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White Worms, Pot Worms, Enchytraeids


Shan Diego

Like most folks, I have had my share of fungus gnats. So when I spotted some little slithering invaders, I dosed them with the usually effective BTI (liquid Gnatrol.) Didn't work, so I did it again. Didn't work, so I really upped the dosage...about 2 Tablespoons in a liter. No effect.

Upon closer inspection, these little white worms have no heads. This leads me to believe that they are in fact White Worms, aka Pot Worms or Enchytraeids. A quick Google search suggests these are a type of earthworm that will not eat living matter or harm my plants. So, should I continue to try and kill them?

Image is in my gallery...I cannot seem to attach it here...
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Anime n Stoner Aficionado
if what you have ARE enchytraeids then no, i wouldnt keep tryin to kill em. like you, i found various articles confirming they are benefitial to soil.

after all the idioc (sp?) talks of "thc worms" i was worried at 1st... but to my amazement a real pot worm.

Shan Diego

Thanks for the reply...I just don't feel comfortable with them in there, to tell you the truth. Uncertainty about their actual species has led to me deciding to continue to try to kill them. I have hit them with Azatrol 3 times now, and they actually seem to like it...their numbers are increasing. I ordered some pure concentrated pyrmethrin, so I don't think they have much more time...
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Active member
i dont think that chemical is safe, get diatimotouse earth(sp?) its cheap, its an organic porouse matrial thats sharp on the molecular scale, it essentialy cuts the bugs to death. worked real well on some nematodes i had problems with, it wont burn the plant so pour it on.

good luck.
got me a 3 lb box at a farm supply store for 8$


Anime n Stoner Aficionado
i can understand not wantin an unverified critter! however, if the critter (in any stage) is not hurting ya gal i'd find myself extra catious of damaging her tryin to eradicate said bug. i read on DE (diatomaceous earth) dealing w/ gnats... my other half refused to use it cause we often reuse our soil in outdoor flowerbeds & if we added DE to it the earthworms would be killed. needless to say it does destroy bugs (great for fleas) & may prove useful to you. i've seen bags of it at lowes. gl!

Shan Diego

Trespassing is a capital crime for critters.

Trespassing is a capital crime for critters.

Thanks for the replies, y'all! I was considering the diatomaceous earth, however, there is no way to get it inside the root ball, and that is where most of the critters are hiding...I am assuming those I see on the outside are just the tip of the iceburg.

As for Azatrol and Permethrin being dangerous, I have found no evidence to support that. Azatrol is (surprisingly) organic, a naturally-derived plant component. Permethrin is synthetic, but I was careful to procure the pure Permethrin that does not have piperonyl butoxide added to it, which is a petroleum distillate that is certainly harmful to the roots. It is safe to spray on vegetables day-of-harvest, and I noticed that is the ingredient in the otc treatment for crabs at my local drug store...

Again, thanks for the input, and wish me luck.
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Shan Diego

Ok, for the record, its been a year, and I still have the worms...but now, I love em. They just cruise around eating the old roots and pooping out worm castings...a valuable fertilizing additive, for free...and I've never had healthier looking plants. If you do have these worms, don't try to kill them!

Shan Diego

For the record, I'm approaching another year since my initial post, and I've just found these little guys are alive and well! Unbelievable, they can live through almost anything, including seriously dry coco...Now that I've spotted them in some runoff, I'm going to be sure to spread the water from my rez all over to the other plants to make sure I can colonize my entire garden with them.

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