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White Widow in organic soil and Dr.Earth Flower Girl



I'm on my third grow indoors with organic soil. Even had my soil tested and the lab results were all very good. The only minor thing was the soil tested with a PH of 7.1. Not optimum but still not too high I thought.
Lighting is good with COB3950's and a PAR/DLI of around 23 in 18/6.

Temps 68-74 F and humidity with humidifier is 40-50%.

2 plants in 4.5 gallon pots. Mainlined both and at 55 days one of them is getting slight tip browning on old and new growth.
No additional nutes other than WormPower top dress and RO wafer.
The bigger one has been showing a lot of pre flowers for a 10 days and the slightly smaller one has been as well for a couple days.
I went ahead and flipped them today.
I bought some Dr.Earth Flowere Girl to have on hand.

Has anyone used this product in the past?

I want to go all organic but I get the feeling my girls need some extra food. I want to reuse this soil and don't want to saturate it to the point I can't mix it back in my soil mix container and reuse it.


Active member
I didn't even know that Dr Earth had liquid nutes available. I've been using their fish bone meal for a few years now. I'm sure it's good stuff.


Greenhouse Seeds. They are doing well at the moment. Trying to not love them to death.


Greenhouse Seeds. They are doing well at the moment. Trying to not love them to death.

When you say "organic" soil, what does that mean?

A lot of times, would already have nutes available in them, so in the early stages, you may not need to add additional nutrients.

Also, if it's living organic soil, you may not need to add any nutrients at all. That should come from your soil, amendments, mulch layer.

Good luck!

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