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Who could do such a thing



lol i bet the cops are doing it to the guys that arent following the state laws.. or are going way over.. or flaunting that u grow and sell bud.. its like they said.. if we werent rubbing there nose in it .. they wouldnt be able to smell it .. and get pissed off and do stupid shit to the growers..

just that if ur security was better for all that money u spent to get the grow going. . then u wouldnt of had this issue.. ? iuno seems that everyone skimps on security.. ? i love having cameras all over the entire house and yard.. i tmakes me happy to know if some1 whats to fuck with me .. ill find em.. and do way worse lol
How would better security have prevented this from occurring? Let's go with your assertions here, and say this guy had cameras all over the place. The cameras caught deputies or other LEO spreading pollen all over the crop. What law, exactly, would they be breaking? How do you figure they'd sue, on what legal basis? Ruining the crop? I think they'd have a tough row to how trying to make that legal argument, and it would only be heard in a civil court in any event.
I would like to think that we know our neighbors well enough that they wouldn't pull a stunt like that. That is a tremendous amount of karma coming with doing something like that to your friend and neighbor. Neighbor had 22.

Just talked to a buddy that is born and raised here. Has a friend in the force that lets him know what happening. Got a call this week that his patch of 24 was getting yanked. Copper said they are focusing on mom and pops this year. Said they know of gardens of thousands that they're gonna let go. Trying to instill fear across the community and get to as many as possible. Haven't heard of a garden larger than 25 that has been popped around here. Everything they have taken has been medical with posted scripts. Hence the DNR fucks rolling around giving them federal powers. Pretty messed up.

I bet ya the Mendo sheriffs are just letting the feds deal with the big grows, since Jerry de-funded CAMP. There's still ICE, et alia, who are doing fly-overs right now.


Active member
Dude this really sucks, I'm sorry.

But FWIW and MY opinion only, but you really have to have to consider risks vs rewards here. The risks of somebody setting you up, or believing the neighbors stories here, whatever, far outweigh the rewards of waiting on 'em. And if you feel it's true the cops do know about the grow and wanted just fuck you up (me,I don't buy it) I have some great land in FL to sell you. I think the neighbor would set you up by dropping a dime anyway even if that bs story might be true. The cops know about you're grow then? THAT should make your decision easy. So, there's those things and wondering what's true and what's not vs cutting and running and salvaging what you can. Don't be greedy and stupid, too much shit to worry about. Chalk it up as a learning experience and do more better security next time.

The consequences of not doing that way far out-weigh the risks here. Again, MY opinion from MY point of view. Good luck.


Everyone is certainly entitled to their opinions. Drug task force agents are notorious around here, lots of corruption, stealing cash, reselling stolen weed, bribery you name it. Kinda like pirates.


Well....we all learned from the L.A Riots. The government pushes too far and the people push back. This is our Government. We, the voters, are in control of what the cops can, and cannot do. (we gave the federal government the power when we voted it in) If we stand together and vote the right people into congress, american growers will soon rise up and take back what the cop pigs took from us.
Our weed. Our homes. Our families. Our pleasure. Our hobbies. Our passions.
They want to kick our doors down, take and ruin what they want, and destroy the family but turn around and say we deserved it for breaking the law.
We will soon do the same to each and every cop that doesnt fear us citizens and we will do to you what you've done to us.
The American Government has been found guilty of treason and tyranny against its own people!

Like Phil from Pantera says. "Kill the f*cks to show him up, equal his displeasure now,
stab his ass, remind his ass, of what the f*ck we live for....our f*cking selves!

Go African-Americans in L.A.!~ Run like the wind. You are revolutionary's. You are gangster. But without honor and integrity....your just poor thugs from the hood thieving and robbing, hooking and jabbing like everyone else. Hustling to survive. I get it................

but what I dont get........ is that you wanted to hurt everyone that was white instead of hurting the police that beat you constantly. We(white citizens) didnt pull black people out of their cars and trucks and beat them. We didnt bust into your homes with a tank, or turn you in when you sold us weed. THE COPS DID! A policed state did that to you, and us. Yes black people got targeted horribly. Not by citizens. By COPS. That was the only thing I didnt get about the riots. But much more of that is coming to america sooner than later Im sure.

lost in a sea

the pigs are just like the senate or the corrupt congress or the fake duopoly running the show,,, all of them get their back handers from powers outside america because they arent on your side.. they all either know who they work for or they get sacked/assassinated if they speak out.. like goldman sachs giving hundreds of millions to the NYPD when the whole occupy thing was in flow for example..

on a side note im seeing down in less than a month :woohoo:

Guest 315072

he could probably fight that in court if he had them actually going into the area on camera and actually pollinating a grow.. first things first.. he didnt have any warrants or anything to go on his property to begin with .. second.. the cops have made his MEDICINE pretty much useless in the sense he will have to make hash and put in more work that costs more money to make back anything on his crop...... if the cops went .. and while raiding someone elses house.. came over on ur property and took ur medicine for seizures and crushed it into the ground and ruined ur medicine.. with no reason behind it.. i can guarrentee this goes to court and he wins. with the camera.. since he cannot prove shit.. hes fucked.

Guest 315072

yes he can still scrape the crushed pills off the pavement.. but its still useless...

same kinda thing .. i just talked to a lawyer from my old state.. and he said it being a medical crop.. and that crop is depended on by multiple patients.. with footage of the cops ruining it ... they would be FUCKED.. y dont u call a lawyer and ask . SINCE U KNOW SOOOO MUCH about this.. situation... ya words dont mean shit.. but a video camera shows exactly what they did.. and if the fuck had audio.. and he could hear the cops saying how they were going to do it .. and laughing and shit.. then hed have a great case


The Dude
funny that you think you could sue the cops.....people have tried this an get flipped to the feds...in a heartbeat. Gotta lay low these days.


he could probably fight that in court if he had them actually going into the area on camera and actually pollinating a grow.. first things first.. he didnt have any warrants or anything to go on his property to begin with.

It's my understanding that the cops are going around with the DNR guys (feds), and using the 'open fields' clause. Not sure what kind of living structures the OP has or his neighbors but non-permanent structures don't get you much sway. I learned about the open field warrant from buddies in humboldt, they always keep locks on their greenhouses & everything else locked otherwise the forrest service / dnr guys can just cruise through anything they can get into, while looking for watershed diversions etc. Trying to sue the county is laughable, this is most definitely not RI :)

-from wiki
Open fields

Another exception to the warrant requirement is open fields. In Hester v. United States, the court found that the Fourth Amendment did not protect open fields and therefore there are no requirements for warrants or probable cause.[4] Police may perform warrantless searches of open fields even if this search would amount to trespassing. In determining if the area can be searched, factors such as the proximity to home, the use of an area, and actions taken to prevent observation and access to the area are used. In Oliver v. United States, the court found abandoned effects, refuse, and public places to also not be protected by the Fourth Amendment.[8]


While i liked the quote of Phil in your post...........the above is the farthest thing from the truth.
I edited my post to further explain what I meant by that. I totally agree whith you. Thats the sad thing and the reason for my post. We citizens, through democracy and corrupt, power/money hungry politicians, have allowed this to happen over a 120 year period in our history as a nation.

Only Jesus and the African-Americans are the only ones to have the courage to stand up for human rights and justice for the oppressed. To bring good news to the poor. Or freedom to the captives. Only difference is that Jesus, took Gods wrath upon himself, while the Blacks in L.A dished it out......
all awhile, ignorant, rich, whites just watch the news, believe all its propaganda, and sit back in our comforts while the inner city poor folk get pissed all over by everyone. Then we condemn and punish them for acting out of desperation. Ive never seen a person with money rob a convenient store for 75 bucks. :rant:


Only Jesus and the African-Americans are the only ones to have the courage to stand up for human rights and justice for the oppressed. To bring good news to the poor. Or freedom to the captives. Only difference is that Jesus, took Gods wrath upon himself, while the Blacks in L.A dished it out......
all awhile, ignorant, rich, whites just watch the news, believe all its propaganda, and sit back in our comforts while the inner city poor folk get pissed all over by everyone. Then we condemn and punish them for acting out of desperation. Ive never seen a person with money rob a convenient store for 75 bucks. :rant:

You have no idea what you're talking about. Seriously? Only Jesus and black people?


The Dude

Flush begins...harvest soon. Not messing around.
if all this is true i wouldnt leave with product from ur location. Go out the back an load up in the woods away from the house incase they are investigating ya. Cause if they havent came back the only other reason is they are tryi.g to build a bigger case or flipped it to the feds and the feds are building a case watchin ur evrry move...good luck an fly under the radar.


Active member
I edited my post to further explain what I meant by that. I totally agree whith you. Thats the sad thing and the reason for my post. We citizens, through democracy and corrupt, power/money hungry politicians, have allowed this to happen over a 120 year period in our history as a nation.

Only Jesus and the African-Americans are the only ones to have the courage to stand up for human rights and justice for the oppressed. To bring good news to the poor. Or freedom to the captives. Only difference is that Jesus, took Gods wrath upon himself, while the Blacks in L.A dished it out......
all awhile, ignorant, rich, whites just watch the news, believe all its propaganda, and sit back in our comforts while the inner city poor folk get pissed all over by everyone. Then we condemn and punish them for acting out of desperation. Ive never seen a person with money rob a convenient store for 75 bucks. :rant:

:snap out of it:

While i liked the quote of Phil in your post...........the above is the farthest thing from the truth.

What i find ironic........

Your screen name......and your post.


You have no idea what you're talking about. Seriously? Only Jesus and black people?
Yes! Only Jesus and black people. When have the whites ever been enslaved in the worlds history except for the Jews?
If you cant see this then I dont know what to tell you.
I cant wait for america to fall. Then everyone will see that corrupt america is just that. Corrupt, and full of hypocracy. Just like its people. Who, by the way, commited a terrorist act against this mans garden. Dont you know american history? It speaks for itself. If you dont think democracy is really about corrupt power, money and control than I dont know what to tell you.

The blacks in L.A wooped our ass's and Im glad for them all. And Im white. Our government has to control everything! Indians first ~ kill them and take over there land. Second, the blacks ~Kidnapp them from Africa and enslave them all to build america on there sweat and blood. Then alcohol ~ Then Gold~ Then we murdered our own kind in the civil war because some wanted to have the right to take away the rights of the poor black families.

Now we are jailing every one of our own citizens that have a different view than them, who are forced into a corner to fight or flight, who are struggling to survive and live the way our government forces us to live.

If its on the T.V, its ok to say, if a cartoon character says it like the Family Guy, but if you say things that are against the public brainwashed beliefs in public your a terrorist in the making.
Again ~ brainwashing propaganda.


Dude, if you think this shit only goes on in America you are in for an incredibly rude awakening. And if that's your interpretation of the histories... I don't know what to say except reiterate what I said before. Think of it, a white man telling a woman of color about oppression. A man telling a woman. That shit just cracks me up!