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Where to put the $$? Advice welcome.


New member
First post, sup all.

I'm planning my first grow at the moment, and I'm working through materials, wiring, growing methods, etc. Ideally I'd like to keep my initial set-up costs around $500-700 max.

The highest priced items on my shopping list at the moment are a Lumatek 400W digital ballast plus HPS bulb/reflector, and a Vortex 4" inline fan.

Do I have the right idea in buying good lighting/ventilation for a first grow? Or am I going to encounter more costs later that will put me over budget? I realize that I could go with a cheaper ballast and cheaper fans.


Active member
my first grow i found myself going way over budget with nutes and hydro-related fitting plumbing, etc. so with that said id sugest getting some stiff black buckets and some GOOD SOIL. when money permits you can get some boster ferts, and additives, but the soil will sustain the plant when your budget is screaming NOOO!!!!!!
you have a great idea with the good gear idea, good gear will last a long time, and is generaly worth a few extra dollars.... that said why not a 600? price is usualy only 20-40$ more and the extra lumins will be worth it...

air-cooled hoods are super, i lost some cash buying 'cheap' used equip then 'upgraded' later... the daystar/radiant 6" is probably the best one around, unless you can find a silverstar. the rolls royce of hoods...IMO
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Active member
Yea your just gunna need a carbon filter and then a grow space and ducting... and a fan to circulate air... light fan and filter are the most expensive n a tent if you get one... if you only wanna spend that much maybe you should get a t5? seen those things pullin some weight on here... then you won't need the vortex either save u some money for now then when/if u wanna upgrade use the t5 for vegging :) yea n like digital says... dwc will save u some money
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Active member
you growing in a tent, closet what? u might not need a filter. but maybe u do.
whats ur normal temps? cooling? ur room have a/c?


New member
I'll be running a DWC set-up in a cabinet that's approx. 19.5"x40.5" and 55.5" high. I have more space accessible underneath as well but it'll probably be used to put the wiring, pumps, etc.

I intend to get a carbon filter but I haven't decided if I'll build my own yet. Def necessary, I think.

Temperatures will remain in the 70s for the next couple months, and probably won't exceed 85 any time during the year. No a/c at the moment.


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
synner said:
I have more space accessible underneath as well but it'll probably be used to put the wiring

Consider doing your wiring above the waterline. If you're doing 400 watts or less, check out the CMH thread before buying a lamp.


ICMag Donor
FreezerBoy said:
Consider doing your wiring above the waterline.

HAHAHAHA!!!!! GREAT POINT!!! gotta remember the "if" scenarios and better to play it safe


i just completed my first indoor dwc grow for about $700. 5 plants out of 10 female. finished exactly 4 months from seed germination. 3- 400w hid (2 hps1 mh in flowerering) 140ea, $50 mult port air pump, $150 4"inline fan and filter, $100 ionic nutes and liquid karma, $100 white widow and double gum seeds.
The smaller the space the more it costs to do it right.

I can see the attraction with digi ballasts but reliability is a yield booster too. The savings in buying a magnetic ballast (the resin sealed ones are silent) will cover the cost of a contactor (easy to diy) plus some extra meters. Also gives you the option of using CMH.

My priorities would be:

1) Ventilation. 6" duct fan and filter, acoustic ducting plus variac for speed control. Nothing more to spend on ventilation for years even if you increase the grow area further down the line and the filter will last a lot longer than a 4" one. There must be heaps of 4" fans gathering dust in growers junk closets.

2) Airpump. The quietest ones cost more and the more bubbles the better. Even if the water can't take any more oxygen the constant churning gives the roots a nft effect for explosive growth. One rule of thumb is 1 watt per gallon of res. I'd call that a minimum and would go for 4 watts per gallon. That said I've now quit the bubblers and gone over to hempy buckets. A much easier life for the cost of about 1 weeks veg time. You can go crazy trying to get all green plants with bubblers.

3) Meters. If you can't measure, you can't manage. I have a data logger that lets me see what's been happening re. temps and humidity minute by minute. Probably too pricey for a first grow but I'd take that plus a mag ballast over just a digi ballast. The EC meter can be left until you know what you're doing, measuring syringes are best for a new grower imo. A pH meter plus calibration solution and a min/max temp/humidity meter to show up any problems. (I've done bubblers without meters, they looked like shit but refused to die and still outproduced most soil grows, big airpump though.)

There are some great bargains on ebay for new old stock infra red thermometers. Measuring the top then the underside of leaves is valuable, you can point it at your bubblers and know the res temps etc. Wouldn't be without mine.

4) Genetics. Bagseed is the right price but the last thing you want is something that is trying to grow into the room above. you'll need to get something known to be shortish.

5) Nutrients. Anything advertised for hydro will work but most have too much nitrogen. Using the lucas formula will help keep them short. No bud boosters of any kind, you haven't got the height.

6) Lighting. Last on the list because it's the cheapest to upgrade. Bulbs need replacing so the cheapest will do at first, releases cash for more important things. A basic 400w hps system, ballast, bulb and reflector will start you off. Vegging under hps is not perfect but it does work, easy enough to get a mh or cmh later. Spending twice as much on a 400w lighting system will not get you twice as much yield first grow.
Read some threads in the organic soil forum. Might be easier for you, as this is your first grow. This way, you can also scratch the meters for the time being and concentrate more money on lighting, ventilation, nutes, ect. Good luck!


I spent less then $700, the only thing I had was the 6" inline fan and I could have gotten away with a 4" or a Stanley Blower. I still need a carbon scrubber but that is based on my grow size, you wouldn't need one as big as what I will need.

Lowes Kicks Ass!
Forget soil, go hydro!


New member
Thanks guys, that's a lot of information to think over!

Pharma Geddon,

Thanks for the rundown; that does help a lot in prioritizing, particularly with the fan issue. If I run a 6" fan, do I still need an oscillating fan inside? I'm not too clear on this.

Regarding seed selection, is something like Big Bud significantly easier to grow than say, the various White strains or is it mainly a yield issue? I'm probably picking up something from Nirvana and so many are listed as 'Moderate' in difficulty that it's hard to really choose one.


I took a look, and that's awfully tempting. It seems so much more foolproof than a beginner with little technical aptitude trying to go with hydro on the first grow. Plus my local store has pretty much everything I need in one place.

My only issue with growing in soil is that it's harder to conceal the grow and I assume it can get messy. The cabinet's in an apartment, and I also don't have a car (mostly public transport), so moving soil/bulky items might be a bit conspicuous unless I get a friend to help out (in which case that's another person that knows about the grow).
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Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
synner said:
If I run a 6" fan, do I still need an oscillating fan inside? I'm not too clear on this.
Depends on strain, garden density and RH. If your grow is really packed in a high RH area, yes. I've never used one but, my RH rarely goes over 40 and my hygrometer often simply says "LO" or less than 20%.

"They" say soil is easier but, the infirmary is loaded with soil grows with all kinds of problems. I just did my first DWC and it was a breeze.
Light,A/C's, CO2, Intake, Exhaust, Charcoal Filter, Beds, Pots, Soils, Medium ect...

Whatever you think you are going to spend I would say have at least the IDEA in the back of your head that there is no such thing as budget once you get HOOKED...LOL

I have $700 in NUTES alone!!!!

I'm hooked and you will be to once you see what your capable of...

First crop whatever you spend you should be able to double or triple your money back... Spend 10,000 you will get at least 20,000+

Remember you get what you put into it!!!

Good Luck GL
well i just started my first grow, its an ebb n flow setup with a 600watt cooltube. im runnin a 435cfm fan thru the tube and out the window box... my room is 5 x 5. i also just recently had to install a 5050btu air conditioner to help keep temps and humidity down (damn hot humid summer days) im pretty much growin in an attick so it was gettin pretty warm. i bought the cheapest ph and tds meters i could find to start out with, and got gallon sizes of all my newts. Right now im at about $900 invested with everything including construction materials down to the newts, lights and fans. I still need to get a carbon filter and another fan to scrub the room, so i figure im lookin at another $300 there alone to get a good filter... I havent even begun to think about c02 or any extra's like that cause ive been puttin every xtra cent into just gettin the basics up and runnin... The thing is i think i spent a little more than i had too but i tried to do it right the first time rather than rebuilding later. i think u might go over budget a bit if u want to do it right.
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If I run a 6" fan, do I still need an oscillating fan inside? I'm not too clear on this.

Yes you do.

Recirculating air is about the only thing in growing that isn't measurable. Have them swaying gently but not doing the funky chicken lol.

Try and keep some cash back, lots of nickel and dime expenses will turn up. I've ordered some tubular heaters as I've just managed to destroy 2 oil filled rads with a smartass mod. (Lights go off = humidity up. So lights-off heating needed in my damp cellar.) The spending never ends.

To summarise my original reply to you, with the first grow the priority is to only buy equipment that you will still be using in 3+ years time although the cheapo pH meters can be classed as consumables.

btw if you can't afford a variac straight off, the cheap dimmer switch style speed controllers do work but the buzzing makes them sound so very wrong. Once the variac has been bought, the dimmers work great on the internal fans so are still useful.

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