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white dwarf buddah seeds


so I've grown out white dwarf a few times (3rice outdoors, 3rice indoors) and have found my projects to have a large # of stunts to the point where I wanted to ask if anyone else has had this problem?

I've started them in cups, 6 ltr pots, 3ltr pots, straight in the ground, planters, forrests, parks, with compost, organics, storebought nutes, green eggs, ham and sam I am and tend to get around 25% that dont get bigger than my middle finger.
I dont put a whole lot of energy into matinence, that is to say they get as much attention as any of the other flower/herbs in my garden (which do fine). However I start batches of 20-30 and am just wondering what yall think?


oh and any opnions on this would be appreciated: I had bean sprouts up on 1/25 and still not showing sex. Indoor on the windowsil but still 5c average temps outside... you think they might be freezing their balls off at night?


large member
ICMag Donor
Hey man, what soil are you using? If it is too rich that can cause stunting..
I would avoid cups to start in that can also cause stunting.

Temps might be a factor as that will really slow down growth too.

Have you ran them indoor in a controlled environment to see?

How big are the windowsill ones?

Cheers, mitch


I wasn't aware rich soil could cause stunting, just looked out for nute burn.

I make my own compost all year round and mix 40%compost, 30%soil, 29%coco and a dash of home brew kelp/fish emulsion. Has been great for my sunflowers, beans, peppers, tomatillos, etc. But I stunt the artichokes everytime...you may be on to something good sir.
Temps have certianly slowed growth but that doesn't bother me so much.

I ran them out in the garden last year while it was warm and bright alongside my other foodstuffs and there were about 3 stunts to 10, all started in the same conditions.

Perservering widowsillys are about 14-16cm and just showed today. So even at 6 weeks I'd say the temps have kept them at bout 3weeks old... just speculating. I consider stunts to be anything that stays under 10cm and I have the cutest little bugger that'll probably not get bigger than 3cm. There are a handuful of them on the windowsill.


In The Garden
nice to see you made it over here.

We call them Micro Phenos, they where more common with early work from LR#1 crosses. Not sure why you are getting them in the White Dwarf unless it is an early LR#1 hybrid. The closer you are to LR#1 the higher your likelyhood of Micro Phenos.



just says "cross of two powerful indicas" on the site. not very specific but the beans were cheap back then.
didn't see any Micro Phenos in Mitch's PB run... only radiance!
have to snag a pack.
they are cute though. If only I had 1000's of beans and I could journal the first micro pheno sog. 1 meter squared--> 800 plants!


In The Garden
well I did some work with Micro phenos a long time ago , i was doing just that trying to make a plant for blanket cropping. 1000s of little plants just covering an outside area like a blanket of buds. Super hard for people to even know what it was from a distance or the air. Well that and it being done in 60days or less.

I have another project tho instead of having super small plants that produce 3grs or less, why not have a very short plant that produces at least 7-10 grams. A large bud on a stick type structure, but lets make it super fast aswell, no more then 50 days from seed to harvest. You could plant these indoors or outdoors in an AF-SOG system at 4 per 30 x 30cm and harvest in less then every 2 months. Pulling at least 1 oz per 30 x 30 cm but usually much more.

Have been focusing a lot on AF-SOG type strains for first releases, but I do have some much larger AFs for Large Indoor or Outdoor production for people that have a legal plant limit, but want the benefits of AFs, but with higher yeilds of NON-AFs with a much more sativa based high.

2011 should be a good yr for new AFs.


large member
ICMag Donor
hey squib. You may well have some micro pheno's but i'm not sure..

I ran white dwarf a few years ago, and even in just a litre of soil under CFL they were no less than 6 inch tall.

What were the parents like that you made the beans with?

In my experience not all plants that are stunted by a rich medium will exhibit signs of being burnt, some may look healthy but grow really really slowly.

If you have a seedling/cutting mix, I would try them in that.

Yes the cold temps will slow the development down, I remember awhile ago, I think a guy called blynx had an AF thread where they were healthy looking but developing slowly, and it was down to temps.


I'd say my average plant is round 30cm for male and 25cm for female all said and done. I'm assuming the stunts are not due to temps as the perservering and the stunts are the same crop.
The parents... I chose the fastest flowering, shortest male (at 25cm) and introduced him to the pineapple scented females for the last run, bout 400 beans, didn't ask them if they courted well.
Not so worried bout the cold shock arrested development as I can recognize it. But the stunts... 10 beans 3 stunts is a bit much lest I have a test run on that carpetbomb.
SGS? carpet bomb for you? ㅋㅋ
nothin big for me I'm timid like that...
I'll try and get some pics up of them cutties


In The Garden
Hey Squib,

It is a general rule of thumb to NOT use the fastest male, more mid growth or late males tend to have the best results. Personally I choose males that are around the Mid range, not the first but not the last to show, somewhere inbetween that has the best traits Im looking for.

It is prolly where you found your Mutant Micro Gene and introduced it into your seed population,, another rule is to always use at least 2 males, make seperate pollenations using a brush on eash side with each male or just mix the pollen up and get busy with the girls. This way you can always continue the line by finding the group of seeds that didnt have the crappy male.



much appreciated info.
I think I'ma let them little buggers have themselves a pre lent orgy; and just for giggles see if I cant get a higer ratio outta the micro phenos.
I cant seem to take anything very seriously and the thought of 100 plants in a square foot each with it's own micro donkey dick is a visit from the brainfuckler. just tickles the mind dont it.


I have problems with my seeds as well.. I had two White Dwarf females in a autopot and one male in normal pot under a 400w last year, and i got about 500 seeds or so.. And the F1 seeds will not germinate, i have been doing two runs with it, about 50 seeds each time.. And the plants are so small, like you're saying squib.. The original WD seeds were growing well, but it was after i crossed them together that it got difficult.. Maybe it's because i did not cure the seeds good enough? Could this be the problem? I still have a couple of bags left with seeds, will start some soon now that i'm reading this :D



large member
ICMag Donor
whats your germination method kirby?

and what ratio are you getting to pop?

If seeds are left to mature long enough (on an alive plant, so they are nice and dark) i've found alot will pop straight away, but given 2 weeks to a month drying time then 100% germ rate is pretty much a given


Hi mitch.. My germination method is just between paper towels and in a warm place, works great with all the other seeds i have been germinating.. If i put 50 to germinate, i think maybe 20 will pop after a couple of days.. And that's bad compared with all the other seeds.. Yep, they were on the plant until they were mature and dark.. And i dried them for about two weeks.. But i have been more successful when i cracked them open first, to get some water into the seeds, then they germinate better..

I'll go through my bags with seeds when i get home from work.. Maybe put out some autos the next couple of weeks :)



well I got about 8 micros in one 5 ltr pot. it's damn cute. the other ladies are all fillin out and just wondering if a dark period would frost them us a bit more 'for the chop?
any experience shared would be appreciated

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