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White Diesel (leafs are thin and wrinkly)


New member
Experts wanted!

I grow for 4 years now and I have never seen this in my grows before!

So here are some datas (Grow infos)

Indoor /

Strain: White Diesel

Heigt : 40cm

Pot (l) :7L

Vegetative phase : 36 days

Medium : Grow soil from local shop (supposed to be light but i think its all mix)

Fertilizer: I fertilized only once 0,8 ml biobizz bloom as I thought it might be Zinc deficiency

watering : all 2-4 days depending if soil is almost dry

Light HSP 40 - 50 cm 600W

PH/EC : -----n.a.

Humidity : 40 - 55

Temperature : night 19/20 and day 25/26°C


So what the **** can it be???


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Dr. Doolittle
some do look like overwatered, when you water them do you let run off come out of the bottom all the time?

That twisting can result from different things, mutation, over fed, over watered......
What kind of soil mixture are you using?


New member
Actually I do not exactly know what kind of soil I have as I just bought it at the grow shop. The guy said it is comparable to light mix.... I dont know if I can believe him as he was quite young and had no other knowledge in that regard.

So I hardly watered that it pored out of the holes but I weighted them all the time.

So the soil is more like All mix I suppose.

I mixed it 46 L Soil with 11 L Perlit.

Then I put 3cm layer on the bottom of the pot so that the roots can get more oxygen.

I used 7L pots and they were filled up to 6 Liter of the soil-perlit mix with 3-4cm of perlit at the bottom, when I watered it the entire pot weighted 3kg

So I do not think it was over watering as I watered every 2-3 days, when it was dry 4 cm under the surface.

Anyway today I flushed the earth and the drainage had a EC from around 0,9 after the flushing with tab water i flushed with a nutition solution of 0,9 in order to not over fertilize. When the soil is dry should I try to fertilze with a 1,5 solution?

Is´nt it a bit low in the vegetative phase? It should be around 1,5-2 right?

Thanks in advance for your support!:dance013:


If it is a new unknown soil, which it sounds like,did you repot lately, into it, or where they from seed in the same soil?

Iv'e just repotted, at 10 inches high, and mine are under a 600 hps, look just like yours at the moment, sulky.mine wasn't dry,so put it down to repotting, your soil (most) looks dry.
Even though they look over watered. Please answer the above questions.


id say there hungry. I start feeding my clones 1/4 strength nuts and by the time there 36 days on full and fed every watering. They can get droopy like that from over and under watering. Start giving some more nutes.


Kiss My Ring
you guys playing pong with silverhaze60s question?

you must be in europe, americans don't use celcius temp much...

if you water every 2-3 days, how much water are you giving at that time?
i try to give my plants 250-300 ml. daily in veg, bumped up to ~400 ml. flowering, depending on temps. is there a fan constantly blowing on them? they transpire more if they are hot or if there is continuous airflow.

hope this was soon enough to determine the right solution.

exit, stage left


New member
I watered them every 2-3 days with approximately 800ml - 1L

but the roots were so dense they are almost popping out of the surface!

(I live currently in the netherlands and it is actually tolerated to grow 5 plants (thats why i use big pots :) ) for personal use!

I have a fan and I know about the transpiration of the plants.

What I do not get is that I already looked up many pages and one book from jorge cervantes : The growers bibel and it indicates that this is a combination of temperature stress and toxic salt build up!

However both causes doesnt make sense as I have consistent temperatur and a EC from 0,9 in the soil!

So it may be a under feed (too low level of nutritions) right?

I had them in the almost same soil (when they were seedling i mixed it with jiffy soil so that they do not burn as the soil seemed to be rather high in nutes)



New member

How does it work with the ec
If for instance I have a soil ec from 1

and my nutritient solution has a ec from 1,2

does it make an ec of 2,2 or 1,2???