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where to buy CHEAP 5 gallon nursery pots


Active member
where is a good place to buy CHEAP 5 gallon nursery pots???...

been looking on CL but haven't found anything really


Actual nurseries around here sell them for about a buck a piece. They are used and you need to sterilize them but that ain't no thing.

Space Ghost

Do the aesthetic qualities of the pots matter? because if not just use buckets with a ton of holes drilled in em, about $2.50 a pop at casa de pot


Gotta love that classic home depot orange...

John Deere

Active member
I get them for free from my local grocery store. I noticed a few of them sitting around the bakery/deli so I asked if they ever had any extras and what they did with them. She directed me to the recycling bin behind the store and told me to help myself whenever I needed. I've picked up a dozen or more ranging from 1-6 gallons. They're all white food-grade plastic. I just wash them out well and drill some holes.


"It's just a flesh wound"
Do the aesthetic qualities of the pots matter? because if not just use buckets with a ton of holes drilled in em, about $2.50 a pop at casa de pot

Gotta love that classic home depot orange...

Agreed! OSH has the 5 gallon buckets for about 3.00 a piece, drill holes in the bottom and you're all set, they work just fine. :)

emerald city

aNY greenhouse supply company..In my area it would be " griffen's greenhouse supply" many sizes and varietys to choose..most places will ship..


*Stoned User*
Some restaurants use them and usually throw them out or will give them away. Burger joints are good bets to find em. I use them and like them better than most... theyre thicker and sturdier.


Since I live in a small town and the closest store is 130 miles away I bought a 100 of the 5 & 4 gal off ebay think they came out to about .50 with shipping