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when to take cuttings


Active member
Hey everybody this is my first hydro, this cut is a few weeks old,

and I want to know when should take clones, i need at least 10 to fill

out my lil cab which is 34" high 30" long and 19" deep. I'm runnig a

70 watt hps right now but the main lamp is a 400 watt with a 4"

inline fan connected to carbon scrubber. The cut is a G-13 Haze by

NYC Diesel aka "Raw Diesel" from DNA Labs, I saved it from three Fem

seeds I started but caught root rot. I'll definetely will appreciate all

the help I can get.


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Active member
You can take cuttings whenever you want. As long as there are cuttings to take, no problem.


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
I like 3 nodes on my cuts. Two above the cube, one inside. Consider LST on the Mom. Bending the tip over will cause lower growth to accelerate. More material to cut in less time.


Active member
OK, thnx Nicoli. I'm happy to hear I start taking cuts anxious to get

to finally start smoking sum Primo bud, and luv ur cab and drooled

on sum of your bud shots.

@ FreezerBoy thnx it is tied a lil can't see from the bad pic's, and

plucked a couple of fan leaves that were covering sum branches that

looked like, needed light, how bare can I leave it when I do take the



Active member
Alrighty then im going force my self to wait a couple more days, and

then im not going to be able to hold back, this a long time coming

for me, ya know. And I tied it up down a lil more too, even if have

too many clones I can pick a good mom hopefully.


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Active member
your mom looks real nice but still to small - be patient, give her a chance to produce so you can take 12 or 15 in the event some dont make it, the more you wait, the better your chance for success. how are you gona clone them?


in the thick of it
I agree with mk6. I'd wait a little bit and let her fill out. I've always heard that you don't take more then 50% of your mama. Take more then you need in the case that some dont make it.


Active member
Yes, yes, things are looking good I think, lots of new sites are popping

up. I was thinking I should let the new sites get at least those three nodes Freezer Boy said he waits for, and

then I could flower this plant out and take a cut for a new donor to be.

Because I now see if I take the cuts now the branch will be bare and

and wasted space, or will it make my tops grow stronger, I wonder.

the first two pics are before I tied them up sum more. Plus I went from half

strength Lucas veg formula to full strength 10 ml micro, 15 ml grow,

5 ml bloom. I want it to take off which it already is. its like looking at a

time lapsed video every time I open the cab literally.


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Active member
Ok peoples in four more days I'll be

Taking clones was going to do it

tonight but I'm going do like MK6

And DubWise said and let it fill out

Sum more, actually in my case

stretch sum more. Had right under

the 70 watt but I lowered it so it can

Reach for the light. I'm going to

flower the mother and keep a clone

for a new mother. Here's my new

piics and I got my own root porn lol


Active member
she looks real heathy - roots look great, good of you to wait hopefully you'll get a bunch.


Active member
Well folks I'm going give this cloning

Mess a shot, took nine cuttings today

With any luck I hope to suceed. I'm

going to use a bubbler with a seedlin

Heating mat so if anybody's rooting

For me cross your fingers bcuz here

We go.

Can I use net pots in this cloner with

hydroton to clone, I'm short on

things and I want to use wat I got.


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
Never heard of cloning in Hydroton. I'd go naked stems with neoprene pucks before hydroton.

That's a lot of leaf material. Supporting that kind of mass requires roots and D'OH we gots none. I'd trim those leaves myself.



Active member
Shout out to FreezerBoy, for

Supporting my DOWNLOW Freedom

I trimmed my bottom foilage but frm

The looks of you're pic I need to trim

More off the top. Plus I misted them

And covered them, they now look

and feel soggy should I remove the

Dome and see if they stiffen up. Any

Help is good help this is my first

Clone project.


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
Domes may be the single largest division amongst cloners. Many say domes and 100% humidity are absolutely required. I say domes are death incarnate and have cloned dome free as low as 15% RH (according to the local airport, my gauge reads LO below 20%) with no misting at all. If my clones want water, let them build roots.

If you find you need RH, domes or mist, carry on. Whatever gives you roots is the right way. HOWEVER, these will require you to wean the plants off the need for RH that you trained them to need. Personally, I was losing 60% and more which is why I learned to root without them. Raise lid slowly over several days while decreasing the amount of misting to increase the survival numbers.


Active member
That's good info for me, thanks, my

next questons coming soon hopefully
Will be for flowering and how many

Clones should I use to fill out my cab.


Active member
yep domes are a tuff one, they work' but at the same time, you need to acclimate your babes out of them, b/c when you take the dome off, the leaves curl up cuz its so dry out... I have stopped using it entirely, and my success rate went back to %100 - I also do my cloning (n growing) in coco now - it works for me...

" how many Clones should I use to fill out my cab. "

hard to believe, but less is more... factors to consider...
how much stretch they do... how much light will penetrate below the canopy and of course how long you veg-m, just a couple ?s to consider.

if you havent already' post pic's or dementions of your cab n set up.

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