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When to harvest!?!?!?!


Medical Test grower. Inquire within...
Screw Rick and HC.com.

This thread lives even without their asses.

The perfect harvest time is hard to say ...

Some areas of the plant will finish before others. When they do, the THC begins to degrade. So what happens is, fresh THC is being produced in some places while it is degrading in others ...

Most growers use what is called the law of diminishing returns. It's pretty simple really. When it appears that more degradation is taking place than fresh THC is being produced, they're done ...

How do you tell ? - It's half instinct, and half careful observation. As they near the finish, watch them closely with a magnifying glass. You'll see the glands on the leaves and pistils forming and filling up with resin ...

As they become full and begin to degrade, they turn amber in color. When you begin to notice more glands turning amber than new ones forming, you've reached the point of diminishing returns , then chop those babies down ...

When the pistils are 50 % brown , red , gold etc , etc , this only means that the plant is entering into the phase of maturing


Medical Test grower. Inquire within...
get a scope from radio shack.... 60x-100x lighted
they have a nice one for 9.99 or less at RADIOSHACK



Medical Test grower. Inquire within...
The black circles are Amber
The red circles are Clear
The green circles are Cloudy


Medical Test grower. Inquire within...
finally back to its origional glory! No thanks to Rick and his asshole mods. Skitzo63 is the rat hes at hc.com


Medical Test grower. Inquire within...
just got my scope it is great just make sure to get good batts. it eats power like a 1000w bulb lol

Sorry if this thread seams pieced together but Im taking it back from a theif. :)

yes I love my scope I will get to try it out for the first time. I mean really work this Bitch!! I thought no sence cutting off crystal covered leafs and looking every few days I'd wait till about the last 2 weeks then start looking. I also thought that it was about time to bring this bad boy out because Ill need it soon and Ah.
Its a sticky. My very own sticky. Wow. Thanks Admins and Thanks to all the members that rated this and hopefully we can help these new growers out!!

Yeah I have seen these buds with my own eye with my last grow. I left the seeds to finish about 2 weeks longer then the rest of the buds. I can tell you its looked like a regular bud but most all the hairs were dead and turning orange. It looked like it had an amber tint to the whole bud. Its smoked way less potent also. I'll be on the look out for that pic and will add when I find it if I do.

quick questions...

Dry or moist medium? Might water make them swell or would no water make them potent? Does it even matter? They're going to be dried anyways!

Beginning or end of day? Some people keep thier plants in 48 hr darkness before they cut?!?

2 things I'd care to know when the time comes

Well dry or moist I did notice better smoke with the one that was dry. But I think make it as dry as you can but still moist. Take them down on lights on. You dont want them storing light energy. They will just try to grow more green plant matter. I say leave then in dark for last 2 days if you want then to finish faster or more completely.


Medical Test grower. Inquire within...
Shortening the light period incrementally from 12 to 8 hours in the last 2 weeks is best to augment resin production and to avoid typical sativa reflowering.

here is a little tip from Nirvana!

here info on the radioshack scope....

I got ya sorry this is a little late. Ok it held behind the counter too many thefts. yeah buddy. ok heres the model # so you can order on-line if needed. #:63-1133

The RadioShack Illuminated Microscope magnifies objects so you can see the finer details. View butterfly wings, the design of a leaf or a thread of hair up close. It's an ideal gift for nature lovers!

Illuminated Microscope$9.99 Brand: RadioShackCatalog #: 63-1133 Model: 63-1133

• 60-100× magnification • Size: 50×18×81mm • Adjustable focus and zoom/td>• Light with on/off switch • Includes carry pouch and bulb replacement tool • Requires 2 “AAA” batteries

one last tip...
I will tell ya clip a little bit of a leaf off and place it on white paper you'll be blown away at the ease of viewing all the techs on the leaf.
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Medical Test grower. Inquire within...
Yeah I though it was. I had a 10 page sticky at another site that decided to let mods bann users. Bad choice. Power mongers. I felt I must try to recreate this holy grail to help others.... :wave:


Medical Test grower. Inquire within...
140 views looks like I was able to help some people. Im glad. Share the info. Free the Pot.

I get tired of seeing these threads is my plant done yet? So here ya go joe.


Great info. I've been looking for that picture for awhile (the one with clear/cloudy/amber/50%). I've heard about people harvesting individual buds at different times, to have more control over the type of harvest and to allow all sites to fully develop. What are your thoughts on this method? I was thinking this was my best option for my first harvest since it would allow me to try many different harvest times with few plants to fine tune what kind of trichs and coverage I want for future grows.


Medical Test grower. Inquire within...
I agree. This is the method first timers should use to find out what type of high a plant can offer and what suits them best.


Active member
ok quick question - you said harvest during lights on and then you said 48 hours darkness, so which is it?

48 hours of darkness - harvest at the end of the 48 hour dark period
normal lights on lights off schedule harvest at the end of the lights on period


Medical Test grower. Inquire within...
harvest at light on for a plant with less moisture in the buds. This fluid goes into the root at night. So cutting plant before it starts to suck that fluid back up will keep them less harsh and they will dry faster. This is for a propetural harvest where u cant put all plants in 48 hours darknes. As some arent done yet and need to flower longer.

Now if your looking for that last bit of magic to happen and the resin glands all finish with that more of a couch lock kinda high.

Hope that makes sence. :wave:


Active member
So if you put them in 48 hours darkness cut at the end of the 48 hours or do you need to turn back on the lights to get the plant to release some of that moisture?


Medical Test grower. Inquire within...
cut at the end of the 48 hour peroid. BEfore the plant sucks up what waters and nutes are left in the soil and roots.


Medical Test grower. Inquire within...
i have had the recent thought that if you leave the moisture from the plant more oils might be there. Which would help with your yield weight. :jump: so harvest about an hour after lights on
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