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Where to live???


Still Learning
Snook , i've lived north of Kingston 90% of my life , except for a short stint i did in Tampa Fla ..... you can have that humid oven they call Florida !!! :tiphat: lol
I actually love the winters here , but as i get older its getting to be a real PIA cleaning up that shit everytime it snows ! damn kids won't come do it for me either lol
my sister lives in Saugerties.. I had been riding that area both sides of the Hudson all my life... my sis says the RH has been murder there this year.. and she snow birds to Fla.. I have some other relative is Kingston they deliver water to the areas surrounding Kingston for swimming pools and other mass water requirements..
I do not miss southern NY... but that area around Kingston, Redhook, Hudson, etc. is some nice place in the summer..