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Who could do such a thing


Inveterate Tinkerer
ICMag Donor
I would question the viability of pollen that had been "stored" in a shed during the summer in Mendo. Christ, I get pretty low rates with it after babying it all the way through and then freezing it. Of course, I've never had mason jars full of it, either.


sounds like something a drug task force guy would do ... hell they do a lot worse things. I hope they don't come back later for yours. Hopefully that pollen isn't very viable, I personally have had a hard time storing it, it loses potency quick


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
What Rainmaker laid out for ya'll is all the info we have to work with, and when we say that the sheriff pollinated our weed, that is what the neighbor who got tagged told us, now does that mean that it's true, who fucking knows, those guys are a bit squirrelly but normally nice people and they are either telling the truth or are pretty good at lying. The pollen was theirs and it was on our property so again who knows...

to the question of money put into this project, I can attest to approx 60 grand going into infrastructure, plus the cost of land, ya'll getting negative saying we don't know what were talking about don't know us and wouldn't be so dismissive if you could see the beauty that is our garden.

I researched the dutch master reverse, my original intention of creating this post was to glean info about some kind of morning after pill, now i know, but i am skeptical about it, too many people said it killed thier buds and ours are looking really nice.

thanks for all the input
hiya,,so sorry to hear of your predicament,such a fucking spiteful thing to do,hope karma gives it back ten-fold to these pricks,i always grow fem seed and have used reverse/feminizer for many years although never on buds,i believe if applied later on in flowering in can mess with the taste,really hope you can salvage some of your losses,,,good luck,,,peace and regards s2


bro are you sure its pollen? Did you put it in your mouth and it tasted like it? Or is some one pulling a big one on you!!!
You'll see the seeds forming in a week o two, they need about 45 days to ripen.


Active member
gee i hope this dont catch on . it would be easier to crop dust plants with pollen than steal them all. hope this dont become common practice for piggies


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
wouldnt be very smart to harvest till the seeds and plants are mature


ICMag Donor
Do you honestly think the Laws going to say "we don't have time to chop them so I think we'll just commit a crime ourselves and pollenate their plants so they can have 10 million seeds to plant?"

Here it is......Sheriff rolled our neighbor. The bust carried into the evening. They came poking around our place near the end of the day. They didn't have the time to chop ours...so they gave us a nice 'fuck you' anyway. Found the jars of pollen in the neighbors shed...and dusted our gardens. That's right...the sheriffs pollinated our crop with pollen they took from the neighbor!

Buddy says the jars had a small amount on bottom and were not full. After much further detailed inspection....looks like they may have just dumped the pollen in a certain area and bounced.

What were the males...Trainwreck x Curley Q......Curley Q.....Bubbleberry. The Curley Q is a poly-hybrid buddy has been working on in the Mendo hills for 15 years...says it's pretty stellar. Plants that were pollinated...Sour D...Blue Dream...Deathstar..Grapefruit...Starbud

So...what will we do? Definitely keeping a close eye on things. Will most likely start to harvest within the week or at first sign of seed formation. I think we'll leave a branch of each variety to let them finish.. and see how the beans turn out. Trying to find the silver lining in this fiasco. Maybe come out with some amazing hybrids...created by our own Mendocino County Sheriffs.


Got a few more details today. While neighbors were cuffed and detained...one of the pigs busted open the garden shed where the jars of pollen were stored. Hollered up to his superior who was harassing and interrogating my neighbors "Hey boss..got some more of this stuff...what do you want me to do with it?' Boss said "toss it...we have plenty" Right after... my neighbor saw him smash two jars right then and there. Not knowing that they stashed the others. When I spoke to my neighbor about our misfortune and showed them the jars..it totally blew their minds. They thought we had gotten popped too.

Buddy said the pollen was collected recently and is probably viable. After further inspection of the crops...it seems to localized in a few areas closest to the entry's of the gardens. Where each of the jars were found..it is the plants closest to them that had a particular section covered with male flowers. Kinda looks like they just dumped em and split

Now to give everyone an idea of how their rolling peeps around here. First off..getting aerial confirmation of grows...mostly from fixed wing aircraft. A few sheriffs come in..accompanied by DNR (guys in the green chevy pickups that you see everywhere). Normally they stick to BLM and National Forest. But they seem to be lending a hand to the local sheriff...so they can knock off whoever they want. Once they got you...they haul in a wood chipper and shred it on site. I have heard this from multiple people..with first hand experience.

As to whether they are going to come back...that is the question. Will be a little nerve-wracking around the workplace for a while. But just going to keep doing our jobs in hopes that we can pull something off. There is no method to the madness around here sometimes....it's Mendo. That's why these things can go on. There is so much grey area here. It allows us to do what we do...and the other side to do what they do.


Are you sure that it wasnt the neighbors being jealous that you didnt get popped and they did? Are you sure it wasnt them after they got busted and thought "If we cant have a good harvest then noone can!" and then proceded to dump viable pollin all over your grow and then dump the cans as a Ha-Ha F*k-Everyone!


Alone - I'd guess not, just looking at the mendo booking log for 9-18 they probably got 3 hots and a cot before they got back to the coast.

rainmaker - thanks for the info on how they are rolling around. Did they actually haul your neighbors into ukiah to get booked or did they just cite them with a promise to appear? It's hard to tell what the hell is going on around here, isn't much news about it. I get most of my info from my water guy. He had one customer come home and where she had 25 big plants, there wasn't a leaf left on the ground, no card, notes, nada (this was like last month, def not a rip).

Guest 315072

lol i bet the cops are doing it to the guys that arent following the state laws.. or are going way over.. or flaunting that u grow and sell bud.. its like they said.. if we werent rubbing there nose in it .. they wouldnt be able to smell it .. and get pissed off and do stupid shit to the growers..

just that if ur security was better for all that money u spent to get the grow going. . then u wouldnt of had this issue.. ? iuno seems that everyone skimps on security.. ? i love having cameras all over the entire house and yard.. i tmakes me happy to know if some1 whats to fuck with me .. ill find em.. and do way worse lol


I would like to think that we know our neighbors well enough that they wouldn't pull a stunt like that. That is a tremendous amount of karma coming with doing something like that to your friend and neighbor. Neighbor had 22.

Just talked to a buddy that is born and raised here. Has a friend in the force that lets him know what happening. Got a call this week that his patch of 24 was getting yanked. Copper said they are focusing on mom and pops this year. Said they know of gardens of thousands that they're gonna let go. Trying to instill fear across the community and get to as many as possible. Haven't heard of a garden larger than 25 that has been popped around here. Everything they have taken has been medical with posted scripts. Hence the DNR fucks rolling around giving them federal powers. Pretty messed up.


ICMag Donor

All those cameras do is make you stick out....hmmmm, what is this guy protecting / watching for. That's a red flag...all day. Think it makes you secure? lol.

Security at its best measure is blending in as best as possible with your surroundings... average joe 6-pack doesn't hang razor wire, have 10ft fences, cameras, etc.

In my area all that would do is get you investigated!



There are micro cameras you could hide anywhere. Just go to radio shack and spend 500 bucks and you got a 360* view of your home and yard.

Guest 315072


All those cameras do is make you stick out....hmmmm, what is this guy protecting / watching for. That's a red flag...all day. Think it makes you secure? lol.

Security at its best measure is blending in as best as possible with your surroundings... average joe 6-pack doesn't hang razor wire, have 10ft fences, cameras, etc.

In my area all that would do is get you investigated!


like seriously if this dude had the cops on camera dumping the pollen.. he could sue .. but since he doesnt.. he gets some nicely seeded bud.. SWEET..

and in mendo .. cameras and 10ft fences for medcal grows is perfectly FINE.. maybe in ur area ... but were this happened.. he could have protected his crop a little better.. if i put hundreds of thousands into anything.. u better believe wen im sheetrocking im hanging cameras in the walls ... inside and outside... if thats were my grow is..

straight up .. dank frank.. these guys are medical ? who the fuck cares if u get investigated. stay legal and under plant limit and invite them in !

i have cameras .. so what.. not 1 person can see them? anywere from in or outside.. . there setup to 1 device.. and i can have them viewed from my cell phone.. so wat dude i bet wen ur shit gets stolen u bitch and cry.. when or if my shit gets stole.. i go and take it back!

Guest 315072

and the thing is.. i dont have a med grow outdoors right now.. and if i did i would be jamming cameras and razor wire and 10 ft fences.. whats rong with that? just cause it makse illegal grows look bad.. doesnt mean legal grows cant be protected!