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Who is this winged bastard?


New member
killed a couple yesterday only to come back and find quite a few more today. We're in our 3rd week of Veg, hydro in coco, flood & drain system. What's my best course to take with these???


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yep fungus nats or shore flies whatever you want to call them.theres a few good threads on how to get rid of them.depends if you prefer organic or not fussed chemical.


New member
Thanks guys. Interestingly, they seem more interested in the light and the pre-filter on the carbon filter than the plants themselves. Ok to spray them with Neem Oil?
Sorry to say, but that's a root aphid. Look at how the wings extend past the butt, and the fat teardrop shape of the body.

Look very closely at the bottom of your pots for tiny black specks, tiny crawlers. RA's have 5 or 6 stages, and there are 3 or 4 different crawlers (all the same RA), and when the population gets to a certain point they morph into the flyers so they can infest another area.

I thought I had spilled coco all over the floor, but it was millions of these crawlers, and at the same time I also found the flyers.

You probably will also have fungus gnats, which look like the other pic posted, they are quick and flitty, look like tiny wasps.

Read up abou RA's in the thread here, you'll want to use Imidicloprid (in veg only) and there are some other things you can use.

RA's are EVIL, I just scrapped an 8 light room because of these, you'll Wish you just had spider mites or thrips, don't mess around.

RA's CAN be kept in control enough to not affect your yields and quality, but you are in for a big fight.

They cause what looks like cal-mag deficiency, yellow plants, slow growth, nothing fixes it until you get rid of the RA's

Sorry to be the bringer of bad news, but the sooner you deal with these the sooner you'll get back on track.

I've had them for years, never being able to 100% rid my rooms of them, but using Imidicloprid (Annual brand Tree and Shrub is what I use at 10ml/gal) I have been able to carry on for the most part. MET52 also has worked for me, but not 100% (I may have not used enough), read up about these buggers, prepare for war, and you should be OK


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
If the plants are not showing any issues its not root Aphids. You cant have them and have a healthy plant.. Gnats are bothersome but dont cause any damage that I have seen. If you want to know for sure you need to Take the plant out of the pot and look at the roots very closely they are fast. Those buggers will dig into the soil before you can get a good look. I take a good hand full of soil off the bottom and put it into a bowl to look through. I dont know what kind of super macro eyeballs you got lol. There is no way I can say there root Aphids with that pic. I have no clue how you came up with that with those pics. Anyway I use sevin-5 dust for all of my pest problems. Sprinkle a layer over the soil after you have watered. wait 2-3 days remove that layer with a small shop vac and repeat if needed.

I still stand by my Gnat ID...


The pic from the OP is a root aphid, plain and simple. Hammerhead, depending on your level of infestation, you certainly can have an RA infestation and show no symptoms above the soil line. Considering he's still in veg, root growth is still strong, thus the symptoms are not exacerbated as they would be as root growth curtails in mid flower.



RA's for sure look at the legs. Get some Bayer and use it in Veg, Now!


New member
Hey guys I appreciate the input. I posted these pics two days before i noticed the flying bastards. I, and another poster had assumed these were the result of nute burn, but now I'm wondering too.


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Definitely RAs. Best of luck with them.


Edit: Thanks for the rep Hammerhead and my apologies for dishing out bad advice. Clearly I'm in the wrong here.


New member
Thanks again everyone; I really do appreciate the input. I managed to get one of them to pose for me before I snuffed him out. Will pull one of the plants later this eve to check the bottom of the pot.

:thank you:


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Guest 18340

If that's a wing sticking out on the left side of it's body then I agree with HH, it seems to be a Gnat. Gnats love moist coco...


Registered Non-Conformist
As my signature says... Don;t forget to look for Broad Mites... They do that same thing to 'em. and are infesting many peoples' gardens.. They thrive outdoors as well, unlike their Spidery Cousins.. Insidious bastards.

Red Fang

Active member
I think I have had at one time or another all 3, so what is the treatment? Preferably an organic one if a good one exists


Get a sack of diatomaceous earth...gnats,mites,ants,fleas,crabs..any insect..they do not like it.its like tiny shards of glass that penetrates the insects ectoskeleton and dehydrates said insects
I've mixed it in my soil and also treat my grow area with a dusting.
And it's organic,man.

Tropical Rain

Haze, Kush & Grey Goose
Skeeter dunks + Azamax/sm-90 = gnats
bayer = Aphids.

Check your environment's air circulation near the tops of pots.

moist coco breeds those fuckin gnats. also can try switching brands of coir in the future.

The first 2 pics are root aphid flyers, no doubt. If you have flyers, you have all the other forms of them.

It IS possible to have RA's and not see any evidence, they can go from a couple to millions in just a day or 2. I've caught them before they've done serious damage, possibly as you have as well, but you need to act quickly.

You need to read the thread here about RA's, it's long, but you'll find what you need to deal with RA's.
Often (always in my case) you can have fungus gnats as well. The RA's kill roots, and then the fungus gnats set in in force, so don't think that you just have gnats. The pics you posted are of RA flyers, I've spent a LONG time fighting these, and I know exactly what they look like.

Bayer Tree and Shrub used to be the best thing to use, but it haas changed, and I found Annual Brand Tree and Shrub that has the higher concentration of Imid and nothing else. You'll want to use other things as well to really kill them off, read about thatin the other thread. I hope this helps. Good Luck!!

Tropical Rain

Haze, Kush & Grey Goose
How can you tell what that is when you hardly can see anything in the pic? I've watched people confuse the two so many times. Hell I have. Fungus gnats will kill your root zone, not simply just hinder growth it will stop growth in it's tracks if you got enough larvae in the root zone.

Get some skeeter dunks float em in the water you use for nutrients for 24 hours, mix up a batch water like normal. See what kind of results you get.

All the OP has to do is kill one and put it under a 10x mag/micro and compare with pictures of gnats to rule out gnats.

Careful with the pesticides, please read up thoroughly.




Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
I have never had plant Issues with Gnats must be lucky. They are a pest for sure but did not do anything to my plants. I had a horrible infestation of them 1000's of them looked like the soil was moving. Thats when I started using sevin-5 dust. RA are a pain they almost killed a few of my girls. Sevin-5 killed those as well...

I like the Sevin-5 dust. After it kills all the bugs I can remove it without the plant being exposed to any of it.. I watered the plant well then applied a thin layer let it sit for a few days then used my wet/dry vac to suck off the dust. Water and repeat the treatment if needed.