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White fungus in coco?


Figured this was the place to ask.
I was just about to water them this morning and I notice just the surface is dry in one spot so a pushed some coco back and saw this:

This is after I poked at it to see if it was hard.

Is that mold? Also it has a funny smell almost sweet. I thought it was the plant smelling at first. Is it normal, harmful?


Wow, nobody cares or knows what this is?
Hopefully physan 20 takes care of it. Just ordered some so should be here by Friday.


Active member
Cant really tell what you're referring to in the pics. Maybe edit it in MS Paint or something and circle what it is you're trying to identify. If it's what I think it is in the pics, my guess would mold some form of mold from being too wet. I know they say keep coco wet, but in my experience coco has to go a little dry in veg, especially if container is too large for the plant. Either that or maybe some sort of salt buildup.

I'm sure you would get more assistance if members knew more about the conditions of the grow. How big are the plants? I'm not picking on you at all but the pics make the stems of the plant look thin which leads me to think they are in a container too large for them and maybe stretching for light too. Not enough roots in a container too big leads to soggy medium which in turn leads to mold/fungus/disease/pests, etc., you get the idea.

If its some sort of salt buildup, flush with light nute solution, ph'd to 5.8+/- and take it easy on the feedings. Are the plants exhibiting any abnormal growth, how often do they require waterings/feedings? What nutes are you running, temps in the room and humidity levels. To get a more accurate answer, you'll have to provide us with more info is what I'm saying. Those are my guesses from what's given, hope you get it diagnosed.


The Dude
looks like major salt build up. were the plants in rockwool or rapid rooters cause if so then it can be salt build up on those as it looks centrally located to that possible area...use h202 in a spray or drench at 2 ml per liter.


These are solo cups. Plants are 3-4 weeks old. Been having some issues with them. I started a thread in the coco forum about it. I just noticed this today, after watering them. It's really hard to get quality pics of it. It does seem like the coco itself is molding because the coco seems to have turned white and clumpy. I water with ro water at 5.8 ish once a day. I've been using half strength 6/9 but just switched over to full strength yesterday. Plants are perking up a bit but not sure if they are completely better. I just want to know if this is harmful to them or normal for coco.


I really don't think its salt build up. I have been flushing these babies like mad with 1/3 strength and plain water(bad idea I know now). This crap has a smell to it. I think my coco is moldy LOL.


Any grow I have had that had a white fuzzy mold turned out great. The key is white mold, all others are bad bad.
I always thought it was a beneficial mycelium of some sort and was working with the micro herd to break things down.
Never overloaded just a patch here and there, root base etc. Never worried about it at all.


Active member
Just read a couple of your posts in the coco forums thread and one thing in particular I have an issue with is the Vitamin C. I may be wrong here, but I remember reading that Vitamin C can be used to remove chlorine but that it screws with the pH of the medium. If you're that concerned about chlorine, let your water sit out in the sun for 24-48hrs. Either that or invest in RO filter. I can't remember if Vit. C makes it more acidic or alkaline but the info out there, easy to find. And get a CalMg supplement if you haven't already.


The vit c was only used the start. I stated in the beginning that I stopped using it. I also started using ro water only. So I think I'm on the right track. As long.as this mold is not harmful I think I should be good. It does seem to be concentrated around the stem, hopefully not promoting root rot.


is it new coco, re-used, bagged, brick, what brand, has it sat outdoors? Have you used any kind of microbes or whatever to innoculate the medium? What additives are you using? What are room temps and humidity? Is your water temp ok?

The physan 20 is good but I'm not sure if you can give it to live plants?


It was an unopened bail of botanicare cocogro from 3 years ago. I haven't used anything except for gh micro and bloom.


It was an unopened bail of botanicare cocogro from 3 years ago. I haven't used anything except for gh micro and bloom.

Also the room is a garage and gets plenty of fresh air. I have them in a box that I fitted with 2 fans one on each side in and out. Water temp is waterever comes out of my ro, storage tank is in my basement so should be cooler.


The Dude
if ur dari.g enough put it to ur tongue an see if its salty....if so then get some clearex to get rid of the salt problem if it is salty to the taste.


Wow, nobody cares or knows what this is?
Hopefully physan 20 takes care of it. Just ordered some so should be here by Friday.

Whoa! Physan in the coco?? Doesnt look like mold or fungus, but if thats what youre worried about then smothering it with Ewc or any microbe tea would be much better. Myco-stop, great white, zho are easy, over the counter, minimal mess products.

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