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When to plant?



When is the best time to plant in the northern hemisphere?

I know there is a thread on this, can someone point me in the right direction?


There is a thread that has to do with the moon ect... Does anyone know what it is?


Really, no body can remember that thread that tells you when to plant according to the moon and ect???

Ive been looking everywhere and i cant find it.


What are you trying to tell me with this link... Sorry but thats not what im looking for.


the top right has a link to the how to garden by the moon thread, the blums link in the post has info in a simpler format

I tried to help, sorry if I gave you bad info. I ain't trying to mess with yer head :)


Oh thank you, thats about what i was looking for. Does anyone know when the moon is in cancer this year?


any seasoned growers out there have an idea of when YOU are planting? any responses appreciated.



I use this calculator to figure out when daylength is 14 1/2 hours and rising to start seeds outdoor.
For starting indoor, match the lights on period to the time you plan to set them out to prevent reveg/stalling.

I already have an early few set out to try though.

Hope it helps out.


OverGrow Refugee
start mine on or around March 15 inside...have them sexed by May 15 and plant outside on June 1...

WooHoo! I love seeing these threads, it means were getting close...... I can't wait for the "is it to late" ones :laughing:

Depends where you're at, and the weather ;)

The Bulk

any seasoned growers out there have an idea of when YOU are planting? any responses appreciated.

Start on May 7th here for big plants with pots that plants wont be/get root bound (7-10 gallons for best results).All the way up to middle of june for fast flowering and getting away with smaller pots.

The later ones "with good root production" will surprise ya on how fast they will catch up to your older plants.Sunlight is the major factor,more the better.

D.S. Toker. MD

Active member
My last frost date is the last week of april, but if its been a cold wet spring, the soil may still be too cool. When my wifes meat thermometer tells me the soil is 65F or better, then i plant. Its been a negative for me to plant in cold soil -it causes shock and delay.

Mulching in the spring is a big mistake in my book.

It shades the soil around your plant and prevents the sping soil from warming up. Cannabis needs warm soil. Tomato growers,(requires soil temps similar to cannabis) have discovered they get much faster spring growth by placing clear of black plastic around their plants which kick soil temps up.

Wait until the meat thermometer reads "70" before applying mulch.

Many soil applied nutes arent functional below 70f.


Well-known member
Done Already

Done Already

any seasoned growers out there have an idea of when YOU are planting? any responses appreciated.

I put a few that will regrow in late January. I have already planted the rest of my my Sativas 4 weeks ago. My Indica crosses were put in a week ago. All my house plants are off and running. I should be done planting my cane grow by July.

All from seeds, With the short days the house plants should all declare by late May. I take my first harvest off the regrows in early May. Then four months of summer sun.

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