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Who here has let go of Anger?


Well-known member
One day I asked my Master the question "why do people who should know better do really rotten, horrible things to others?"

His response, "all people are in different stages of physical, emotional and spiritual growth"

.... and then he gently bowed his head as if to say 'and that's just the way it is'

That's the day that the understanding started and the anger started to dissapate. :smoke:




I used to rage and be highly competitive. Then I grew up. I realized that my decisions were my own and I couldn't blame others for my actions.

Now I it is almost always apparent that if I get angry, I am over stressed and probably sleep deprived.

I also learned that if I don't get serious physical exercise weekly, at the bare minimum, then I am more likely to explode, or rather let things affect me in a negative way.

Medicine helps too.:biglaugh:

Classic Seeds

anger and hate is a total waste of time and energy you have lost before the game even begins because it blinds you to all of lifes possibilitys when you are happy and clear thinking ...aloha think about the solutions not the problems ,that is the only way things can change for the better aloha classic seeds
someone once told me if you find yourself angry or hating someone for whatever reason and you cant let it go, pray to your god for that person daily. You can not harbor resentment for someone that you pray for. Im not really a religous person but I do believe it works. Wont happen overnight but within time you will be free of that anger.

Now day to day short term anger at randome things and people? I use to be that way, then for whatever reason I just realized life is to short, and most of the things that I was angry about I was just as guilty of doing myself, Were all more alike than we like to think. I might not like you at all, but I love you! The people issue was easy for me to get over, Its the other "things"(like my dog getting loose, trouble working on my car ect.) that I have trouble dealing with. I start throwing shit and puke out alot of nasty words. Im working on it.....

you will perceive what you already believe, Only my opinion


Well-known member
i used to wake up pissed off everymorning regardless just have to find a way to channel it i used to just rage and grab pipe wrench and smack it against something until couldnt hold it anymore but then started growing even g/f noticed im alot happier/chilled when im growing must be theroputic...

Shafty420, I am very happy you find peace in growing my friend. You must have some special plants.


Active member
i have let go of most of my anger, but i still get real angry in traffic

especially when dutch people or old people or women or a combination of the three are driving in front of me
I get angry about having to go to work meetings when I'm not making any money.

It's easy to get upset in traffic on the freeway, that's why you just gotta turn on some reggae dub or some blues smoke a car bowl and just let it melt away. After getting to that state you realize, it's trivial to get mad, and what do you know traffic starts moving faster cause you stopped giving it bad thoughts.

I get angry when cops bust non violent growers and treat them like criminals.



Or perhaps the people who don't deal with their hate do not end up living very long...

I used to be angry when I was a little kid. It was most likely misplaced aggression about my parents being split up.

Now I'm happy with my life and generally at peace. I fight battles worth fighting, mainly to protect those I love. That is what's important. Yet most of the time things really can be settled with words.

I'm glad Gypsy came by to impart his wisdom on the subject. This forums chill atmosphere is what drew me to this website in the first place. The chill factor is what led me to loving this wonderful plant as well. All you need to do is spend some time in a college dorm room to understand the difference between stoners and drunks.


Active member
I'm furious with my ex best friend. So angry at how he betrayed my trust by blabbing far and wide about my private life, including growing activities. I trusted this guy, loved him like a brother, but have been forced to cut him out. Meanwhile, things seem to be going well for him. I'm filled with resentment at how he took a massive shit on me but gets to carry on like nothing happened, while I'm left to deal with the fallout. It absolutely infuriates me.

I've had fair success at managing depression by working out, immersing myself in productive activities, talking with friends, watching funny movies, reading...things that take me out of my head are all helpful. This rage, though--it's a different beast, and I'm having a lot of trouble handling it. It's like battery acid eating at me from the inside out. I can feel how horrible it is for me, both physically and spiritually. I hate feeling this way but don't know how not to. Weirdly, it almost feels like an addiction. It's like a monkey I can't get off my back.

How do you deal with it? How do you let it go?



Try running 100 rounds through a .44 mag... makes me feel better.

Intense physical activity also works wonders for the mind. Cut wood, climb a mountain, ride a bike. Do what ever you like for a solid day, work it out.

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