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Who shut the dogs up?


...a product called 'Bark Off'. Anyone got one?
This may have been the most personally useful infomercial I've ever had the pleasure of watching. It uses a high frequency noise that we cant hear, but apparently shuts up the pups.

I certainly cannot vouch for it quite yet as I've only seen the commercial, but I'm willing to bet a traveller would invest the $10.

I'll order one for gits and shiggles and report on my findings... Almost every time a canine unit passes my friends home, the dogs bark at his plethera of outdoor kitties. And he's even a carbonated man! :)

Hard to counter a well trained dog. They're suspected of being able to distinguish about 5,000 different aromas in one swift sniff!

I'm not sure of the legal ramifications as to whether this could count as 'assault on an officer', so maybe best to find out first....I dont wanna be responsible for someone picking up a charge like that using my advice!


Overkill is under-rated.
I bought an $80 version of that that didn't work for shit on my neighbors goddamn basset hounds, noisiest animals I've ever heard. Asshole owners didn't care and were gone all the time.

Only thing I've ever found to actually work was a shock collar, but it's gotta be your dog! If the dog perceives a real threat no shock collar will shut him up, but the "boredom barking" comes to a halt real quick.


my dog is well trained ,if he barks there is a reason. proper training

Not sure what relevence this presents?

Thanks Lazyman; I'm curious to see the effect of these types of products, as determined by actual users. Basset Hounds can be truely annoying for sure...just the 'voice' of their barking is virtually unbearable to me personally! Like a depressed, whiny, drunk bitch!

emerald city

ive seen various no bark collars that are human and work on germanshepherds...vibration activated...still a form of pain compliance.


my dog is well trained ,if he barks there is a reason. proper training

Meaning? how do you exactly train a dog to bark at the proper moment(when something is afoot)? A good dog by nature will bark at things suspicious.

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