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Who here RUNS OZONE???!?


Got a few questions...

If you run it in the same room, you notice the smell and taste get ruined from final product? and i guess more importantly quality?


Vladimir Demikhov Fanboy
I do. I do not run it in the room, I inject it into the ducting, it flows into a large mix chamber, then exits the building through another short duct run.

I've done minor looking damage to plants when a hose broke and I ozoned the grow heavily, no clue what running it full blast for a full grow would do. I would imagine that any oxidizer (ozone is one) would be a really BAD thing to surround THC or it's precursors with.


I run 2 air tigers outside my flower room. The lady at the store told me when I bought it to not run them in the same room. Took the taste right out of her basil were her exact words. I still have a problem though. I just posted a thread earlier. Seems like a carbon scrubber is the ticket!


Vladimir Demikhov Fanboy
Ya, you have to really physically separate the ozone from the grow itself in my experience.


I want to try the carbon filters. Iv'e had them ozone generators for years now. I only run them the last few weeks. They are a lung irritant though. I spend a lot of time in my rooms and hate breathing the shit! And it still stinks! It helps, but at 200 for each, what I spent, carbon is about the same price, a tad more. I'm gonna give that a shot!

emerald city

5000 sqft tiger air being mixed into a 16x20 room=no problems with excapeing smells or airborne fungus.Smoke has NOT lost flavor or taste.Room has both air in/out +ozone


3rd-Eye Jedi
ozone is the best pre and post filter method if you have zero tolerance for airborne pathogens odors and PESTS (yeah an ozone filtered room has less critters)

at certain levels its an irritant and at other levels its lethal (odor control does not produce the PPM to do this if used in the properly sized area)

at a certain levels ozone will strip the smell right out of your plant and can even burn them while growing

been using uvonairs for years they are great.

big perks over carbon filters is the pathogen pest AND performance in higher humidity applications than carbon filters.

its funny cause i ordered a replacement bulb for one of mine and it was bad and I never returned it and I could use it right about now, fucking reminds me another thing i have to take care of
i use to, it kinda conflicts with the taste and smell not potency though.
I resulted tro cute little water fountains around the house from homedepot that have a sweet smelling mixuture or [pine sol of some sort running through it.


Any know how many amps these things draw?

I pull air outta my grow room up to the attic (stanley blower), and Im thinking of gassing the attic craw space, where it will passively be forced out the vents (by the positive pressure created from the blower).

I will still get a cycling timer, but i figure the negative pressure created by the blower will keep me the growroom safe from the O3. Or do i just have to break down and get some carbon?

emerald city

Any know how many amps these things draw?

I pull air outta my grow room up to the attic (stanley blower), and Im thinking of gassing the attic craw space, where it will passively be forced out the vents (by the positive pressure created from the blower).

I will still get a cycling timer, but i figure the negative pressure created by the blower will keep me the growroom safe from the O3. Or do i just have to break down and get some carbon?
They dont use much power at all....I really dont know what all the fuss is about..Ive run ozone for years in many differant applications.NEVER had a problem.If it bothers you shut it off while your working in your room....My 2c charcoal filters are an over priced ,heavy, waste of money.Proper air flow,keeping your room in a negitive draft situation,venting old air up high and an ozone machine somewhere in the vent system..I like them in the room to help kill mold spore's that come in from the fresh air intake....what ever works bro ,good luck..E.C
I use a 1000mg/min ozone generator in the flower room, 100mm ducting from ozone generator to just behind the circulating fan. I have it 15mins on 45mins off. It works well for odor control and as for negatively affecting taste or potency I haven't noticed....but would definitely like to know if that is a possibility.

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