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When to move seedlings to Greenhouse?


Active member
Ive started late this year and had a disaster as my two tiny seedlings were put in the Greenhouse and I think the excessive heat here Central Europe has killed them. I think I put them too quickly in the greenhouse. So how long should the plants be grown indoors on the windowsill (or do I need lights) before putting them in the Greenhouse? Im a dumbass. Last year I had great results dont know what the hell has happened.Is it too late to be germinating seeds in Central Europe? cheers....

2 Legal Co

Active member

You can use the link above to determine your 'light' window. Just put in your latitude.

Go to the local weather statistics to see when/what your temps might/will be. You don't want your girls to be going into bloom when it's really hot.

It sounds like your seedlings weren't 'hardened off' properly, and that big bulb in the sky burned them up.......

or you really did have too much heat in the GH and didn't provide enough ventilation to lower the heat levels sufficiently... and it cooked the seedlings.

By the way: the third edition of IC Mag on line has some good info on when how to do it.

Do a bit of research for your location and the answers will be apparent.

enjoy the growing