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Which causes more deaths?

Which causes more deaths?

  • Wars

    Votes: 43 65.2%
  • Denial of medicine

    Votes: 23 34.8%

  • Total voters


I dunno which is worse - warmongers or big pharmaceutical companies. Who do you think is responsible for more deaths? I think big pharma is. The bottom line is that they KNOW just how medically beneficial Hemp is - and the Doctors too. This article here is well worth a read - it outlines the issues REAL doctors are faced with when it's your health they care about rather than the pockets of these fucked up corporations. Hemp treats such a wide variety of illnesses and malady's that it makes a huge swathe of pharmaceutical products absolutely useless and neither the corporations OR the doctors want to see it available for just this reason.

These type of doctors really sicken me. Their oath isn't worth a damn. They might as well have sworn an oath to fill their own pockets as that's more suitable given the current situation. We tend to think of doctors as kind human beings but the god damn awful truth is that they got into this whole business to make money and not to heal people. They're hearts as about as cold as they come, they are totally immune to the suffering of the average joe soap, and they live off people sicknesses like some kind of twisted leech.

I've lost count of the amount of times I've had to wait at the doctors office while some fucking sales rep was in there showing off his bag of goodies, recommending this and that and offering this commission for so many scripts of that and that commission for so many scripts of this. That these 'doctors' don't conduct this sort of business after hours and away from their place of business should tell us the kind of people they really are. They put their own business interests before the health of their 'customers'. We are not their patients - we're their fucking customers.

Imagine - we go to these people for help when we are most in need when 90% of these bastards really couldn't care less about helping us - care more about their nice fat bank account. "Take these pills, have some chemo, but don't under any circumstances try something that might actually be good for you if it means that we won't make any money." I think people really ought to take some sort of fight to these people as they are in fact the cause of more human suffering and human deaths than any war machine ever was. Looking to get these people to endorse the medicinal use of Hemp is a fools errand. We have to know - these people are in this business for the money and not to help people. The white coats may as well be fucking black and we need to see this. We need to wake up to the fact that they are there more to help themselves than to help the sick and the dying.
I doubt the denial of medicine has caused more deaths than wars have. Even if it does, what real statistics could you use to back up this argument? And can you even really prove in a lot of instances whether or not denial of medicine was the cause of death?


and where do you recommend I go for such statistics? To the same establishment that puts forward such notions that the medical industry is an honorable, angelic one? I am asking for opinion - not proof but I suppose I could ask you to prove that that the 'statistics' you seem to be so interested in are valid. You know, throwing statistics around doesn't constitute proof no matter what you think. It stands to REASON (you can reason I assume) that if they are denying us the potent medicinal benefits of hemp that they are also denying us other cures and basically keeping us all in as much of an unhealthy state as they can. Sickness is money to these people. Healthy people aren't worth a cent to them.


I'll take the word of people like Rick Simpson over some central statistics office any day.

Run From The Cure.

click Image for video
and where do you recommend I go for such statistics? To the same establishment that puts forward such notions that the medical industry is an honorable, angelic one? I am asking for opinion - not proof but I suppose I could ask you to prove that that the 'statistics' you seem to be so interested in are valid. You know, throwing statistics around doesn't constitute proof no matter what you think. It stands to REASON (you can reason I assume) that if they are denying us the potent medicinal benefits of hemp that they are also denying us other cures and basically keeping us all in as much of an unhealthy state as they can. Sickness is money to these people. Healthy people aren't worth a cent to them.

Your opinion poll is negligible. It really doesn't matter in the whole scheme of things because of the simple fact that it relies on people's opinions and not actual facts or any kind of tangible data. If you want to base your information off of opinions and/or opinion polls, then go right ahead. This poll is useless and your comments are full of assumptions and a tad bit of rudeness. I really wasn't trying to be a dick and if I came off as one I apologize. Peace.


Have we hit the point of going to war over the denial of real medicine?
That is why I think we are losing - even in California.


More people die each week in the US alone from simple untreated infections than each year in war. Who is to blame for this?. We the people are to blame. We are no different than the large corporations only the scale of our capitalism is smaller.
How many people on here bitching about the state of the nation vote in all of there local, state and national elections?. How many that do vote do so for there party?.
We the people have the power to change things but we care more about having economic growth than we do about our friends and neighbors. People die we say what a shame and move on. We lose our income and we cant buy what the corporations say we need and all hell breaks loose.
We only get what we the people allow the politicians and corporations to give or take from us. Replace skepticism with activism and we will have change. Peace


Your opinion poll is negligible. It really doesn't matter in the whole scheme of things because of the simple fact that it relies on people's opinions and not actual facts or any kind of tangible data. If you want to base your information off of opinions and/or opinion polls, then go right ahead. This poll is useless and your comments are full of assumptions and a tad bit of rudeness. I really wasn't trying to be a dick and if I came off as one I apologize. Peace.

Actual facts? Tangible data? If hemp oil cures cancer and all those deaths due to cancer could have been avoided then that 'data' would suggest that I am right. I believe that hemp oil does cure cancer so ....... here's some of those facts and figures facts and figures you're so hung up on.

from the world heath organization website
Lying Sons of Bitches said:
Global burden of cancer

Cancer is a leading cause of death worldwide. The disease accounted for 7.4 million deaths (or around 13% of all deaths worldwide) in 2004. The main types of cancer leading to overall cancer mortality each year are:

  • lung (1.3 million deaths/year)
  • stomach (803 000 deaths)
  • colorectal (639 000 deaths)
  • liver (610 000 deaths)
  • breast (519 000 deaths).
More than 70% of all cancer deaths occurred in low- and middle-income countries. Deaths from cancer worldwide are projected to continue rising, with an estimated 12 million deaths in 2030.

Now, me personally, I don't give flying fuck what the WHO says as they are instrumental in preventing us from having the medicine we deserve - our god-given fucking right - but let's all hope that the posting of such things make you a happy little camper. That's 7.4million deaths in a single year - how many die from wars every year? The scale of this issue is far beyond what people think it is and that's just cancer we've taken into consideration. What about Multiple Sclerosis - how many people die annually from this disease?

Now, you can throw your little tantrums all you want thoughtcollapse, you can say this is useless, that it's negligible, but that won't make it so. This is a serious issue that people, for the most part, tend to turn a blind eye to. No, it's not a nice thought - that our doctors might in fact be some of the dirtiest low-down sons of bitches ever to walk the face of this planet but if it's true then it's definitely something we all ought to be aware of. I, for one, do not see my children being a fucking 'figure' in some pricks moneybook and I think it's in everyone's interest that they wake up, smell the same mountain of bullshit and begin to see things the same way.

Not only is hemp oil a medicine that is applicable to wide range of ailments it is also something that can be grown easily by anyone who needs it. It's easy to see how much of a threat this actually is to big pharmaceutical companies. Why would we believe that they manufacture drugs that truly help us when they undoubtedly have a large role to play in the demonizing of hemp?

Nike make running shoes but they make them in such a way that they fall off your feet after a years use. It's not in their interest to produce shoes that last, is it? Yamaha make musical instruments - synths, drum machines & bass synthesizers - all things that could be rolled into one single machine but they're not about to do that, are they? Fuck no! Why do we think that big pharmaceutical companies are any different? Is it because they are charged with looking after our health and it's just unimaginable that they would do such a thing? It's not unimaginable. They DO fucking do it and yes - we suffer because of their greed. Not only are they forcing us to take medicines that cause more problems than they cure - they are preventing us from taking a medicine that does work. This denial of medicine has, in my opinion, caused way more deaths than all of the wars of the 20th century combined.


I used to work for a Big Pharma so I Know Warmongers are Worse.
Sure Big Pharma is greedy and wealthy beyond anyones imagination.
Warmongers are the reason you are in such a mess. At a time of anger weakness sorry silly decisions are just that and result in you going down the gurgle slowly but surely.
No magic no David Copperfield here.

Totah Sam

I used to work for a Big Pharma so I Know Warmongers are Worse.
Sure Big Pharma is greedy and wealthy beyond anyones imagination.
Warmongers are the reason you are in such a mess. At a time of anger weakness sorry silly decisions are just that and result in you going down the gurgle slowly but surely.
No magic no David Copperfield here.

Corporations (thanks to the SCOTUS) now run this country. They are the new warmongers.
You should have specified "in the US". Other countries have fantastic health care.

If you take into account people who are denied treatment due to no health insurance coverage, and those that can't afford doctors visits for the same reason, Denial of Health Care absolutely kills more in the US then war does.

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