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Who is John Turmel ?


Active member
I found this on you tube and started to read the comments and this guy has some harsh things to say about John Conroy .

This is what he says " Jct I want the regimes and prohitbions struck down, Conroy wants the regime fixed and the prohibitions to continue. I wouldn't say he's working toward repeal like I am, would you?
comment poster says "We need to stand together , and John turmel says:
Jct: Sorry, no saboteurs working with the narcs against repeal on my star team "

He does make some key points but hes too over the top for me . https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p1V5mw1fPRo 16:00 - 20:min in you tube video has some interesting points
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He is like you say "over the top", but I believe he is worth investigating.
I am a Conroy fan, but I am aslo a big Turmel fan.
Turmel offers many different free legal kits, he has helped a lot of people.
The law society wanted to mute him...taking $ from the lawyers.
He has provided results.
He has huge balls. Lacking in subtleness for sure, but maybe one shouldn't be subtle when dealing with these issues.
On our issues, the primary difference is Turmel seeks life time exemptions versus what might be a short term reprieve.
I think it is worthwhile to really look into what he has done and what he is currently working on.


Active member
I see he is more active and vocal then John conroy but it seems to me that no matter who can get the job done im for that person . There needs to be clearer lines drawn before Turmel starts to attack John conroys approach . It seems to me that Mr Turmel Likes to show you his cards . I like his messages just not sure if hes right for the direction we should be heading . So I find offence in is manner towards the coalition. I like the mmar and hope HC can regulate it get an inspection program in place and drop these fear tactics of growing at home is a public safety. I think that HC needs an overhaul of directors and employees


John Turmel is an interesting character that's been fighting the system since the 70's on a ton of different issues. He's a professional gambler and holds a Guinness World Record for the most contested elections. He thinks we should abolish interest rates on debt and cannabis should be free to be used by all. As far as the Conroy vs Turmel stuff, Turmel is attacking the CDSA scheduling of cannabis, Conroy is dealing solely within the MMAR/MMPR and constitutional rights.


Genetic Resource Management
Turmel is crazy - not just weird/odd - certifiable. I met him many, many years ago in Ontario while we were dong the Federal MJ Party thing before Marc Emery and Dana started the BC Marijuana Party.

Comparing Turmel to Conroy is silly, they are complete opposite ends of the spectrum.

As stated above Turmel has the world's record as the guy who ran in the most elections (municipal, provincial, federal) to have never won a seat.... well into the 30's at this point I believe.

Sure he does some interesting things, but aligning yourself with Turmel is like aligning yourself with Wilcox- not the best thing IMO for our movement because of the personal credibility issues.

This movement is about the movement, and the plant... not about individual people.. so when you see EGO trippers looking for attention shouting ME, ME, ME, you should pay consider their motives before jumping into bed with them.



I respect everyone's opinion.
I'm just saying , his tactics are worth looking at.
Who else offers quality advice, legal kits for free?
In the mj area he has had some positive results. I for one would be very happy with a schedule exemption, and not have to deal with all this BS from HC.
I think he's closer to 80 than 30...he obviously runs for a platform to voice whatever he feels like spewing at that time.
I can't testify to his motives, but I can look at the tactics and results.
Brian Wagner

Brian Wagner

Who is this guy? He responded to my email about his blog, and I really appreciate it but who is he? CEO of some consulting firm out of Calgary? What is all that about anyway?


Saw this on the comments of this page


John KingofthePaupers Turmel
Jct: The http://johnturmel.com/mmprgold stars are raising those issues with Federal Court on Apr 29. Most of all, those whose ATPs had expired and had not renewed and were left out are asking for personal exemptions for medical use. The real fight has just begun, in federal courts all across Canada on Apr 29 11am EDT. http://johnturmel.com/phelan02.pdf has the judge's order. It's been re-timed for 11am EDT


Turmel is a nut and a waste of time. success of pol-coa is due to crown fatigue nothing to do with the non-lawyering.



Matthew 7:1-3

Judge not, that ye be not judged.

For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.

And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?

man o man this site be the type,
that be full of wizards an wunderkind too,
ya'll be bashin' someone else, for what they do,

sad reflection of society right here on the web,
ya think since we all love the kind,
that bullshit like this would be dead...



I also...Wish John Termel all the best in court today.

Good luck to this crazy guy today in court . https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LIS6gs23Csk

When do you think the out come will be revealed today???

I'm guessing that this would all happen in the courts back east at 9-10am EST(eastern standard time). If the time line goes as Turmel predicts/expects, they should be finished up by noon-1pm EST.

I am quite interested in the out come of the complete removal of Marijuana for Medical purposes from the CDSA(Controlled Drugs and Substance Act). If John Termel can pull that off, there will be no need for any federal Medical MJ programs(the MMAR or MMPR) anymore and he will be vindicated as a legal wizard and not a crazy wing nut.

I want to believe in this guy...But his loose canon tactics are a bit on the scary side. History is full of people perceived, as wing nuts, and they turn out to be correct...This fact alone keeps me coming back to hear what he has to say.



Active member
He should be all do done now . might be something on his web page ill post something if I find anything


Active member
he has the worst website i have seen since the 90's. hurts my eyes. regardless, i wish him well in his fight. hopefully some of you guys will keep us non facebook users updated on the results.


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