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Who can do some programming?


so ive been wanting a new way to control the environment in my cabs for a while, here is what i want, but unfortunately it doesn't exist in one form.

Information must be accessible/editable over the internet, through a smartphone and locally

Completely automatic control of air temp, nutrient temp, co2, humidity, light cycle, security and nutrient dosing.

Support for more than one camera viewable remotely in same window as environmental controls

So, i have been looking in to this, and all of the analysis probes/sensors are readily available with p.c. interfaces, and i was thinking about using a home automation server as a kind of base to control outlets/timing etc. So basically i need someone with enough programming skill to mesh all of these inputs / outputs into one simple, easy to use interface that i can log into wherever i am and check up on the girls and make adjustments when necessary. I am aware of am hydro's line of controllers, but i dont really like their setup too much, and its pretty pricy for what i feel is a mediocre system. So i figure i might be able to get away with paying some like a grand or something to use their dominant knowledge of computers and help me make a way better system. anyone have any ideas where to start / who i need to talk to? ha i am clueless at this point.
There are a lot of talented freelance programmers looking for work... I can't remember the exact site but I believe there are plenty of sites that match prospective clients with a programmer as well as provide some sort of history of the programmer. This definitely sounds like an interesting project and having a background in CS myself makes me even more interested. I would offer to hop on board but the thought of the project and debugging and horribly confusing code...definitely going to be a professional grade project.


check out engineered systems magazine/online. hvac(heating, ventilation, air conditioning)/bas(building automated systems) trade publication. lots of info there on how to construct cleanroom to spec+control it via automation (hardware/software).

research mdular cleanroom specs+standardized controls. downsize+modify for desired application w/ radio shack gear.


old app (2003) is trane's tracer summit solutions cd... scalable, gui, etc.


i checked some of the stuff out on that website, definitely part of what i am looking for, but i dont know if i could make a ph probe and interface out of components from radioshack/much less know how to integrate it to one of those systems.


i was planning something similiar but alot easier and cheaper. i just want the ability to remotely monitor for now. for that i have a nutradip trimeter which measures solution temp, ph, ec and a large thermometer/hygrom for ambient air temp./humidity. cosco has home security cameras that can be remotely accessed for $100+-. focus camera on the meter display in front of plants for monitoring parameters as well as plant growth/health. somewhere- i think its on this forum or the "one down under" i saw a design for a controller unit that can be remotely accessed.


check out biomass production unit by orbitec for specs.
remodel after the space programs unit. the data is out there on how to construct scaled down version(s). research for 30 days, choose best options, build.
good luck!
may want to break the build into two sections:
1. build of the enclosure/garden/sealed area (hvac/construction)
2. build of the motherboard/connectors/plc/gui/sensors, etc.


i mean, i have already done a lot of research, and am just having trouble integrating everything i want to use into one graphical user interface. if anyone knows anybody who is capable of doing something like this, please put us in touch.


A off-the-self product I've been looking into is ReefKeeper Elite. It's focus is reef aquairiums, but it has many of the same requirements & features a high tech cab would need. It's not perfect, but it's 90% and affordable.


To design a PLCs/web interface software package to do everything you'd like in one window environment and secure is a large project. Plus troubleshooting PLCs/software/web interface issues can take a long time and money. Even when done by a talented unemployed engineer.


Active member
this system already exist
they call it growtronix this is what i use since 2 years.You have infinity of timer week/day/minute/
you can control everything you want lighting/fan/pump/co2 with some SSR,plus
you can had sensors temp/humidity/co2/.Also you run multiple room ,be alerted if something wrong flood/temp/open door/smoke ,and webcam,alert by sms or email the first version of soft was buggy but now it runs well
well, I spent a few weeks scheming something similar a while back. I eventually gave it up as too much time and money for the dubious payoff of having a robot grow my weed for me. I mean I love robots (smart towel anyone), but the more I designed and priced and tinkered the more I realized what a monster I was creating, and how I'd better slow down and stop trying to do everything all at once. Sadly, most of my notes are on a temporarily dead laptop. The rough idea was to run the whole thing off of a Sanguino board (big brother to the open source Arduino microcontroller platform). It has enough I/O pins and code space to constantly monitor EC and pH for two rezes, plus pump timers and fill/drain solenoid valves, etc. With a few pins left over for temp sensors, reservoir level sensors, etc. Plus it's got a USB link for PC communication. Pretty neat. But like I said, I may have the skills, but time is too hard to come by these days, and it's something I'd want to work perfectly or not at all. Still, someday...