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who has the stupidest neighbors in the world?


lives on planet 4:20
I have never read anything in Tokers Den about stupid fuc..ing neighbors...that do not let you live.....always doing some stupid shit

anyone have stories about these kind of *mofos*?


her dankness
My neighbors like to play Rock Band at 3am with the volume turned all the way up, and their friends keep ripping up my lawn by driving over it in wet weather.
So I evicted them.

My old neighbor at a place I was renting decided to turn MY UNIT into HER GROWHOUSE within days of me moving out, before I had a chance to shut off the utilities and cancel the accounts.
I haven't decided what to do about THAT one yet. Probably nothing.

Jack Crevalle

My old neighbor at a place I was renting decided to turn MY UNIT into HER GROWHOUSE within days of me moving out, before I had a chance to shut off the utilities and cancel the accounts.
I haven't decided what to do about THAT one yet. Probably nothing.

Take the bill over to her pad and ask for some kind in exchange..


her dankness
Nawwww I'm all set with her bagseed hermi plants... and I'd rather not be hanging around when, inevitably, she does something brainiac-y that gets her a visit. Sometimes it's best to take a punch and walk away.

Edit: Re-reading that, it just struck me why female growers have so few problems and a dispropotionately small number of us get busted, lol! Chick approach: non-confrontational... :D
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Listen to me jerky
My neighbor likes to talk to his cat every morning around 4am. It's not really that annoying, but it sure is funny to listen to. It's like clockwork too, 4am on the dot, every morning.

D Rock

My neighbor is my boss, I cant stand him. He seems to think we are buds or something, Everytime he invites me to do something I turn him down you would think he would get the point. Im not going to bash him but He annoys me something fierce.


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

I do,
they figured I wouldn't mind if their cat tore up my
compost pile, ate out of my garbage can, hunted
on my property and they were wrong. The next one
they get should be an indoor cat, they live longer.

Now before I catch shit for saying that just understand
that when I let my dogs out (as is my right) at night on
my property they have chased that cat across the state
highway I live on. The ONLY way to stop the dogs from
chasing the cat was to eliminate the cat, the neighbors
were warned & they left it outside to rummage anyway.

btw, cats both domestic and feral have been known to
decimate the ruffed grouse (upland game bird) population
and so that cat was also eating my food as it was seen
by me too many times hunting on my 16 acres for bird.


My neighbor likes to find dog shit in his yard and pile it on my front door. He is convinced my dog is shitting in his yard... his fenced in yard, lol. I got tired of his antics last week and killed his cat. I'm a sociopath, I know. Come at me with your fists and I'll come back with a fucking gun.


Active member
Stoner4Life said:

I do,
they figured I wouldn't mind if their cat tore up my
compost pile, ate out of my garbage can, hunted
on my property and they were wrong. The next one
they get should be an indoor cat, they live longer.

Now before I catch shit for saying that just understand
that when I let my dogs out (as is my right) at night on
my property they have chased that cat across the state
highway I live on. The ONLY way to stop the dogs from
chasing the cat was to eliminate the cat, the neighbors
were warned & they left it outside to rummage anyway.

btw, cats both domestic and feral have been known to
decimate the ruffed grouse (upland game bird) population
and so that cat was also eating my food as it was seen
by me too many times hunting on my 16 acres for bird.

No need to explain...I hate cats to!!! :rasta:
Its not about hating cats or not, I love cats, but they reproduce like mad and become quite the pests when outside. Cats should either be in houses or barns. Im lucky though, I know amish people that are always willing to come and get a good barn cat to keep the mice out of their hay.


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
OgreSeeker said:
No need to explain...I hate cats too!!! :rasta:
no bro, I don't hate them, they have their place in homes and nature both. I do however have issues with irresponsible pet owners that happen to be neighbors. I think cats are cool really & if they'd shit outside I might have one (you can't let a cat out to shit & expect it to come right in either & it will hunt while it's outside) but I'm the king of my castle, I and I alone shit in my house.


Domesticator of Cannabis

If you love your pets keep them on a leash or
they're fair game for larger, faster moving things.


sunshine in a bag
The guys that live right next to me like to have parties every night, playing the same shitty music each night.

Only 1-2 people show up, but thats enough for them to get drunk and scream outside and see who can say FUCK the most each time he screams.


-shut the fuck up


k im outside


k even though you're 5'2 120lbs and drunk and i'm 6'4 250 and pissed

I hate people


Registered Med User
These arent my neibors, they my folks folks....
These fools got a medical card, but they have there trees in big ole pots in the front yard where you can see it hella good from the steet. Its been in the police barter three times, people always calling reporting it, but the police know its medical (after the second time over there). They hella dumb, I would put money on them gettin jacked this year, even if they move um... If I lived next door to um, Id have the stupidest neighbors.


lives on planet 4:20
in america most people live in houses....where I am currently living most people live in apartments and in the last five apartments I have lived there is always stupid motherfuc...rs that are doing some shit after midninght

the first few places I beat the shit out of the neighbors and when they called the cops...I had to bribe them...like 20$ in our currency each time

now because of all these stupid ass scandals with corruption they don't want to take bribes.....so currently I have been trying to be more civilized.....I usually go tell them to stop their shit right away....and talking works pretty well

the only problem I had is with two seventeen year old lesbian chicks that moved in about a year ago......one wall of my apartment borders with theirs....and at night they start moning and shit.....they must have their strap-ons working overtime or something...lmfao

and I love going there at 1 in the morning....and watching them come out all sweaty saying they will try to keep it quiet....gives me something think about in case I have to slap my monkey....lmfao


Listen to me jerky
VanillaGueriila said:
Its not about hating cats or not, I love cats, but they reproduce like mad

If people would just get their pets fixed that wouldn't really be a problem