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When to harvest this strain?


Hello people. Most don't know me but some do. Wallyduck does and I really hope he sees this so he can give me his imput but all answers are greatly appreciated.. Anyway....here goes.
I am growing some kick ass duckfoot X webbed indica from Wallyduck himself and I have a problem. Now I know this strain is potent as hell as I am smoking some inmature buds from a couple of branches that the dogs broke off in a some heated play a couple of weeks ago and it's putting my ass on the couch real quick.:D Anyway....These plants have been flowering for about 8 to 10 weeks now and I have a problem deciding on when to harvest. The hairs look nothing like they are ready for harvest. 90% are nice and plump and white as hell. There isn't a copious amount of resin either but like I said about the potency...:D anyway...if I go by the 30X to 100X radioshack hand held microscope it's time to harvest. There is a mix of red and cloudy trichromes with little to no clear trichromes. Now harvesting would allow me to get some sleep for a change (worried about rippers) and would really make me feel better but I don't want to miss out on any yeild either. The thought of missing out on some of this kick-ass weed doesn't sit too well with me. What would you do? Any suggestions or ideas are welcomed. TIA


gidday buddy , glad to hear your plants are up to expectations .. i often find they ripen from the bottom up , a little diff to many other strains ... perhaps it may be an idea if you have more than one to harvest on now and one in a week or 2 and see if that has mad e any diff to the smoke ,.. i spose it will come down to personal preference , but be a lttle careful and watchful as they sometimes throw out the odd banana late in maturation ... ill find you a pic ..


this one was an indica pheno and was picked a week after this pic was taken , nice strong weed ...


Active member
hey racefan arent you from natures high? man that was the first grow forum i ever posted on i remeber your grows along with feral's and gm714 were quite an inspiration i used to post on there alot, ill stop by sometime and give my regards to the group


Sorry for taking so long

Sorry for taking so long

My hard drive took a dump on my only PC. I have borrowed my wifes laptop until I can fix mine. Hers isn't the fastest with only a 1.2 gig hard drive in it.
Well I barely beat the rippers to my patch and because of obvious activity I decided to harvest all of them. Maybe it was my growing style or region but I noticed high leaf to bud ratio. I got between 11 and 14 ounces off one big mother and 4 clones that I got off of her. I am not sure of total weight as I don't own a scale. I filled 11 canning jars full and all 11 were fairly well packed to the top. This seemed to dry real fast (too fast for my taste) but the smoke is kick ass tasting and potent as hell too. My wife and I have been sharing the same cone for 3 days now.
I have to say thank you to Wallyduck. The beans he grew are top notch and worth a lot more than the cost. I wish I could have bred for seed so that I could continue to grow this strain but I just don't have the resources. Maybe someday I will gather enough extra cash to purchase more. I really wish that the duck would grow indoor. I could have bred for sure then. Thank you very much for your assistance wally. You've been a friend as well as a great inspiration. I hope all is well with you and that it stays that way. Keep breeding amigo. You hve a talent for it.
I almost forgot smokateer...Yeah it's me. The one and only.:) I've seen you at NH a couple of time lately. Thanks for visiting. I came here because I needed professional advice. I figured the breeder of the strain I was growing is about as professional as I could get.:D

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thanks racefan , glad your enjoying the smoke , i too have some sitting beside me , the smelly stuff it is .. .lol ,,kicks my arse aswell , gonna make some good hash out of it soon ,,, take care buddy and keep a growing ...


Duck Hash

Duck Hash

I just ran some of my trim through my 3 bag bubble bag kit and got about 4-5 grams of some kick ass bubble hash. The duck makes killer hash. It has its' own perfumey smell and taste and is very inviting.:) I love the stuff and am always in trouble for bogarting(sp?) it all to my head.:D I must tell people that they shouldn't throw away their male ducks either. I used the leaf and flowers from a male and made buzz butter. This male was about 7 foot tall and 2 foot wide when I harvested it and I dried it and then cooked it for 24 hours in a crock pot with 2 sticks of butter. The result is so potent that 2 regular cookies will make you comotose :) for several hours. Overnight even.