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White fungus in coco?


Rubbing my glands together
I quit using HG flora, grow, and micro years ago because I found they created salt buildup that looks identical to what you are showing here. Have also had similar looking things when using beneficials.
Have you checked the ph and ppm/ec of the runoff to see what it is?


Heres a few better shots of the issue. Its almost as if the coco is going bad. It has the consistancy of...shit. Doesn't seem like mold but seems like the coco turned into this as it still breaks up like coco.
On the right is normal coco, on the left is shit :fsu:



Rubbing my glands together
Did you flush the coco several times before using it? Botanicare, in my past experience with it, has a high salt content, especially the older product they sold. mix some of the coco with water, squeeze it out and check the ph and ppms of it. Usually high. Also, noticed they put some kind of water holding crystals in the mix of the last bag I opened. While flushing it before use, around a year ago, I found these clear looking chunks that got bigger as water was added. Threw the whole bag away and refuse to use their shit again.


Yes I flushed it a few times, not quite how you said but I did run a few rinses of water through it probably at 3-400% plain water. I was thinking maybe it was botanicare but others say they use the bails without issue so I don't know. I don't know what to do at this point :fsu:


Rubbing my glands together
Ok. Quite with the 1/3 nute flushes. 1 good flush with clearex is the way to flush. If you have a pump and some hose do this-- Make your flush 30ml/gallon water and ph it around 5.8 to 6.0 put the pump/hose in the 5 gallon bucket. Turn the pump on and use the hose to rinse it off really good. Get your fingers in there and rub/mix/agitate/remove, whatever term you want to use, the buildup off. You will need to flush at least 1once a month to remove salt buildup. Just the way it is. GH that you are using is notorious for salt buildup. If you don't have a pump and hose I'll be honest with you. I have used regular city and well water and held rockwool and coco under it either using a hose outsideor the faucet in the kitchen sink to wash them off. Haven't had a problem doing this for the past 12 years.
I use coco/perlite filled smartpots on E&F tables and when I use the hose(well water and have used a lot of city water), as recently as last friday with absolutely 0 problems. You need to get that shit out of them. If you don't you will start having lockout problems that can ruin your crop.


I appreciate your advice, but I am positive this is not salt build up. I havent given enough salt to make it build up this much. Also I have quit flushing 1/3 strength and now using 6/9. This issue is in the coco. The coco im using is 3 years old but was unopened. I do have a brand new bail that I bought 3 weeks ago that may be worth trying. Can I wash the roots of the current plants and replant them or are they gonna die either way?


Registered User
Don't think that is salt buildup... Actually thought it was perlite at first... Lol. But with the everyday feeds/flush, the coir doesn't have time to dry out and allow the salts to deposit... If I read how u fed correctly.... Everyday?

Coir should be let to dry a bit between feeds... It can be too wet, especially if it's every day and the roots/foliage isn't enough to dry it out.

My vote is that the coir was/is way too wet any you've got some fungi spreading... Always in the air +even still alive in the city water, even if through an ro... Spores are everywhere, all the time. First pic you had of the base stem... Looks as if something ate away at the very base... Like it's rotting.

Dunno for sure, but that's my guess. I like the the peroxide recommendation you got plus a great white app afterwards... Hen let it go dry a bit before next feed. But if it's rot... Might be best to take fresh cuts, if she has healthy enough shoots. Peace


So I should get as much of that shit out as I can, replace it with fresh coco, and then rinse it with phd water at 5.8 and add 5-8mils of hydrogen peroxide. How long should I wait to add nutes to the coco again?


Registered User
Run out to a store open tonight and pick up a spray bottle of peroxide in the pharmacy section. Spray it on the coir where you see the growth... If it's a fungus or bacteria, it will immediately begin to fizz... Then ul know for sure, real quick.

But u want to get the percentage of peroxide down to 0.5, maybe 1.0...never did it that high myself but others report using at that rate. With the 3 part you can mix it in with the peroxide, but if you have rot they aren't going to eat any nutes so just wait til it begins to go dry before you hit it w anything.

Snap a shot of the tops... That'l give us a better idea of where they are at. I can't speak to transplanting like ur thinking... Never did a root wash before.


Active member
are you adding other then your nutrients like H202 some fertilizers say on the bottle not to add looks to me like some chemical reaction ,


Ive only been adding gh down, micro, and bloom. For a short time in the beginning I tried using vit c to control chlorine. I was using tap water for the first two weeks or so. Then I got new filters for my ro unit.


Maybe the vitamin C did something when you used it and it hasn't been right ever since. Is chlorine really a bad thing? I thought only people who ran organics should be chlorine-free.


Rubbing my glands together
I ran straight city water for 2 years before switching over to a ro filter. Never a problem with it.


The Dude
your over thinkin it bro....kiss is the key here. dont switch coco...think of coco like a canvas that your drawing with pencils....everything can be erased an removed very easily. waTer with h202 for about 2 waterings and let it semi dry out between each watering. get ur 6/9 and go half strength foliar to feed between the h202 waterings only if they look hungry such as light coloring in the leaves. if they do fine dont foliar. chlorine is not ur enemy unless your in a city that has really bad water an they add to much....and that sometimes can work with most nutes.....some nutes like ur organic types will not like it...not the nutes neccesarily but the life you are killing in ur medium and too much bateria dyping off can cause problems in itself.


The Dude
i run 6/9 also with cal/mg suppliment an never flush but i use water with absolutely nothing in it.l, with an e.c. of 0.00. And when i notice a lil salt build up on the top of the coco i use half strength for a.couple waterings so they can eat up the extra nutes. I cant use the city water where i am at cause it is 1.9-2.2 e.c. and even after running it through my filter it only gets down to 1.2 e.c.

Do you have a ppm or e.c. meter to check ur ro water to see where you are starting off at?


Yes I have an ec meter. My city water is less then 200ppm x 500ec. It's the last light on the meter. I only switched to ro because I wanted to see if it fixed some other issues I was having. So when I water with peroxide do I water and leave it soaking in the medium or do I water with peroxide, wait a few minutes and then rinse with plain water. Also I don't think its a good idea to leave that crap in there when I can remove as much as possible and add fresh coco.


I put a few drops of pure 70% peroxide on the white shit directly and it didn't do anything, no bubbling or fizz. I think the coco is just fucked up, it def looks like it is breaking down. The white shit is like moist cake consistency. So plain water and 8ml of peroxide. Am I suppose to ph the water before adding the peroxide? I get 6.9ph from my ro.