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Which indoor hydro yield best?


BC Big Bud or BC God Bud. One of the two will be grown in an AeroFlo application. I'm looking for straight yield, no more. Any opinions are more than welcome. Thanks guys and gals. :tiphat:

EDIT: I realize that this is a very specific question so many have not grown these strains. Does anyone have any dealings with high yielding commercial strains?
Down, yeah ak47 is great smoke and good yielding but I had bud rot problems when grown in my aero type system. Buds just stack too tight and molded.
god bud will have about 70% the yield that Big bud will get, but the final product will be much better. if your doing single shoot aeroflow i would recommend either a NL strain or something on the kush heavy side. but if is just a choice between big bud or god bud, go with the god bud, those nugs are sooooo damn tasty
dial environment get a sativa Dom and veg to a Bush or tree then click with multiple watering a light cycle chem d or some diesel look into blockhead as well

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