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Where to find a cheap pH/ TDS Tester Meter?

Hey guys I was wondering if anyone knew of anywhere in particular that has cheap Ph / TDS Testers. I've seen I few on e-bay ranging form 140 - 185 my local grow shops do carry them but are in the 200+ range :violin:

I was wondering peoples thoughts and is the TDS absolutly needed can i rough it by eyes an just have a ph meter? may sound like a stupid question but im new to the hydro game. :joint:

Thanks in advance everyone



JerryPakul said:
Hey guys I was wondering if anyone knew of anywhere in particular that has cheap Ph / TDS Testers. I've seen I few on e-bay ranging form 140 - 185 my local grow shops do carry them but are in the 200+ range :violin:

I was wondering peoples thoughts and is the TDS absolutly needed can i rough it by eyes an just have a ph meter? may sound like a stupid question but im new to the hydro game. :joint:

Thanks in advance everyone


Head over to discounthydro, wormsway. They have a few that will get you by till you can afford a better one. I've used them and they work better then nothing. They do the job and will last for a bit. I'll try and link you in a bit.

Here is a start.
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Hey Billygoat

Great links there thanks alot I'm going to look into those for sure. How long approx. did yours last you and which one did you have?

I plan to get a good one eventually but don't have the money to spend on it now these are some very good alternatives thanks again



Get two birds stoned at once
I have the milwaukee ph51, works well as long as you recalibrate it every so often (once a month or so for me).

DON'T forget calibration solution.

Edit: the PH 55 looks damn good for the price IMO.
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JerryPakul said:
Hey Billygoat

Great links there thanks alot I'm going to look into those for sure. How long approx. did yours last you and which one did you have?

I plan to get a good one eventually but don't have the money to spend on it now these are some very good alternatives thanks again


I've used the cheap Hanna checker, Primo. They lasted about a year, or till I bought a better unit and gave it to a buddy. I used to buy them off of ebay. They use to have allot of people selling them. Now, there are a few people, but they make you use paypal. I rather send in a money order, so there isn't a trail. Plus, I hate paypal.

Paypal only please. I hate those words.
Good luck,


If you google sunstone herbals that's where I bought mine... milwaukee cheapo and one of their cheap tds/temp meters. They've been working well for the past year, just make sure to keep your ph meter clean and moist and it'll last....

Uncle Remus

Fuck the meters...I used the GH dropper tester for a bout 2 years then decided to get fancy and buy a meter...Used it for about 3 months then went back to the dropper...So much easier, and foolproof to boot...Its cheap, supremely accurate, and so simple you could teach a blonde how to do it...Take a sample, 3 drops, shake, DONE...How much easier can it get?

No claibration fluid to buy, no storage fluid to buy, no batteries to replace, no electrode to replace, no cleaning elctrodes. none of that shit

I stick to the K.I.S.S. methodology...Keep It Simple, Stupid...Dropper is about as simple as it gets...1 $6 or so kit lasts me 5-6 months


dont waste your money on a cheap eice of equipment that is so important to your grow.
that said I love my oakton pens. separate ppm and ph: always accurate, easy to use and calibrate
worth every penny and you will have then for years
Hey thanks for all the responds everyone

Hypnos - Yeah i think ill be going this road till I can afford to buy better quality

Remus - Where do find these droppers? sounds quite easy and good for a lazy man such as my self :)

Jugdishe - I plan i purchasing a quality meters I just dont have money for it at the time


I went through 3 hannah meters and decided on a Milwaukee SM102. Its a PH/temp meter. If you look closely, some of the milwaukees have a +/- accuracy of .2 which IMO could be big. The SM102 has a .02 accuracy.

If you need to skimp now due to funds, at least get a PH meter or drops. I think TDS/PPM meter you can skip, just keep nute levels low.


Use the drops to monitor your Ph and start out low on the nutes and build up till the plants tell you no more. Meters are over rated IMHO. :spank:


I have a HM Digital TDS meter. It was cheap and has worked just fine for the last 9 months. I have no complaints.


yamaha_1fan said:
I went through 3 hannah meters and decided on a Milwaukee SM102. Its a PH/temp meter. If you look closely, some of the milwaukees have a +/- accuracy of .2 which IMO could be big. The SM102 has a .02 accuracy.

If you need to skimp now due to funds, at least get a PH meter or drops. I think TDS/PPM meter you can skip, just keep nute levels low.

and the top dollar units have a accuracy of .1 =/-. I've personally not had a issue with the cheap units. These units are just to get you by. Till one can afford a better unit. I support the better units, but if someone wants to see what ones PH number is. This is the route, and for the record. I alway keep a droplet PH kit around. They can save your ass. Just my opion and not worth much. Top dollar, 2-cents, lolol

Take care,
i use the drop tester from the petstore.works fine its just messy when you have to adjust the ph cause you have to mix in ph up/down poure into the vile and add a drop of test solution and then repeat until you reached desired ph level. again a lil more messy and time consuming(with the ph meter you could just dip it in adjust ph up/down if needed and dip again) but cheap($4.99 a kit) and basicaly foolproof like Uncle Remus said . just remember to always put the cap back on the solution bottle because if it gets contaminated you wont get a true/accurate reading

Uncle Remus

My last post was a bit harsh, my apologies

IMO the droppers are best for smaller, lower volume grows, like mine...I run 3 gal tubs for flower and 1.25 gal for veg...I find the larger the volume of your res, the more stable your ph readings are going to be

The pH fluctuates quite a bit in the smaller so I find I have to keep a closer watch on those especially with young clones...But after a few dyas the pH will settle down...The 3 gal on the other hand are very stable, and I use the pH readings to judge when/if my plants "want" a feeding...I check the pH mid week (I change nutes weekly), if the pH is high I add nutes, if its low or spot on then I simple add back pH 6.0 water...Super-fukin-easy, and the results are fantastic

The drop tester can be found at any hydro store...I personally use almost all GH products so I would have to endorse their's
Good to get all this input guys its much appreciated.

I'll be running 4-5 little DWC buckets, in a closet...pretty much the set-up pipeline uses.
I think iv decided to invest in a decent ph meter an just wait till I have money for the TDS. I have a pretty solid green thumb but it is my first go in these buckets so who knows maybe ill bite the bullet an pick up a cheap cheap one.

Once again guys thanks for all the advice


What Goes Around Comes Around. But Am I Comming Or
jugdishe said:
dont waste your money on a cheap eice of equipment that is so important to your grow.
that said I love my oakton pens. separate ppm and ph: always accurate, easy to use and calibrate
worth every penny and you will have then for years

How can we waste what we dont have have? Im just lookin for suggestion until i can afford to invest in a quaility pen.

I think ill just take yamaha an others advice. Keep using the drops and keep my nut levels low.

THANKS for the thread

And THANKS everyone for the replies.


Get two birds stoned at once
I just managed to break my ph51, but its served me well for a year so no worries and it was my fault it broke.

I just got a ph56 from milwaukee, says its accurate down to .05 so that should be good.

I think most all the EC meters work about the same, they aren't as complex as a ph meter since they just have two electrodes and maybe a temp sensor. Seems mine never needs calibration. You could probably get by easy peazy with a cheep $25 EC tester from ebay.

Now I need to go get drops from the pet store till it gets here :(