does give ya a different high though.. more like a sativa high imo. I'm stoned..


is the high from a vape more mellow?..more heady?how does the high change from vaping to smoking joints?


is the high from a vape more mellow?..more heady?how does the high change from vaping to smoking joints?

i am fresh from the vape, so i'll have a go at this...

it seems like it comes on all of a sudden...hey!

the 'chest effect" is much lighter...

the intellect is calmer - easier to talk coherently; more comfortable like say, going to the store and such.

high as hell but never walk into a room and wonder wtf i'm doing there, like i used to all the time!

interesting. i can see i have to do more research.

much more research.

Green Supreme

Well-known member
I vape regularly. I have noticed no matter the delivery system, if I do it one way all the time I do build like a tolerance to the method, as much as to a strain(Repeatedly smoked without any variety). I find folks that vape for the first time, or first time in a while, do not really realize how baked they are, till they leave the environment they are in. This, combined with the fact they are not experiencing the cannabis in the same way they are used too. Leaves them feeling they are not high.

I find this can happen with people that have only experienced the indica high as well. They have a preconceived notion of what the buzz should be, based on the indicas they puff. Therefore not being able to recognize the sativa buzz as being high at all. Funny to me cuz the sativa buzz is more of a high for me than the indica. Peace GS


New member
I actually just bought a dragonlitevaporizer, thing is awesome. It is a exact copy of the Magic Flight Launch but for only 25. I thought it was going to be cheap but it surprised me and was cool. Vaporizing is i think the only way im goin to smoke from now on. I cant handle any more blunts on my lungs, getting old lol peace


Active member
Da Budha arrived yesterday. Fist experience with the technology - hadn't heard of it until a month or so ago. Proto-Pipe and joint smoker for 15 years or so. Every method imaginable for 25 years before that.

GF and I are completely converted. Much closer match between odor and taste. Much cleaner to use. Feels like it takes less. I'm convinced that combustion destroys more of the psychoactive ingredients than vaporizing. It would also be very easy to believe that the toxic byproducts of combustion and inhaled butane have negative impacts that counteract some of the desired effect.

Superior in every regard after the 10 minutes it takes to get the hang of things. I guess that's an exaggeration. It costs more.

Got a Magic Flight Launch Box on the way for portable use :D


senior member
is the high from a vape more mellow?..more heady?how does the high change from vaping to smoking joints?

The high?
Depends on the vape temps. I use a old style (not digital)volcano and it has pretty good temperature control. I like to set it low (4.5) and pick off the more volital terpenes and cannabinoids that vaporize at lower temps. Depending on the herb, that the setting will give you different effects and taste than if you set it at 5. I ussually do a second bag set at 5, then save the duff for medibles. This duff still is potent but is more for relaxation or sleep. Lower settings also dry out damp herb as you vape' and you can get real tasty flavors. If you were to set the temps ever higher, the taste gets rougher hotter and drier, and the high hits harder, but it can be more couch Locky. If your wanting to take care of bidness fast just set it on 7. You hack and cough a little more but it does the deed. So just like what old ladies crotches smell like, depends......scrappy

irobot sd

If my flowers are abundant, Vape is it! I bought my vape 5+ years ago. It's a nice black box with a digi temp control. Keep it set on the 390-400 range. Thing is the bowl is pretty big and almost takes a whole joints worth of nugs to get a nice good hit. I only burn 3 or 4 big hits and blow out the trash & pack another. So easily a blunts worth for 2 or 3 nice size bowls. Other than that, Taste & High are soaring. Buzz is so strong and clean. Gets used seasonal because I empty jars too quick but I don't even care! This thing rips! Gets stored away & pulled out like an old aged bottle of brandy. Visitors know what time it is = )


Kronically Ill
I switched to 100% vape this year, and doubt I go back to combustion.

It's definitely a switch. I've always had an issue w/lower temps & poor extraction. That said, with the huge selection of vapes out there it's easier to find something to fit your needs.

I've found vaping to be more efficient & equally as effective as smoking. The taste took a little time to become normal, distinguishing individual flavors has become easier though, IMO.

The only problem I've found is trying to smoke after vaping exclusively. The taste & smell reminds me of when I just started smoking........no real individual flavors or aromas, just sweet/skunky herb. Just my experience.