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which non-digital timer to use


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They've got stuff like that already. VelVet is one of them, but I know I've seen a few others in the past.


Active member
These are not my pictures, but of Ignotius on TCC. This is what happens when you run too much juice off of something based on "ratings sticker":


Hey CT.........I`ve gotta show major respect for a timer board like that with all the emt flextubing and expert workup on the junction boxes along with numbered receptacles.....IMO.......There`s no room for bad advice or cheaping out on electrical......Overkill will always save your ass....I`ve priced flip-flop relays for yrs. and I just can`t bring myself to drop the cash.......I run flip rooms and they`d benefit me greatly but I`m too damn tight to spend thousands of dollars on inflated equipment prices.....I`ve seen numerous threads on howta do relays but I`ve got Lumenace and all of the other different colored Lumatek ballasts......Without hands on knowledge about digitals since I`m too paranoid to involve anyone else in my grow much less risk fuckin up THOUSAND`S of dollars worth of equipment I`m still in the newbster mode.......That being said....... I`ve always used the Intermatic heavy duty digital outdoor timers Pharmacan posted earlier about w/battery backup and I`ve never had a failure in over 12 yrs. useage.......Mechanicals can`t restart and compensate for the time lost thus why digitals are superior if the right sized and wattage rated units are used.....Don`t get me wrong..........I replace mine every 10 runs or so for insurance cuz they`re cheap and they run 24/7 but as a rule they`ve been the shit since the battery backup keeps the cycle inline till power`s restored.........I run 3-600`s in each 6x6 room and they`ve all got their own 20 amp breaker and HB88RC timer set 5 minutes apart to keep power surge down when starting the lights .....6 different timers for 6 lights.......Yeah.....I`m a damn dinosaur but my shit functions and moves from spot to spot pretty easily although I`m always jealous of the pre-built controller boards ...........Ya`ll take care..........DHF........ :joint: ........
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