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when to harvest?


Active member
dude I wouldn't pull that until the day before u move out.. and dry it when u move out.. to be honest.. patience is your best friend when growing cannabis.. unless u want to waste time growing some bud u coulda purchased on the streets.. get yourself a 60-100X microscope an check your trichomes.. . research the effects of clear.. cloudy and amber trichomes.. and then pull those bitches.. when the high matches what your looking for in your home grown.. I figure.. if im growing bud that im smoking.. I want it to be EXACTLY the way I like it. if im impatient like I was wen I started.. u end up wasting time and getting crappy buds..

also.. dry as long as possible.. and since u haven't grown a lot.. don't trim till its dry this will slow down the dry and allow for a better smell and taste..

ya there tiny and u could dry that in a single tote.. so I wouldn't pull till right before I moved.


Ok, but how can I avoid people smelling it while I am moving it?

I guess I could stick it into a bag and come late at night and hope I don't bump into anybody ^^

Thing is I would have liked to have it dry and at least curing to minimise smell so that I do not have any problems at the new place - - at the place I currently live smell is not a problem.


How can I edit my post, I do not see an option?

So, I just checked with a Microscope (I have a very expensive 20x one and a cheaper 60-100x one).

I have read about trichomes.

The vast, vast majority of the trichomes are cloudy by now, and one two of the plants some are even amber (though not many admittedly).


I appreciate the advice JointOperation, but I think I am going to ignore it and go ahead and cut them and begin drying in three days....

I can get some new plants going in the new place again, and this is my first grow so it doesn't need to be perfect and I hope to learn from it :)

Do you think the buds will be crap judging by the pictures? I actually think they look quite good at the moment, although admittedly they could probably get a bit better :V


Active member
I checked out the trichomes with 20x and 60x, and while lots of them do appear cloudy, a lot also appear to be clear...

I will wait one more week ;)


My exact response. The trichs tell you when its ripe enough. So does pistil degradation.
It seems plenty ready to me.
I might wait a week or so to get some extra couch-lock and maybe a few more grams but nontheless it looks ready to be smoked.


Hey all,

So I have a new problem :(

The weather just decided to go crazy and it will be raining the next few days, but I need to harvest.

I do not have a dehumidifier and cannot afford one at the moment....the humidity is high though at around 78% with Temperatures around 23-29 degrees C.

What can I do to get the moisture out of the air, I will be drying by hanging up in a cardboard box.
Heat up a closed space, the humidity will go down drastically.
If its an option an air conditioner usually have a "Dry" mode.


Active member
Yes, if you starting to see amber trichs, go ahead and harvest. Use AC to lower the humidity. You'll need to keep the house closed up to accomplish that. Good luck. You're gonna have a nice stash very soon. -granger


Active member
I don't think it is funny, and it worked for quite some years.
I never transplant after the 3rd week and I never got rootbound plants after that stage that weren't rootbout before.


Neither have I
and you can flower in anything and the rootbound doesn't reslly effect the plant much except stunt the growth/height.

In my experience
That is a shitload of effect if you ask me.

Rootbound plants don't yield nearly as much, but the case should be fixed before putting the plants in flowering, and definitely not after the 3rd week as it is too late.
If the plant will send roots at this stage the flower formation will be stunned and that is way more important if you ask me.
If there was no problem up to the 3rd week you can be pretty sure (unless its a VERY hardcore sativa) it will be just fine until harvest.


Hey all,

so I just harvested the first plant, one of the small ones....tired from trimming took me ages.

I have two questions:


I bought this like....dehydrating thing that uses like powder or something to suck the humidity out of the air-- can I put it directly in the drying area will it damage my buds?


I noticed lots of seed pods on the plant that I harvested...and I even got one single seed from it (only one, no others)--- was the plant a hermaphrodite?

Thanks again :)


and add a third question to that:

My biggest plant has powdery mildew :( ! I just noticed today so it must have only happened recently, I just milk sprayed it a few hours ago, it looks good now.

I am about to harvest it-- should I dry those buds separately from the others?

Thanks again!


Active member
That mildew on the leaves won't affect the drying buds once its been chopped. It doesn't technically have to be a hermaphrodite. Female plants can create pollen sacs, which will pollinate itself and other females around. This can be brought on from the plant being over-ripe, stress or light leaks. The result of these seeds will be all female plants from seed. You may have just got your first feminized seed, but if you grew outdoor or moved them outdoor during flowering for any period of time. It was more than likely stray pollen from a local grow in your area. I will be looking forward to your final yields (wet & dry) and a smoke report hopefully. Keep it green...


Cool mate, thanks for the answer, I kept the seed and will definitely be planting it :)

I was moving them between out and indoor, outdoor whenever the weather was good enough, indoor the rest of the time...it is possible that someone in my area is growing :D Glad the seed will definitely be a female!

Just chopped everything, will gladly give a report on the dry yield (too late for the wet, and I do not have a scale yet ;) ).


Active member
Cool mate, thanks for the answer, I kept the seed and will definitely be planting it :)

I was moving them between out and indoor, outdoor whenever the weather was good enough, indoor the rest of the time...it is possible that someone in my area is growing :D Glad the seed will definitely be a female!

Just chopped everything, will gladly give a report on the dry yield (too late for the wet, and I do not have a scale yet ;) ).

If it was the only seed, chances are its fem. If there were more seeds but that was the only mature seed, it happened when you brought her outside and you got a 50/50 chance. Stray pollen can spread for miles with the wind. That's what always seem to seed my outdoor grows, even with every male killed at 1st sight (which normally isn't many).

A little postal pocket scale can do the trick when in a pinch and they're real cheap. $2-4 bucks at most gas stations or stationary stores.

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