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When to add nutes ?



This is in a peat pellet ,

and it has had nothing but water

the roots are stating to work its way through the net ,

is it ok to give it some nutes now ?

like maybe 1/2 strength or 1/4

or do i still need to wait a while ?

thanks everyone .

Click on the pic to enlarge them



Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
transplant that into a 20oz cup. with some good soil. That should feed the plant for a few weeks you can use a foliar feed here. I dont start feedings between 2nd or 3rd week or if I see they need it.
What he said, and yeah There will be a bit f growth till you need to even think about nutes. Right now that plant has everything it needs to grow, you will see the small round leafs at the bottom starting to go yellow then feed then very low ppm.


I hold El Roacho's
libby - Are you sure that's a root and not a urainium rod from japan? :)
Are You Insane Cold Hearted ese` To even joke about such a World Tragic Devistation them poor people of Japan are going through right now and to joke about shit like that!!

You couldn't give me any good reason to even come up with even thinking of something that horrific to say wether it was a joke or not vato, thousands of people died, entire schools with little children drowned and washed away, peoples homes, families, entire villages and now hundreds of thousands of people and their businesses can never return to the sites were their homes and businesses were for years due to the radiation fallout and to me that comment should be removed :no:

Have a little humanity and keep tasteless jokes like that to yourself....


Are You Insane Cold Hearted ese` To even joke about such a World Tragic Devistation them poor people of Japan are going through right now and to joke about shit like that!!

You couldn't give me any good reason to even come up with even thinking of something that horrific to say wether it was a joke or not vato, thousands of people died, entire schools with little children drowned and washed away, peoples homes, families, entire villages and now hundreds of thousands of people and their businesses can never return to the sites were their homes and businesses were for years due to the radiation fallout and to me that comment should be removed :no:

Have a little humanity and keep tasteless jokes like that to yourself....

...so to soon?

To address the subject at hand. What I do is
1)germinate to decent sized tails (24-48 hours)
2)plant in 16 oz beer/party cups(2-4 days to pop above soil)
3)about 2 weeks later(or when roots can be seen at bottom of cup drainage holes) transplant to 6'' pot
4)About a week later(pending on soil used for transplant) they need a feeding. I give 1/4 strength veg nutes( high N, lower PK)

Step 4 I like to catch as the cotyledons yellow up and before the next set of leaves start to yellow. This is usually about 2-4 weeks after seedlings have sprouted

A big mistake new growers make is over fertilizing or fertilizing to soon. You have to act accordingly to the plants response to environment, conditions, watering, feeding, ect. In other words, watch for symptoms of stress such as heat stress, nute burn, root bound, under and over watering. Thats what having a green thumb is all about, a natural ability to communicate with your plants and keep them happy or in tip top shape :plant grow:
Tender love and care my friend


Are You Insane Cold Hearted ese` To even joke about such a World Tragic Devistation them poor people of Japan are going through right now and to joke about shit like that!!

You couldn't give me any good reason to even come up with even thinking of something that horrific to say wether it was a joke or not vato, thousands of people died, entire schools with little children drowned and washed away, peoples homes, families, entire villages and now hundreds of thousands of people and their businesses can never return to the sites were their homes and businesses were for years due to the radiation fallout and to me that comment should be removed :no:

Have a little humanity and keep tasteless jokes like that to yourself....
Agree'd. It's only been a couple weeks.

Show some sympathy...


I hold El Roacho's
This thread Isn't about starting a pissing match but just have a little humanity for people who lost familia members and little kids and entire villages and deaths reaching tens of thousands, let's be real I just think joking about shit that bad even though it wasn't a huge joke shouldn't have been mentioned, we do have members from Japan here so show some respect is what I'm saying nuthin more..