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where to get Neem Oil in the UK?



Can anyone plz tell me where to get Neem Oil in the uk??
don't know if i have a problem but i noticed tiny little white worm/maggott looking things in the run off from my ak-47 clone when i watered last night any ideas??

DC. :D


resident slackass
if you cant find neem

if you cant find neem

i don't know anything about the uk but a couple things that would get rid of those worms. (they might be fungus gnat larva)


gnatrol- or any product that uses BT (bacillus thuringenensis subspecies israelensis)
this a live bacterial culture that is highly effective on soil born pests. if you can't find anything specifically for gardening i read a post where a guy was using mosquito dunks.
(same active ingredient) he would dissolve them in water and water it into the root system.


i assume you were going to use the neem as a soil drench. i've been using neem for years and only just recently heard of this method of application. do you know much about it? any insight would be appreciated.




Vapour, thanx m8 wheres that number for bro i just tryed it a few mins ago and got no answer?? is it SD?

MyBeans420, thanx for the info bud :D
and on the soil drench i was looking for info on that myself :confused: (i see no ones come back to you yet in your thread) anyone have a clue out there??? i will do some searching and if i find any info you'll be the first to know ;) oh and thanx for supplying my word of the day -bacillus thuringenensis subspecies israelensis- quailty lol :D

this will be my FIRST invasion from the insect world so i am a bit lost as to what to look for i can't see any damage on my plants and can't see anything in the soil?? just spotted these tiny weeny little larva/maggott things swimming around in the drain off, do you think it could be from my soil? i use all mix and it is stored indoors and the air comming into my grobox is filtered so i am a bit confused how the little fuckers got in there.....odd:confused:
i know biobizz say there are micro organisims (sp*) in the soil but that can't be where the little buggars are from can it?? :eek:


The Herbal Gerbil
Sorry, forgot the shop is not open on a monday. It's for Indoor Jungle Supplies, our hydro shop.

Have you actually identified the creature you have? This will help you find out if neem is actually the best thing to use. Often it's not.


resident slackass
vapours right

vapours right

neem isn't really the best thing for gnat larva.
gnatrol would probably work better.
B.T.sub I. is actually a disease that is highly effective on worms and caterpillers.
the way that nematodes work is also interesting albiet a little disgusting. they basicly crawl up the anus of thier pray and eat them from the inside out.
i've been doing some research on neem as a soil drench and what i've found is really quite interesting. turns out that neem has systemic properties when used as a soil drench. these qualities are effective for up to a month after application. i've been spraying it for preventative maintenance but i may have to give it a go as a drench to see if it's as effective as the spray.
i really don't like to spray anything but especially oils since they can clog the stomatas.
also, i've come across a product called NEEM COIR that's available in the uk from a company called ECO GROW . heres a link


i would ask vapour if they carry it first though. this link will at least give you some info on it.


thanx again ............

thanx again ............

thanx again vapour, mybeans420,:D :D
i think i will need to watch my clone and see if i can indentify what it is :confused: as i say i have never had any probs with bugs before..oh wait im lieing i had 1 greenfly sneak in once when i had the door open to water my plants :eek: lol,
i have had a look today and cant see anything? but the things were sooooo small in the tray i water in that untill they grow or do something i think its gonna be hard to identify i just heard that neem oil was a good allround insect killer which is safe, im gonna look around for some of that 'gnatrol' Vapour i don't suppose you know if IndoorJungleSupplys sell it do ya?? i'll give em a call tomorrow anyway, where abouts is the shop is it in surbiton aswell?? if so i'll just jump on a 213 2morrow as there are a few other bits i need (normally shop at growell) and if its owned by gyspy well thats good enough for me, didn't even know there was one in the area?:D (if it is)

thanx......and "bacillus thuringenensis subspecies israelensis" soz just had to say that word again...quailty :D
ahh simple mind simple pleasure's ;)



The Herbal Gerbil
I dont think they have it, we usually ask people to identify exactly what they have and then order the right product. I'm a great believer in natural control with other bugs and often recommend those but there is quite a range of liquid/powder treatments there.

Give them a call tomorrow and post a pic of the bug here in the mean time and we can see what you would be best off with.


resident slackass
oh, something else i wanted to mention. fungus gnats, (if that is in fact what you have) thrive in soil that is kept moist. if you let your pots dry out a little more between waterings this should discourage them a little. makes the enviorment inhospitable to them.
one sure fire way to tell if it is gnat larva is if you notice little black flies start to show up in the next few days.
did you just get this clone from someone else or did you root it yourself?


Vapour i only have access to my wife's XDA2 its a cam/phone/pocket pc type of thingy.....but its a work one and she works for the home office/m.o.d in a sensitive position :eek: and they are nosey bastards so i am still unsure if i should use it to take pics of my plants....plus then i would have to e-mail them to myself and then my e-mail addy would be in there aswell...which if they got a look at whats on my pc she would prob be sacked :eek: don't know if i am just being a paranoid twat but with things the way they are in the world i tend to think that the deptments she works for are prob keepin a close eye on things if you get me .......so no pics untill i can afford to buy one :(
if you should know of a sure fire way of deleting all that info then i will do it but everyone i talk to says you can never REALLY delete it?? whadda you think?

mybeans420, again thanx bro you really seem to know your stuff!
i rooted it myself so its been in the same enviroment since day one??
i'll keep my eyes out for little black flys over the next few days,
oh and i do let em dry to the bone between waterings??
im am getting more and more confused...what to do...what to do?
i think my best bet is to wait a few days and see what happens?


ps..vapour is the shop in surbiton or not?? would like to pop along anyway if it is :D


The Herbal Gerbil
The shop is just round the corner from the University. The address is

55 Surbiton Road
Kingston Upon Thames

Just off the A3.


resident slackass
no problem man,
i'm glad to help. been at it for 12 years but its always a learning experience. since you're going by the shop why don't you collect a couple specimens to take with you. i'm sure they'll be able to identify them.
just collect them in a small vial or something.


ah-ha ......

ah-ha ......

i see all under one roof superb i'll be winging your way over the next cpl of days, what i may do is wait till the next watering and if i see em again i'll see if i can take a pic with me polaroid and bring it in to get your opinion ummm........don't know if i will be able to pick em up with it tho ......umm mabey i can see if i can catch a few in a little glass jar and bring em with me...

anyway thank you vapour and mybeans you are both scholars and gentlemen <doffs hat> mucho respecto to you both for taking the time to help a clueless twit such as i am :D


EDIT-hehe mybeans great minds think alike was posting at the same time hehe.

again thanx


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