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Which way the wind blows.


very very good looking my friend and you take some damn nice pictures aswell!


Deer Problem, not any longer​
OH DEER OH DEER. Who Killed Bambi?
The following scenes may contain acts of gratuitive violence, greed, & blood. Please look away now if you are
of a sensitive nature, or a vegetarian

To all deer out there, if you eat my beautiful plants, you will die............. stoned.

Ok, heres a recipe for all you carnivorous geurrilla growers. The Deer involved in this recipe is for the smaller types of deer, ie Muntjack, Roe Deer, or in this case, Chinese Water. The larger types ie Red Deer are IMHO nearly indigestible, & are best marinated in red wine for days.
You will need 1 deer, hopefully stuffed with herb, you will know when it is stuffed, because its eyes will glow red.

150 grams butter,
Bouquet Garni, (stick of celery, carrot, Bay leaves, Parsley, Rosemary, Thyme. Wrap up with string.)
Onions Garlic.

Place venison in roasting tray, & smear with the butter, add garni, herbs onion garlic, season well with salt & pepper, I like pepper with deer.
Wrap completely with Baking Foil so it is sealed.
Place in a hot oven, after 15 mins, turn the oven down & cook till still pink in the centre. You can test this by sticking a skewer in the thickest part. The moment you stop getting red juice coming out it is ready. You should still see clear juice. Take foil off & brown in oven for 5 mins. Remove meat place on board & allow to settle for 5 mins.

Use juice to make a wild mushroom cream whiskey sauce.
Cooking Tips.
Betst served with things that it would eat in the wild, ie berries Redcurrants, roots/veg, Wild Mushrooms Potatoes.

Our smaller species of deer are delicious but you need to remember that they are a very lean meat, they have very little fat on them. Hence the addition of butter. It is very easy to overcook these deer, & they will dry out severly, hence wrapping in foil. If they dry out to much they become tough like leather shoes. You can ,if you like spear slither of garlic into the meat. Too much salt will dry it out further, better to add it on your plate. This venison is better underdone than overdone.
No red wine is necessary to cook with venison, most recipes call for red wine, deer has such a special flavour dont spoil it.
Enjoy infront of warm fire, with a nice glass or 2 of red wine,


CWD Fingaz :chin: Theres only two parts of England I have hunted those ;) I prefer Munties,but that roast does have my mouth watering :yummy:


Cool Buddymate, nice to hear someone aint offended by the sight of Bambi. Ive eaten Muntjack, theyre a bitch to skin, & are alot more gamey than Roe or Chinese Water deer. My favourite is Roe, it cooks like a Gammon & pinky, but got to say the chinese water deer is bloody marvelous, the females can have a lovely layer of fat under the skin, a bit like goat. Delish.... I will never cook venison with red wine again. Cheers BM Btw what does CWD mean? chronic wasting disease?
More cheese Grommet?


oh boy! one day we will sit together and eat some deer, i will bring some nice mushrooms for the sauce and some nice wine! and then we will toke your lovely buds afterwards in your libery


Sounds good to me Esbe, your always welcome & the boys. Chanterelle Pfifferling, Cep, Porcini, Boletus, Rotecappe, Steinpilz. Yum Yum. Bring it on, yes please, Deer, Wine, Smoke, mushrooms. Good company=Heaven.