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Who spoils their pet or pets with snacks?


ICMag Donor
I was thinking and everyone I know that smokes pot, spoils their animals with food. One girl buys them pre baked chicken and hand feeds them, another buys sandwich meat, and another guy I know buys his dog cheeseburgers from McDonald's.

I have 4 Ferrel cats that live in the woods by my home. At dusk they come to eat the food I put out and they all get a raw hot dog. They won't let me pet them, they growl because they are so afraid, yet they have come to the point where they will take it from my hand. They have learned to expect their hot dog and get aggravated now if they don't get it. They go through about 5 pounds of cheap hot dogs a week.

Does anyone else have this bad habit, lol.....?


I give my dogs a shit load of Ice Cubes in the summer. Not exactly bad for them, but I can't open the freezer now without giving them one.

They also love tapioca puddying and ice cream. I don't give them milk products often, cause god damn do they get gas.


When I had dogs, I'd always be gettin' them "doggie" treats, as I didn't like to feed them people food too much.

Now I treat the pet rats with nothin' but healthy carrots, yogurt or frozen veggies in their water bowl. They don't get anything thats "people" food. No chips, or stuff like that. The rats go ape for banana slices and love little frozen broccoli spears.

Pet rats rule



Cannabrex Formulator
My dad used to get these great big beef knee bones from the butcher, roast them up and bring them to the half-starved vicious guard dogs in the parking lot of a biz next to his place.

After a month or so, they were the nicest, mellowest guard dogs ever....they would greet him tails waggin' all happy to see the boneman.....


Weed is a gateway to gardening
ICMag Donor
I turned my bird into a cheese freak. I can't even open the deli drawer without him screaming for his piece of cheese.


I just feed her different flavors of science diet dogfood..
sometimes chicken, sometimes beef & rice, lambmeal flavored..

no people food, she had a tendency to raid the kitchen garbage.. so i cant start with the tablescraps


no wuckin furries!
always been a pet lover....just not the time for one atm...rember walking to the shops oneday and saw a fluffy cute orange kitten in a drain...to scared to let me pick it up and give it a home.....needless to say i bought him a can a food and placed it a the opening of the drain for him....could atleasted help him out with one meal.had my hand ripped and chewed pretty badly by saving a stray cat around the steet once... heard on the grape vine ppl where gona kill this 4 month old cat...my mum still has him...he's about 10 yrs old now....and he still has an attitude problem with me....dont know why...i saved his life lol.

i used to work in a pet shop years ago sales/mincing pet food...the amount of ppl spending alot of money on fresh and dryed food for there pets knowing they could buy cheaper but nowhere as good food from the super market....all walks of life hippys...mums/dads old ladys telling me that they spent more on there dog food than them selves...to a judge who was never happy with the way i cut his meat for his cat and would say he would cut it up the way she likes it after he get's home from work.....then theres my mum...she has 9 fluffy kids or somthing running around....mum if your reading this....dont get anymore 9 is enough.HH. =]


Used to have a neighbor gal who fed her cat fresh shrimp all the time. That animal had the most luxurious coat you’ll ever run your hand over!

Bh :wave:


Active member
Hello all,

My buddy gets a taste of most everything I eat (not off my plate mind you).

He is a truely spoiled dog...even barks at me to turn on the outside light so he can pinch a loaf at night.

In addition, we have 4 kids uner the age of three here at various times during the week and he scores from them too.

If he has not had enough people food, he will eat whats in his bowl as a last resort....pathetic.

We have two cats (because we had two daughters, hehe) and we feed them the best cat foods we can get them to eat. The vet got a little upset when we told him we treated them with tuna packed in water from the can,apparently it's too high in salt, so we started buying the 'extremely low sodium large chunk albacore' a price increase to say the least. They get their treat twice a day. Once right after they wake me up demanding it and once around dinner time when they circle like sharks around my feet as I prepare the people food.
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JJ they arent growling at you, they have MEAT and are growling for ownership of meat.
I have cats and dogs and they both eat the same dog food but the get table scraps everynight.I sing a little jingle(subway) on the porch and everbody comes a runnin.its pretty awesome.


Anime n Stoner Aficionado
Huey_Wunder said:
Now I treat the pet rats with nothin' but healthy carrots, yogurt or frozen veggies in their water bowl. They don't get anything thats "people" food. No chips, or stuff like that. The rats go ape for banana slices and love little frozen broccoli spears.

Pet rats rule

been thinkin of addin a couple to the family. in a rental & not supposed to have pets. figure can get away w/ rats. :D

as for spoiling i dont need to alex does enough for both of us, when we had critters.

daisy jane

I don't spoil my dog because he is actually my mom's dog and he acts like a jackass when she is around. But I do have a hamster (haha) and I spoil that little guy a lot. He gets all sorts of healthy treats like what Huey_Wunder was talking about. Also, if I am smoking in the same room as him he tries to get as close to me as possible. When I do blow him hits I make sure he is in a little tube that I can blow that into. Now whenever I pick up that particular tube he gets all excited and runs in it. What a pothead.
asa42 said:
been thinkin of addin a couple to the family. in a rental & not supposed to have pets. figure can get away w/ rats. :D

as for spoiling i dont need to alex does enough for both of us, when we had critters.
:yoinks: me? never!!

well, maybe. i did have to cook for our girl...lol

this dog would lie about potty time. then she would
fake pee...no joke...she would squat and look at me like " na na na na"

miss her still... :badday:


Med grower
ICMag Donor
I have a cat, he's really active and catches animals outside most nights. He always seems hungry! sometimes I give him a little bit of cheese (that makes him lick his lips) or sometimes some marmite on toast. He also gets a tiny bit (about a tea spoon) of milk thats left at the bottom of the cereal bowl :)



My little pony.. my little pony
My dog gets scraps.. of what I just cant say.



Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
My dog gets scraps.. of what I just cant say.

Too funny bro, hoping all is well in your camp & looking forward to your seeing your humor gracing these threads again real soon.......

I just gotta give some reps to my little fur babies,
I live alone but my 'kids' make it possible to call my
house a home, I've given away the puppy over a yr
ago as my back just couldn't keep up with her energy
level, a nearby friend (big family) now owns her and
she's the star of their household, just full of herself.......


these guys get a burger treat once/twice a week as it's the only way to get them to ingest the 2Tbsp. of Apple Cider Vinegar I give them as preventive medicine. ACV was recommended as a homeopathic remedy for a bladder infection for my dog, it worked better than the $300 vets visit & 3 weeks of antibiotics the last time she suffered from the exact same ailment.


Active member
my dogs get spoiled with bones, toys, and things like that but i usually
don't give them to many food treats.

someone said they give there dogs ice cubes and i do that to, i also give
my dogs certain table scraps but that is about it. i also let my dog eat some
banana when i have it, but i don't consider it a snack really. he might get 1 bite.

if i don't get to eat snacks my dogs don't get to eat snacks.