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Which White Rhino?



Hey tripples,
I understand how you feel, when I get treated right, I try to be good loyal customer.

I did contact Shanti. He did offer to replace them, but said he couldn't right then because he was on vacation, but would in several weeks when he returned, and told me to contact him then. I waited a little more than 2 weeks and pm'd. I continued to attempt contact for almost 2 months without response and finally gave it up. At this time, his site was loaded with complaints about viability. Maybe he had to many complaints to address or something, but all I ever got for my 160$ was 2 male plants in the trash pile. Frankly truffles, fwith one exception, (rm), that is the only time in 10 years of buying seeds that this has happened to me. Call me lucky maybe.

I know everyone's experience is different, but this was mine. I know it is probably difficult to keep everything strait and discovering old seeds are being dispensed is problematic but its a seed companies responsibilty to address it if it occurs. If they do, I consider them honest and sincere, if not, well..... As i said, I had a similar experience with Reeferman Seeds. With both companies, i got a sense of " we got your money, screw you we don't owe you anything" .

White Rhino- NRS

White Rhino- NRS

My vote WR, Nirvana- really worth the bang for the buck. Greenhouse is over-rated and for the money I am not sure it is worth it.

As far as yield goes, there is a lot of phenotype variation and there are keepers in the WR batch as many have said. I've had almost no yielding plants with the best mold resistence I've seen outside, and I've had high yielding plants I could barely clone how sensitive they were. This strain from Nirvana is truly a wonder, and has it's positive reviews online.

Here are some of my white rhinos, the purps are from an in/out grow, the rest are grown under a 600w in soil organic guanos, kelp, and sugars. Growth and first three weeks of bloom out five weeks under the lamps...spare room...so I don't bring the bugs in. The purps did well with chicken poo and shared a room with WWBB under 400w.

Yummy. The purps tasted like candy similar to SSH, just plain delicious!


Daytripper said:
buy the nirvana white rhino cost less, better germ rate.
nirvana white rhino females are are worth cloning for production.

i've grown mr.nice seeds, black widow , never again. a waste, 1 out of 15 germed. the one female was not even worth cloning, i did and after several grows trashed it.

i like to get high, ,i never contacted shanti for a free seeds, trying his seeds cost me enough $75 and weed i didn't even want for free.

this is true!
Actually, I have absolutely no reason NOT to believe you. This has been the experience of quite a few members over the last couple years. From numerous varietys.
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Well-known member


white Rhino by Nirvana ..... :joint: :bashhead: :jump: ...

big bud, very resinus, very potent .... EARLY ...

everything is good in this PLANT ....

White Rhino by NIRVANA



New member
I've been growing White Rhino for over 2 years now...got the beans from a friend who was shutting down his room. After 3 grows, I moved on to other strains, but out of necessity I've got several WRs going now. I've never been able to find enough to read on the strain...how long does it need to flower?

I'm presuming that 2+ years ago, the seeds came from Nirvana...as I think that was the first bank to get 'em.

Thanks for the help,


always go with the original if you can afford it medicine man for sure but ive heard good thing about all of them so .... its all about the $$ i guess...