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Who is barely getting by these days...?


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I would be struggling, but weed always keeps me afloat. Whoever says money doesn't grow on trees, is...well, wrong:) I also beleive that no matter how bad things get out there, the demand for good weed will never go away. I love growing weed and would do it even if was worth far less than it is. But, fortunately it is a quite profitable market to be in.

I do wish I saved more money from the pre children days when my balls and grow shows were bigger, lol. Hindsight is 20/20, and I had a lot of fun when I was younger.


We have very little money - I'm chronically unemployed, but the Mrs. is a well respected Resource teacher w/ special needs kids, so we have her cheques.

No savings, no bank acct to speak of - but we are 3 yrs away from finishing our house mortgage.

I am a rich man, tho' - house, decent (used) van, my 2 boys are true gentlemen. My sons are everything I wasn't - well liked, hard working, athletic, good looking. Oldest son IQ in top .4%, valedictorian, go-to guy. Youngest athletic stud, honours student, team captain.

Life is very good - better than I think I deserve (in my dark days), but I have been gifted wonderful things out of the blue. Last yr someone I'd never met gifted me 2 ozs of their different home produced herb, just because they thought I was a good guy, and I was trying to not buy for a whole yr as a present to my wife (I did it!!!).


Thats one of my favorite songs, Everlast is a cool shit.

I get by but only because I bought some HID's and am growing some trees.


Active member
i have enough for food and rent.

(and internet)

and enough to save up for a new computer every 2 years or so.

that and especially because of the wife and pets :)

well, i dont need no more. (plus i grow my own along with some other things)

if i wanted "more" it would cut into family time.


Things are tough all round for a lot of folks, if your surplus weed helps to pay a few bills then good luck to you :)


Earth is undergoing big BIG changes. around 90% dont suspect anything

i hear things will be changing for better soon

I feel the lucky few are awakening, to what I dont know.

Lots of interesting things being discussed concerning 2012 and the change of earth frequency, which is supposed to bring forward a major shift in mentality of earth people and a huge leap forward in human evolution is also supposed to take place. Whether or not any of it is true who really knows, but it sure is fun to think about, almost like a little glimmer of hope in a world of shit. :joint:


Active member
well for starters im a huge everlast fan...that dude is as real as they get, and isn't afraid to say how he feels on anything...gotta respect that.

i've been a fan since the house of pain days, and still dig all the rawk stuff he does even tho i can't stand much rawk musik

everlast is on the same level as zdlr, and bob marley w/ me....(i'd never shut one of their songs off).

as far as getting by...well i'm doing really good and pretty much always have been (financially speaking)....there have been a few small struggles here and there, but i've always made bank, and i've grown for 17 of my 38 years of life...so never short on quality green.

seems that no matter how much or how little you have that it always seems like "just getting by"

i live in a BIG house on lots of acres w/ no neighbors... ..up in the mtns of colorado, at almost 10'000 ft, most would consider where i live to be heaven (i sure do)...(but it's not alaska)

i feel bad for soooo many ppl that are struggling tho....i put myself in other ppls shoes quite often, and usually see that most ppl do get what they deserve, and are actually getting to sleep in the bed they made.

...1 thing i see alot of here in colorado that pisses me off and breaks my heart (not much does)...is homeless vets.

im sick of seeing homeless vets that have medical issues (physical and mental)...that get no assistance and have given literally everything they have so that ppl have freedom and needed assistance...i'll never understand it i guess.

i am the farthest thing from a compassionate person, but when i cross a vet like that...ill give them whatever cash i have...20-50-100....whatever i have, and thank them for their service...(hard to imagine this world w/ out them having done and sacrificed what they have)



3rd-Eye Jedi
let the poison be medicine

REAL WEALTH HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH MATERIALS and the amount of easy money had everyone focused on material things not humanity

now that the distraction is gone and people have come to reevaluate their priorities there is some clarity regarding whats important

this is a cyclical thing and it happens because we so easily forget when we distracted


I've got food, water, shelter, and every now and then a girl is kind enough to have sex with me so I can't complain. And as far as the economy and "society" goes, let it burn, I'd be fine living in the woods if it came down to it.


Active member
I've got food, water, shelter, and every now and then a girl is kind enough to have sex with me so I can't complain. And as far as the economy and "society" goes, let it burn, I'd be fine living in the woods if it came down to it.

amen brother
I've got food, water, shelter, and every now and then a girl is kind enough to have sex with me so I can't complain. And as far as the economy and "society" goes, let it burn, I'd be fine living in the woods if it came down to it.

Dude you have to be one of my homies. Sounds all too familiar. Thanks for keeping it real.


Scary thing is I make good money at my day job (made just a hair over 100k last year) but am barely getting by..

I don't live that large, I have a modest house, a nice vehicle, and a couple of nice toys but thats it. I don't take super fancy vacations every year, or go out spending wads of cash partying and hanging out.

Growing allows me to supplement my income somewhat by hooking up close friends with good herb and hash who are clueless as to its origin, but thats not very reliable as these guys hardly have money these days, as evidenced by one repeat offender who is always asking to have an 1/8th fronted to him (to which the answer is always no, if you can't afford an 1/8th of weed to begin with you probably shouldn't be trying to hook up).


the 1st of the year my company will be another victim of the failing economy. the store i run is closing it's doors after 25 years of business along with a few other locations. their will still be a few locations open in hopes to keep a 100+ year old family company in business, but even the owners dont seem overly otimistic. i was offered another posotion with a pay CUT, and 3x's longer commute (450+ miles a week). havent completely made my mind up, but its looking like the switch will not be worth it to me and i'm going to have to find something else. thankfully for me i have an extensive construction manangement background and always have bros trying to hire me away from my current job (all travel work though), but others in my company do not have skills or trades to fall back on. they've worked at this company since its opened and its all they know. with no work in this field in our area, they are going to really be affected. our gov has doomed a generation of us i fear with outsourcing all our manufacturing. that was all allot of people new how to do. between that and the out of work vets like nokuy said, its really sad. i dont fear for myself, i'll survive, i always do (though the thought of change is a bit overwhelming). but the vets and people that give 15-20 years of their life in fields that no longer exist i really feel for. lets all pray for better days ahead my friends.
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the last few months have been hard...just glad i was wise and saved up most of my earnings from the year so i have something to sit back on....but things have definately been tougher i cant believe how many thousands the government is managing to pillage from me in the form of traffic and parking enforcement tickets, combined with "administrative assessment fees" and other taxation bullshit....money il never see again..

if i didnt grow pot and have cash flowing in, if i had to work a regular 10 hr job like most kids i know, paying into the SS ponzi scheme....i would be fucking homeless right now.....

i seriously cant wait until the masses rise up and we take these aristocractic elite to the guillotine..


Active member
when did turkey get so expensive. wow i miss getting mine cheap from the farm. 21 lb 44$ at my grocery store for a good bird. wtf?